In this episode of the Epic Outdoors Podcast Jason Carter and Adam Bronson talk with Jarrett Deuling of Deuling Stone Outfitters. This month we are giving away a fully paid for Yukon Moose hunt with Deuling Stone. Deuling Stone is one of the premiere Yukon Moose hunting operations out there. This hunt is a dream hunt for most hunters. In this podcast we talk about the hunt and how to get entered to win. Jarrett also talks about the experience a hunter might have on this hunt. We also share some crazy hunting stories that you might expect from an outfitter living and working in such wild and vast country as the Yukon.

Disclaimer: this podcast has been transcribed from the original audio and likely contains errors. This transcription does not reflect the views and opinions of Epic Outdoors LLC. Please consult the original audio with any concerns.

00:00:02:10 –> 00:00:04:22
It’s an immense amount of country that you’ve got up there.

00:00:05:05 –> 00:00:07:26
Most of ’em have never even heard a human call before.

00:00:08:11 –> 00:00:11:10
It’s hard to comprehend until you just get up there and see

00:00:13:01 –> 00:00:14:10
Anything to do with Western Big Games.

00:00:17:20 –> 00:00:18:04

00:00:18:04 –> 00:00:21:09
To the Epic Outdoors Podcast, powered by Under Armour.

00:00:23:05 –> 00:01:28:02
Hey everybody. Jason Carter here with Adam Bronson here at the Epic Outdoors Podcast. Got a super special guest, a guy that we, we’ve known for years and, and have a ton of respect for Jarret dueling of Dueling Stone Outfitters. Anyway, super excited to get into the middle of it with him, but before we do, we do wanna throw a shout out out there to Under Armour and for all their supportive Epic Outdoors and some of the different programs that we’re involved with them and different projects. I’ve been involved with them for years and years with the Ridge Reaper TV show, as well as other things that they’ve wanted to, to do with us. And so just su super appreciative of them and all that they do for Epic Outdoors as well as the hunting community and, and everything. So anyway, appreciate them. And then also just wanna remind everybody that here at Epic Outdoors, we do a monthly publication from December through June, and then after that it’s a bimonthly publication for nine total issues a year covering all the Western states, including Canada, Alaska, and Mexico as well, as far as the different hunts that are available and work with different outfitters.

00:01:28:02 –> 00:01:28:08

00:01:28:15 –> 00:02:17:15
This podcast is with Jart dueling owner of Dueling Stone Outfitters. This is the outfitter that we purchased, a fully paid for Alaska Yukon Moose this September, the last two weeks of the month, September 17th to the 29th. And the peak of the Rutt, you can get in the drawing only two different ways. One is to either join our service by April 28th or refer a new member. If you’re a member already and you have a family member, a friend, somebody that wants to join our service, refer that member to us. You’ll get a name in the hat for that. That’s the only two ways you can’t buy tickets. It’ll be given away to one lucky winner on Saturday, April 29th. The deadline is 28. So get your membership in or refer somebody by that date. If you

00:02:17:15 –> 00:03:11:12
Have three or four friends, you know, they can all join. They all join. You’ll get that many tickets in the hat. So, super excited to give this away. You know, it’s something easy if they just call in, they can call in or join online. Just make a note in the notes box that, that you refer ’em. Great. It’s really easy. Takes no time at all. Like Adam said, can’t buy your way in. So there’s not that many tickets in the draw, so to speak. It’s gonna be fairly good drawing odds. And Adam and I have been on this hunt, had an incredible experience with doing Stone, also hunted sheep up there, stall sheep slash stone sheep with them and killed a fan. And they’re a great group of guys. One of the best that we know, they’ve averaged incredible size on Moose. You know, some years he hesitates to say, but I mean it’s upwards of 68 inch type bulls. It’s just an unbelievable opportunity for, for one of our members. We’re so excited to give it away. So,

00:03:11:22 –> 00:03:39:07
Yep. One thing to point out is this isn’t something we got given to us by Jarret. We bought this hunt full price, what, two years ago or so, Jason? Yeah, and we pay full price. We know how far in advance Jarret books out, especially for this late Rutt hunt, which is what we wanted this member to experience. We bought and paid for it full price so we could secure those dates. It’s not a gimme hunt. You’re, you’re gonna be treated just exactly as if you, you know, drop your $20,000 on the table and booked it yourself. So

00:03:39:07 –> 00:04:03:08
That’s, that’s right. And we were gonna give it away there at the end of May, but we were getting close to when, you know, the hunt actually occurs this September, 2017. We wanted a guy to be able to get time off work as well as book his flights into White Horse. So anyway, we’re super excited. Can’t wait to call the lucky winner. So get your friends in or join yourself and be entered to win. Anyway, as we get started here, Jarret you on with us.

00:04:03:27 –> 00:04:05:11
Yes sir. Thanks for having me on guys.

00:04:05:19 –> 00:04:08:00
You bet. How’s things going? How you been? Pretty

00:04:08:00 –> 00:04:14:26
Good guys. Yeah, looking forward to the upcoming season. Been a pretty mild winter up north, so we’re ready to get rolling.

00:04:15:09 –> 00:04:33:10
That’s awesome man. Well good. Well we sure appreciate you taking time outta your schedule to visit with us. You know, and by the time we get done with this podcast, Adam will pro and I’ll probably book another hunt with you. I know we’ve spent quite a bit of time in your camp over the years and anyway, just really appreciate you taking time with us today.

00:04:34:19 –> 00:04:39:26
Oh, thanks guys. You too. It’s always a pleasure to have you up there and look forward to getting you guys back up there sometime.

00:04:40:09 –> 00:04:59:28
So as we get started, maybe just tell us a little bit about yourself. I know you’ve been involved in a lot of different fads of life, not just hunting, but kind of how you got started with hunting and, and then, and then other interesting facts about yourself. I know you’ve been involved with hockey real heavily and, and just kind of where you came from and then how you ended up to where you’re at today.

00:05:00:09 –> 00:06:25:25
Yeah, sure. I was fortunate enough to grow up in Yukon and Canada, and especially with the, a father that was a diehard sheep hunter. So got the bug early if memory serves me right. I probably owned my very first sheep hunt at six years old with the Wonder, awesome, wonderful Trapper Nelson backpack. And I don’t know if you guys know what those are, but the Trapper Nelsons, they certainly have come a long way to these new backpacks. So he is, you have a new appreciation for a good pack. And anyways, growing up in the Yukon, very fortunate. There’s only about, I don’t know, maybe when I was there, 25 to 30,000 people in the whole territory. You know, there, there’s over 70,000 moose there, so the guy gets pretty spoiled growing up there. Pretty much over the counter tags for everything as a resident and, and with my dad being a school teacher, we pretty much had the entire month of August to get going and, and climb the hills. So very fortunate for that led me to a lot of different opportunities in life. Fortunate enough to be a pro hockey player for seven years and afforded me the opportunity to, to do what I’m doing now as an outfitter. I did some guiding on the side, which kept me in really good shape for the hockey career and, and now of entering, I think my ninth season as owner of doing Stone Outfitters in

00:06:25:26 –> 00:06:42:26
Yukon. That’s awesome. Tell us maybe just a little bit more, I know you’re not a bragging kind of guy, but, but tell us a little bit about where your hockey took you. If not, I’m not mistaken, that’s how you, you came to the United States wasn’t where you, where you at least live half the year now,

00:06:43:12 –> 00:06:49:14
Correct? Yeah, in Canada we don’t have much going on. It’s either hockey or drinking there. So

00:06:50:07 –> 00:06:51:10
Lots of winter and I

00:06:51:26 –> 00:07:52:13
Yeah, you got that. So I, I was fortunate I played junior hockey. I left home, went to Southern Canada, played junior hockey from 16 years old to 19, and fortunate to play for the Calo Blazers. Went in a couple memorial cups. I was drafted by the New York Islanders in the third round back in, oh boy, I, I think 1992. Had a few concussions. So it’s, I remember some things that, things get a little fuzzy, but I think it was 92. I was drafted and, and then I was shipped to play in their farm team out in western Massachusetts. So a little different from western northern Canada kid going to the east coast of the United States, just outside of Boston there for a couple years and got a little taste with the islanders over the course of a couple seasons. Got shipped to a few different places to play.

00:07:53:24 –> 00:08:30:20
Ended up in Kentucky of all places eventually where met my wife and we’ve got two growing boys, nine and 11 that are playing hockey as well. And, and I’ve got sucked into the coaching realm now, which I really enjoy. It’s a lot of fun with the kids. So we’re quite busy with that. And it’s just very fortunate for the opportunity’s given me a never in a million years. I thought I’d, I’d have the chance of playing a h l and, and travel North America and the world for that matter because of that. And to get paid to play a game. I feel very fortunate for that. So

00:08:30:29 –> 00:08:57:05
Tell us, you know, I know you mentioned about your dad and some of the, you know, that he’s a diehard sheep hunter and I know that he is, ’cause I spent a lot of time with him. He actually guided me when I was up there hunting sheep with you and your outfit. But, and I have a, you know, an immense amount of respect for your dad, but just tell us a little bit about him and maybe some of his accomplishments and I mean his addiction to sheep hunting. I know he is still addicted to sheep hunting and, and still out there doing it. So maybe talk a little bit about that.

00:08:57:25 –> 00:10:02:17
Yeah, sure. You know, he’s a pretty humble guy and really instilled the hard work ethic within me. My dad was a, or is to this day, his knees, he’s getting a new knee replacement because of the, she punting stuff, but he’s walked thousands and thousands of miles in the back country. I believe he’s done it the right way. He’s, he’s not a big guy for ORVs or any of this other kind of stuff. He’s always been a, a backpacker and doing whatever it took to get into the backcountry, the Yukon. And, and because of that, he’s, he’s, he’s killed some very, very special animals over the course of his hunting trips, numerous sheep. He does hold the world record mountain caribou that he ended up killing on a sheep hunt, actually. He was miles and miles back. And at the time when he shot this caribou, he said it was one of the dumbest things he’s ever done in his life.

00:10:02:19 –> 00:11:03:14
He was so far back, took him three or four trips to get everything out. I think it was four or five days of packing by himself. But he’s just that old school, old school guy. He loves to get way back into the country, away from everybody. Very humble and really appreciates the wildness that we have up there and, you know, big on conservation as well too. So, yeah, he, like I said, I’m pretty excited for him. He’s, he’s finally going to get a knee replacement here, I believe at the end of September. And he did go and hunt last year. Took my niece out and she killed an absolute thumper of a ram 13 years old and I think it was like a 1 65, 1 66 day Jeep. And he did that walking backwards, downhill ’cause his knee so shot. So he’s still at her and, and I hope he can be more comfortable with the new knee. So, but he lives and breathes with stuff,

00:11:03:22 –> 00:11:18:07
If I remember right on that mountain caribou, it seems like it was 12 miles each way. And he’d made, you know, four or five trips to get the caribou out, if I remember right. And then I might be off a few miles. I don’t know. He was, it was unbelievable.

00:11:18:15 –> 00:11:46:17
It was, it was pretty tough. Country’s too. And, and he was by himself, himself. Like I said at the time, he said it was one of the dumbest things he’s ever done. But he knew it was a pretty special critter. I think he shot the thing, it was like four or five yards. He actually looked, had to look outside his scope to make sure his rifle was pointing exactly where it needed to be because the, the scope was just filled with all brown. He couldn’t, couldn’t see what the heck exactly where he was shooting. So

00:11:46:29 –> 00:11:52:13
Just coming down the trail at him or something and he stepped off and let it walk by or how’d he get that close?

00:11:53:19 –> 00:12:56:22
He was actually, he had just set up his camp and took a little nap and had a, a cow that was running around a cow caribou that was running around the tent there. And I think he slept for about an hour or whatever it was, got up and was kind of glassing away for some sheep and, and was curious as to where that cow buggered off too and, and found her, you know, 50 yards away or something. And then this thing stepped out and he just, you know, you always see some good craters throughout your life, but this one was just, he knew was exceptional, you know, he, he didn’t think it was world record material, but he, he thought it was gargantuan. And, and when you see something pretty special, whether it’s a sheep, a moose, mul deer, whatever, they’re big ones, you don’t need to convince yourself. Right. Yeah. You just, you just know they have that extra wow factor and this caribou did. Yeah. And what was amazing too, this bull was still in velvet, eh, so you killed it in the first part of August and so it made it even look even more impressive, obviously with the velvet there. Oh, but that’s awesome. Impressive looking critter tum. He sure worked for it.

00:12:57:07 –> 00:13:18:14
It sure sounds like. That’s cool. Well, well tell us a little bit about where you’re at now and in terms of your area, your concession in the Yukon, how you got there, how you, you know, decided upon it. I know there’s some history there prior to you just buying it. So tell us about that and you know, how you started getting going there and how you took it over and whatnot.

00:13:19:26 –> 00:14:20:02
Yeah, sure. While I was playing hockey, I started guiding as well. I don’t know why, but even as a kid I always wanted to be an outfitter even when I was playing hockey. So I was able to do that in the summer months because the seasons up north. N w t starts mid-July. UConn starts on first, so I could get a month or a month and a half in guiding before I went south for hockey camps or whatever. They usually start the first week of September. So something I always wanted to do, I had a very good fortune of working for an excellent outfitter, bill McKenzie. He had Gay River Outfitters at the time in maybe early nineties. And wonderful area, just a wonderful, wonderful man Bill had been, I think he outfitted for nearly 40 years, northern BC and, and the N w t wealth of knowledge, the stories, I was hooked a after my first season up there you go and try something.

00:14:20:10 –> 00:15:13:26
It’s a lot different than hunting yourself, the guiding aspect. But it was something that always wanted to do. And I believe I worked at Gainer River there for six seasons, I think. And I’d always kind of was looking as to purchasing an area and who, so I, I looked to the Yukon. Yukon was home for me and I’d always kind of tried to keep my thumb on what was going on, who was selling or thinking of selling and wasn’t much moving at that time. And so I just kind of picked one area there that I thought it was family owned. The guy had owned it for nearly 20 years. I thought, boy, if, if they’re thinking of selling, maybe I could get my foot in the door at least. ’cause the really good areas, they’re never for sale. They just seemed to change hands without anybody knowing.

00:15:15:24 –> 00:16:53:14
So I went to work for them, I believe in the Navy, 2000 somewhere around there. I think guided there for I think six seasons. And we just had the understanding that if they ever decided to sell that they’d give me a crack at her. So I think in 2006 or oh seven, the owner called me and asked if I was still interested and we hammered out a deal. And in 2009 I was the owner of Dueling Stone Outfitters and we’ve got 10,000 square miles located within the Yukon territory. We’re kind of central east of the territory. My border eastern border touches in Northwest Territories and we’ve got some big beautiful rugged, you guys know, and I think you hunted there a couple times and haven’t seen much of it still. So there’s, there’s still some areas I haven’t been into. Access is a big thing, but we run horse hunts or sheep and moose and, and some boat hunts on lakes and rivers for moose as well. But diversity game is kind of nice. We are one of the few areas that have stone sheep and doll sheep availability. We’ve got the Yukon Moose, mountain caribou jersey, bear Wolf, Wolverine. So diversity game is pretty neat, but the country’s just so big up there. Like I said, I think now we’re 32,000 people in the Yukon and we were pretty spoiled because when you go on one of those hunts, you just don’t see anybody. And for that we’re very, very fortunate.

00:16:53:22 –> 00:17:27:02
Yeah, it’s unbelievable. I know when Adam and I went up there, we were flying and then we were flying into an area we’re going for just forever. I mean, I don’t know how many hours we flew, but it’s just like mountain mountain, mountain mount, country, country, crazy amounts of country that, you know, you’re still exploring even in some of that country, like where we hunted our moose in Adam and I was somewhat new for you and, and it’s just, it’s an immense amount of country that you’ve got up there and, and untapped resources. And it is just the craziest, one of the craziest places we’ve been.

00:17:27:16 –> 00:17:50:02
Yeah, it seems like for people down here in the lower 48, it’s hard to comprehend until you just get up there and see how vast, we’ve got big mountains down here, but, but they, they come and go and they got a valley in between up there. They just go and they go and they go as far as you can see, right. Jarret, I mean giant is yeah. Is an understatement.

00:17:51:09 –> 00:18:00:14
No, I you, I think you hit the nail on the head there, Adam, where you said you just can’t comprehend until you see it because, well you guys, you fly there and you just don’t even see roads, you know?

00:18:00:23 –> 00:18:01:07
No, there’s

00:18:01:07 –> 00:18:39:13
No roads, there’s no way to get anywhere. Yeah, you can’t, you can’t backpack at all. It’s, you know, on the ground some of the stuff’s so thick, you, you couldn’t go, you’d wear out and, and you know, before you ever, and you can’t just walk up river drainages some you, you get across rivers too many times. You just, you know. So tell us how yeah, your, how you access your area for most of your, your camps and area and things like that. You talked a little bit about some of the species that you offer, well, all of the species. So talk to us about how, you know somebody, you know, flies gets to Whitehorse and then, and then what, how do they get to where, where you guys start ’em off with their hunt? Yeah,

00:18:39:13 –> 00:19:32:03
Sure. Like I said, we’ve got 10,000 square miles, so it’s an awful big chunk of country. And we actually started in July, some of our camps to trail horses in, didn’t take upwards six, seven days just to get into camp. Some of them are three days in and we’ll get camp set up, but all of our hunters arrive in Whitehorse Yukon, and then they jump on a float plane from there. And it’s, depending on which camp you go to, could be an hour and a half flight to two and a half hours to dump you off at your hunt location. The next closest hunter to you might be 30, 40 miles away. That’s it. So things are pretty spread out and dispersed. We’ve got our horseback hunts that we run, we run some backpack hunts for sheep as well just to access in different country from our horseback hunts as we’re discussing.

00:19:32:03 –> 00:20:42:05
There’s some access limitations, no matter whether you’re backpacking or with the horseback hunts. The country’s just so vast. You can spend two weeks getting to an area with your horses. And so it takes some time preseason gets set up, but once you’re there, it’s a pretty unique situation. I, you know, at Hunt Colorado, which is incredible, but you just see orange everywhere and, and you’re always kind of two to three hours away from a road or a trail and you don’t have that up there, right? So you’ve got unlimited space when you throw your binoculars up on top of that mountain boy, there’s just, there’s just not much there as for human activity. So I think, you know, obviously not everyone can do these type of hunts, but boy, if you ever get the opportunity, it’s something that people need to experience because that, that true wilderness is shrinking, eh, yeah. And it’s getting smaller every year. We’re fortunate up there, but there’s a lot of people that haven’t experienced and it’s just absolutely spectacular country.

00:20:42:13 –> 00:20:49:23
Well, and I too, to add on to what you were saying, you, I mean you indicated there’s like 32,000 people that, that are in the Yukon total, right? Correct.

00:20:49:26 –> 00:20:50:02

00:20:50:10 –> 00:21:31:17
And so, I mean, here in our hometown there’s 32,000 people or so. Yeah. You know, and that’s when college is outta session. So anyway, I’m just saying like, to put it in perspective and, and we live, we don’t live in a big town. I mean, to put it in perspective, your entire Yukon territory, you’ve got 32,000, you know, and how many of those guys actually hunt and then, and put in the time, which, you know, you can see residents up there, but, but we never see any, we never saw any when we were there. And, and I’ve been with you a couple of times and so anyway, it’s just pretty impressive. And to add onto that, you know, of course Adam and I are up there, we’re hunting moose and, and we’re in this, you know, new area and we’re all excited about being in some new area.

00:21:31:21 –> 00:22:18:24
But for all intents and purposes, even your standard camps are, are, it’s not like you, you’re even hunting them out per se. Like you’re not, there’s so much game and there’s, you know, in your particular camps, your biggest bulls can come from your oldest camps that are hunted. You know, what, what we might consider, you know, aggressively hunted each year and your biggest bulls continue to come out of those areas. I mean, I mean the year we were there, I mean, you know, our bulls were fairly moderate compared to some of the giants that were killed outta your regular standard camps. And it was just, it’s just so impressive, you know, the size of moose that are, you know, and you, and I know you hesitate to even tell people what your average is because you don’t want to, you know, inflate people’s expectations. But it’s unbelievable what kind of moose are coming outta your area.

00:22:19:04 –> 00:23:16:29
We’re fortunate for the Yukon, like, I think one of the biggest thing that people from the lower 48 have to realize when they come to the Yukon for any type hunt, whether it’s moose, sheep, whatever, we have much lower densities of game than what you guys have. And it’s just because, you know, winter for us is September, you know, all the way to may, you know. Yeah. That’s, that’s winter. So our densities are lower, but we’ve got pretty hardy animals and the ones that make it, they’re, they’re pretty good. You know, they get to, they get to a large size, they’re a much larger body. Antlers grow bigger. But two, I’ve got an amazing crew. We really focus our harvest on mature bulls and yeah. And with our sheep hunts, we’re hunting 10 year old plus rams. We really try and disperse our pressure, as you guys know, you know, during September, which I call my busy months, you know, we may only take two or three bulls outta one camp, that’s it.

00:23:17:03 –> 00:24:35:02
But you’ve got, you know, like boy 30 or 40, 50 square miles that we’re hunting, you know, and there’s a lot of country to look at, but I just, you know, we could book a lot more hunters than we do guys, as you well know. That quality, it comes to quality, quality of the hunt, quality of the animal. And for me, I think that’s, that’s a priority obviously above, you know, nothing’s above safety, but we really, really try and, and give hunters a great experience at true wilderness hunt and, and disperse the hunting pressure when be, we’re very fortunate that our areas are so large and that enables us to do it, you know, when it, even when it comes to sheep, you know, we can, we don’t have a ton of sheep, but we’ve got some pretty good quality, but we can pass on an eight year old ram that’s 37 inches and, you know, come back two years later if he doesn’t win or kill and find him at 10 or 11 or 12 years old. You know, you know, after 10 years old it’s, you are rolling the dice on him being alive. But yeah, we’re very fortunate to be, have the tool to be able to manage that, to walk away from that younger ram and let ’em mature. And same with the moose as well, just that the, we’re so big in the Yukon and there are so many places for people to hunt that we’re able to do that. So we’re fortunate with that regard.

00:24:35:09 –> 00:24:52:29
Walk us through like a normal year for you. Like, you know, what you start out with, we talked about trailing horses in July and then just walk us through your August, September, October, November timeframes, you know, up there in your particular concession and what you like to do and the timing of the different hunts that you do.

00:24:54:12 –> 00:25:57:23
Yeah, sure. It’s, it’s a 12 month year. It’s 12 months a deal with this outfitting and guiding stuff. You’re dealing with hunters and and guides throughout the season. But down to the nitty degree, we, we basically start second week of July shoeing horses and, and getting new horses broke and saddled and all the rest of that good stuff. But to start, to begin our trail trailing in, we’re somewhere around July 15th, 16th, 17th that we’ll start trucking horses to different drop off spots to trail in. I like the guys to get in there, get camp set up, you always gotta cut some trail with deadfall and such. Our first hunters arrived July 31st. Season opens August 1st and I run five different hunt dates throughout my season. My first two hunt dates I sell is primarily sheep, whether it be stone or doll. Yeah. Backpack or horseback. Those hunts will run to about the third week of August.

00:25:58:19 –> 00:27:04:24
And then we switch over to moose combo hunts and the great combo’s, a moose carrabba grizzly beer obviously, but we’ll run from end August all the way through the end of September on those thoses, our rutt for moose begins approximately, you know, the September 7th, eighth, ninth, one of those days the light switch goes on and things go crazy. So we have one pre rudd hunt and then two rutt hunts that we offer for our moose hunts. And we wrap up our season September 29th because winter sets in pretty early in the Yukon. And that camp that you guys actually hunted two years ago, the lake froze September 25th. Wow. So I thought we were gonna have to, I called the head Gabe Morden ’cause you cannot use helicopters at all in the Yukon. Yeah. But an emergency situation when lakes freeze, we had permission and, and thankfully on the 29th, the big wind came up that morning and broke up the ice, got rid of some of that ice. We were able to get the float plane in there. But

00:27:05:10 –> 00:27:18:05
I know from being right there when you wa if we walked up to that lake and saw it frozen, we’d look at each other like how much food we got in that cabin over there because you, there’s no walking anywhere. Oh

00:27:18:06 –> 00:27:53:14
Geez. No, it’s a long way from anywhere there. And you know, our season actually doesn’t close till October 31st, but float plane pilots are usually putting their planes away October 5th to the seventh because lakes can freeze at any time. And, and we have a lot of high mountain passes that we have to go through and, and there can be a ton of snow and pretty important to get all those horses out in good shape. So we’re actually missing out on a entire month of hunting season. But winter comes quickly to the north country and we’ve gotta make sure things are closed up properly and everyone gets home safe and sound.

00:27:53:23 –> 00:28:04:11
I know we talked when I was there, talked about early spring bear or a few different things. Like what, do you do the bear just mostly on an incidental basis or how are you working on it? We

00:28:04:11 –> 00:28:45:15
Do, yeah. You know, I do have a couple areas in one river in particular that I would love to do is spring bear hunt. But you have to have somebody who’s pretty flexible on the dates because ice usually doesn’t come out of those big rivers until the end of May or, you know, or the first part of June. So you have to be somewhat, have someone flexible there on their dates. But as far as our season when it begins in August, ice sell the grizzly bears as a come by chance animal. You know, I run a boat depending on the year, 30 to 35 hundreds in total with, you know, with all of our sheep and moose hunters we’re, we’re killing on average, you know, kind of three to five griz of bears a year.

00:28:45:23 –> 00:29:20:14
So, well, let’s, let’s talk about, we’re giving away away a moose hunt with you. We’ve, we, of course we’ve paid for it already, but just, you know, kind of excited to give that away. We’ll be giving it away here April 29th. The last, you know, time that guys can enter to win, which you can’t buy your way in, it’d be just referring members to, to epic. But anyway, just as an incentive to, to get their friends in would be April 28th. So next Friday it’s coming up quick. I know we booked for the September 17th to the 29th of this year and just kind of wanted you to go through what that guy can expect. Yep,

00:29:20:28 –> 00:30:16:00
Absolutely. It’s a horseback hunt. So you’re gonna be in some beautiful country. Those are prime rutt hunt dates and the guy should we, we are expecting to have some cold, snowy weather. And if that’s the case, things can really get hot. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re hunting, hunting, elk meal or whatever, you always want the cold, miserable weather. And that, that, that gets those critters moving. So they’re prime dates, these hunts generally, you know, I think what you guys bought this couple years ago, I think we’re usually booked out a few years on these hunts and it’s a prime gate. So expect a lot of action typically should be seeing a, some pretty good bulls at hunt date. And I always tell guys too, you know, there’s, the attitude in hunting is changing, you know, it’s all about inches and tape measures and that kind of stuff.

00:30:16:04 –> 00:31:07:19
And, and kind of my big selling point is, hey look, we’re, we’re selling mature animals, you know, that’s what we’re after. If your guy gets excited and tells you that’s the one, that’s the one because you know, we’ve killed some 65 inch bulls we’ve killed. So I think our widest bull has been 74, just a huge, huge bull. But, you know, we’ve killed some 55 inch bulls that would outscore a a 65 inch bull. Because what I really tell guys, it’s all about the pan width length points and all the rest of that. Adam’s bull is a prime example. Just the gnarly, ancient old massive bull. That freaking giant boy, if I have a hunter, yeah, if I have a hunter pass on that, then boy he really doesn’t have some realistic expectations, but that’s what we’re trying to sell. That was a great bull. And these are prime dates for a heck of a fun hunt.

00:31:08:12 –> 00:31:45:07
Tell us a little bit about, I, I know living down here as far as hunting something in the rutt, something big, we hunt elk just from a calling bugle a men standpoint and whatnot. Tell us about some of the excitement of hunting moose in the full rutt like that. Some of the challenges or some of the interesting things about that. I, I know things can sometimes get a little bit western and hairy, but that adds to the whole experience there. So tell us about what it is to call a bull in on a string or pull one away from a cow thinking you’re a more attractive lonesome cow than the one he is standing with. Tell us about that.

00:31:45:29 –> 00:33:02:04
Yeah, and I don’t know about elk. I’ve hunted him a few times, but pulling a bull away from a cow or a hair of a cows is one of the most difficult things there, there is to do for us as a, for moose hunters. But, you know, I always try and refer to it, let’s try and get in his kitchen and get ’em picked off at us and, and pretend we’re another bull because he’ll run his cows just like I’m sure elk will to get away from those other bulls, but eventually they get kicked off and they’re gonna come and kick some butt and that’s where we can be pretty successful. We’re so fortunate too, guys that, you know, some of those elk hunting places, those bulls get called to a lot. Our bulls, you know, a lot. Most of ’em have never even heard a human call before, you know, so we’re, we’re very fortunate in that regard that hunting moose isn’t rocket science. You, you have some wiggle room once, once they’re coming into a call. Holy cow, you’re ready. You know, another thing that works great for Yeah, you better be ready. But what’s works great for us too on our horseback hunt, they work as decoys. Yeah. We’ve had bulls come in so close to our horse is thinking, you know, they’re coming in grunting and ruing thinking they’ve hit the mother load that they’ve got eight cows there. Right.

00:33:04:09 –> 00:33:19:04
And boy, they’ve come so close, I’ve had to throw rocks at ’em to get ’em away. You know, you got a pack string and horses are going every direction and you gotta grunting bull moose come running through their You want to talk about Western? Holy cow. Buckle up. Hold on boys.

00:33:19:20 –> 00:33:20:23
I bet. Well, but

00:33:20:23 –> 00:33:52:24
Yeah, it’s pretty neat. You know, those younger bulls or any bull, you know, that they come in, boy, it, it, it really gets something that big. Like I, I still get blown away how big our bulls are. Eh, like the girth of that. The, the body is incredible. Hey guys, like the, it’s the heart’s got away, I don’t know, almost 10 pounds and that’s seven foot tall at, at the hump on their shoulder and it’s just a huge animal. And, and to get ’em to come in, you know, 10 yards, it’s pretty exciting and

00:33:53:07 –> 00:34:49:11
It’s, it’s intimidating. I know, you know, when we were up there, we were on the, on the earlier hunt and so they were just, just getting into the, into the ru but I remember we called an average bull in, when I say average, he’s probably 45 or 50 and it’s pretty slow. Awesome. Yeah. When they’re walking in at 20, 30 yards and you realized that thing could step on me like a, like a insect and just smash me. But I, and and you said it a minute ago, they’re not, it’s not that they’re, they’re rocket science to hunt. You just gotta find the right one and the right setting. And I would imagine like this hunt winner that we’ve got, if they’re obviously if they’re rifle hunter, no problem. If they’re a very experienced bow hunter and can keep their composure and all that moose in, in a lot of regards for experienced bow hunters lend themselves to our tree hunting or obviously rifle hunting. So whoever wins this would have that option, I’d imagine.

00:34:49:28 –> 00:35:49:04
Yeah, absolutely. For archery hunters, I would steer more towards our boat hunts on the lakes and rivers generally with our horseback hunts, we’re hunting those higher valleys and basins and took me a while to figure this out, but we have so much high willow that it is, it makes it pretty difficult for a nursery hunter on those horseback hunts to shoot through that willow willow could be 6, 7, 8 feet tall and you just don’t have many shooting lanes, eh, on their lower elevation boat hunts along lakes and rivers. You know, you get ’em to the shore and, and you’re golden. But you know, the guy’s always welcome to bring his bow and try it and maybe have a rifle as backup, but it is a heck of a fun hunt and it gets the heart pounding when you can make something that big come towards you and you see a horn display and grunting and s slobber and it, it’s a, it’s a lot of fun. It’s a really good hunt.

00:35:49:11 –> 00:36:12:24
Well, and what’s crazy about it, it’s like when Adam and I were up there, you know, and you call ’em in, it’s, it’s different than our species. Our species can pick you out of a, of a tight area or a bunch of different vegetation. It’s like these, you know, these moose can see you, but they’re okay with it. Like they’re still coming. Yeah. You know, and it’s a little bit, I don’t know if it’s just unnerving. I mean, I think Adam was a little scared. I was pretty tough about it.

00:36:14:14 –> 00:36:14:23

00:36:14:27 –> 00:36:15:21
But it’s unnerving.

00:36:16:02 –> 00:37:02:15
I think part of it is, is, I mean obviously a pack of wolves can bring one of these down, but if you got a, a giant bull, I don’t know how old some of these bulls are that you’re killing jarret, but they’ve, they’ve been around the block and it’s almost like they know not much can hurt them except for a total ambush with, you know, six or eight wolves or something. You know what I mean? There’s just not a lot of fear in them. Like is is bred into, you know, our deer and our elk down here that, you know, they’re smaller but they’re also a lot more people around these things. Just they, they may be the first time he’s ever been called in by a person. Every other call he is ever heard. Right. Could, would’ve been a, a live moose for the last six or eight years of his life. And this may be the first time. So he knows no different. Is that kind of how it might be? Absolutely.

00:37:03:08 –> 00:37:49:04
Oh, absolutely. I totally agree. Both those bulls you guys killed, they’d never seen or heard a person ever. And, and like I said, we many times I’ve had to, I’ve had to throw rocks or sticks at these bulls if they’re coming in too close, you know? Yeah. You’ve got your gear on and you’re standing beside your horse or even in the boat. Yeah. You know, we drive up to the lake shore there or and jump out of the boat and they come cruising right to you. They just, like I said, we’re so fortunate they have never had human interaction before and, and there’s not many places left like that in the world today, so we’re pretty spoiled up there. Yeah. Gives us a little wiggle room where you guys hunt elk and mule deer down in the lower 48. I guess you gotta be a heck of a lot better hunters in what we do.

00:37:50:04 –> 00:38:41:12
Well, you know, as we’re talking about all the different game up there, I, I was kind of thinking about my, you know, our hunt up there with you and there was a time we were up there, we had gotten outta the boat, we’d climbed up on this little mason, we’re glassing and anyway, we ended up glassing up this sal grizzly in her cubs and oh, it’s pretty fu pretty funny. I mean it was kind of exciting, but keep in mind it’s, it’s getting dark, you know, and we’re gonna have to walk through where the sound cubs are to get to our boat and I mean, it was kind of a crazy experience. It was just a little bit unnerving, you know, videographer’s nervous and wants to be sandwiched in between us. But, but there’s just a ton of game up there and that’s what I think is real, really cool. You just never know what you’re gonna see. I’m, you know, I know, you know, Adam got into a lot of bear sign and just, it was just kind of crazy.

00:38:42:14 –> 00:39:18:01
Absolutely. That’s where I run on my normal hunts. I run a base pretty har a base fee harvest fee system on all of my hunts because it gives the hunter the option. If you see, if you’re on a sheep hutt and you see a really big moose or a caribou or a grizzly bear, you know, you have the option, it’s pretty cheap to carry all the tags in your pocket and it just, you can decide. Right. So, and, and same goes with the moose hunts too. You just, you just never know what’s gonna step out. Our, our caribou rutt happens the same time as our moose rutt, so it can make for a pretty interesting hunt and seeing some pretty neat critters

00:39:18:18 –> 00:39:51:19
That, that’s a good point to bring up. Jarret, you know, we’ve, we’ve paid you full price for the moose hunt, but whoever’s the lucky winner this here in the end of this month, we’ll have the option to, you know, take a grizzly or a caribou on a, on a trophy fee kill fee basis while they’re up there. So very important point to to point out, they don’t have to pay for it unless, unless they kill it obviously, which, you know, are all gonna be incidental. You never know when you’re gonna see a, a giant grizzly or a, or an awesome caribou on your hunt up there. You just, like you said, you don’t know what you’re gonna see.

00:39:51:26 –> 00:39:54:04
Nice to have tags in your pocket, you know? That’s right.

00:39:55:01 –> 00:40:06:14
Absolutely. So absolutely wolves too, WOL wolverine, wolves are free. I only charge you if you miss, so you, I take two wolves and sometimes you see quite a few of them, so yeah.

00:40:07:02 –> 00:40:28:00
So what species do you prefer to hunt personally, Jerry? Like, I mean, I know you’re getting me fired up about moose again, but I mean, and I know, you know, of course we all have a, an immense amount of respect for sheep as well, but just like, what do you prefer or is it more, you know, do you, is it just a business and you’re, you’re busy doing that? Or is it something like there’s something you prefer to guide or, or hunt yourself?

00:40:28:19 –> 00:41:21:22
Boy, that’s, that’s a really tough question Jason. Obviously I grew up hunting all the species up there. There’s something about the sheep hunts when you get up top, it is the best feeling in the world getting up top and, and you work for days and days to do it, I guess, you know, if, if I force, I’d have to say the sheep punch are probably my favorite. But you know, when, when you call in a giant moose to 10 yards too, that, that’s exciting, you know, and, and you know, or a grizzly bear too, they can get the heart going pretty good too. It’s caribou are very unique in their own special way too. You can mess with them and, and they might come running right up to you as well. But the sheep hunts I guess, you know, they have a, a pretty special place in, in my heart that’s what really got me the, the hunting bug was hunting sheep.

00:41:21:25 –> 00:42:12:24
So because you have to work so hard for them. But in saying that too, you know, I’ve had a lot of guys, it is a very physical hunt, but I’ve had a lot of guys too that it’s more of a mental battle that had no business physically being up on that mountain. But mentally they’ve told themselves that, Hey, I’m gonna do this, you know, whereas other guys that I think are very physically fit, but they don’t have it mentally and they end up packing her in, you know, they just can’t, they can’t handle it. So, so I guess I’d have to say the sheep, whether it’s stone or doll, it doesn’t matter. But being, being right up on top of those mountains really, really is a special place for me. The ability to do it. And I know my days are limited, all of our bodies start falling apart eventually here. So I’m gonna enjoy that while I still can.

00:42:13:08 –> 00:42:16:20
What do you mean you act like you got a foot in the grave? Are you even 40 yet?

00:42:17:25 –> 00:42:21:16
Oh yeah, 43. But hey, those years of the hockey rink, man, holy crap.

00:42:21:22 –> 00:42:23:17
That’s right. That’s like dog years, right?

00:42:24:11 –> 00:42:28:12
Yeah. That’s what it feels like. Some mornings Adam 43 going on 80 Exactly.

00:42:28:13 –> 00:42:34:19
Most 10 years cow. 10 years of hockey that’s aged 40 years is what you’re trying to tell me. You’re 70.

00:42:34:28 –> 00:42:40:23
That’s about it. That’s how it feels some days. So yeah, I, I appreciate the fact I can still do it.

00:42:41:06 –> 00:43:14:25
Well tell us, I know you know, you guided for a lot of years in Northwest Territories and you know, for 15 plus maybe now in the Yukon in this area, you know, both prior to when you owned it and, and then after you owned it, you’ve gotta have some crazy stories, either bears in camp or you know, you’ve alluded to some of the bulls, you know, firing up your horses and the pack string and whatnot. What are some of the crazy stories that have happened to you up there or crazy or unique or one of a kind or whatever you think You got a few of those for us. Yeah.

00:43:15:22 –> 00:44:40:14
Oh boy. It happens yearly. You know, with, with our hunt there are just so many uncontrollable factors that just, yeah, things can go sideways quickly. But I guess bear stories, my closest call I guess would be one afternoon, well we’d had a bear in camp here a couple times, I’d be glassy or whatever look over in this bear would just kind of stroll through and I thought it was pretty bold, eh, but two or three days into the hunt I’d seen the bear three or three or four times and you know, the afternoons can be a little slow so you may have a fiesta on the side of the hill there or whatever. And I had my horses with me as well. I could hear the bells dinging and everything. And so the hunter and I kind of taking her easy and, and the sun was out so not much going on so you kind of close your eyes for a few minutes or whatever. But when I did that, I just remember I heard this heavy sniffing right in my ear and I’m like man, what the heck this stupid horse is here. What’s it doing? And well it wasn’t a horse, eh? It was like looked and it was dang grizzly bear. The same one that I’ve been come on Yeah. Messing with the last few days there. And of course my hunter did not want a grizzly bear and that’s generally how it works. But I’ll tell you, I jumped up, I did all the things you’re not supposed to do

00:44:40:26 –> 00:44:41:08

00:44:41:14 –> 00:44:58:26
Not hunting that thing. And I probably screamed like a three year old little girl too, but couldn’t find my gun. And thankfully the bear was just curious. He could have got me very easily, but I think when I screamed like a little girl, I probably scared him more than me and we both went separate directions. So

00:44:59:14 –> 00:45:02:13
How close, how close was he? Like how close? I mean few

00:45:02:13 –> 00:45:03:17
Feet we’re talking. Oh

00:45:03:19 –> 00:45:06:02
Yeah. Like six inches. Yeah,

00:45:06:13 –> 00:45:06:23
It was

00:45:07:27 –> 00:45:17:28
When you have a bear sniffing in your ear, man, let me tell you, that’s something you don’t forget. So I woke up pretty abruptly too, so it would’ve made for some pretty entertaining video. Oh.

00:45:18:05 –> 00:45:22:11
So yes, I thought we might have a pretty good story, but I didn’t expect that.

00:45:23:14 –> 00:45:38:11
Yeah, well for me too, it was very satisfying. I went to that same area the next time we got that same bear. So I a lot easier after that. Yeah, we got it. So yeah, it was very fortunate because it was just a little too bold, eh, and oh yeah, yeah.

00:45:39:05 –> 00:45:43:19
If it didn’t happen then it was maybe bound to happen in a week or two weeks or the next year or something.

00:45:44:01 –> 00:45:44:18
Possibly. Yeah.

00:45:44:21 –> 00:45:45:05
Never know.

00:45:45:09 –> 00:45:55:25
And there again, you know, he didn’t know what I I was or anything. I’m sure the first human, yeah. But first human here, it’s ever sniffed and thankfully the last one. So anyway, it was pretty entertaining.

00:45:56:08 –> 00:46:03:20
Well that’s awesome. Well I know, you know, I think when I came up in sheep hunted with you, didn’t I end up in the very far north end of your area?

00:46:04:20 –> 00:46:06:09
Area you did? Yes. Yep. Yep.

00:46:06:11 –> 00:46:24:27
Did And mostly for doll. I, I know you mostly have doll sheep up there, but you know, I ended up shooting a ram and, and ended up being a, you know, kind of a light stone a, a fan and ram and which, which basically kind of finished out my slam. It was, you know, the fourth of of my species. So it’s kind of cool to do that with you.

00:46:26:21 –> 00:47:09:03
Absolutely. We’re seeing in my doll sheep areas, even in traditional doll sheep areas, even around the white horse, which predominantly been doll sheep, there’s a little more color creeping in and we saw that even when I was in the Northwest Territories in the nineties, there seems to be a little bit more color coming into the doll sheep areas. So we have killed another couple rams since yours in that country that have had more black hair in them. So it’s interesting to see a bit of a change there, but they are such a unique, beautiful colored sheep. But you’ll just, you’ll never kill on the same color and it’s very unique to have that.

00:47:09:06 –> 00:47:10:12
Yeah, it’s awesome. Yeah,

00:47:10:12 –> 00:48:00:00
That really does seem like, you know, over, over the 10 years roughly or so that we’ve really known you, I think, you know, not to back up too much, but it was, I think about the year you actually bought the area. You contacted us and we heard from you and, and you know, I since then we’ve seen a lot of different, you know, light colored rams, dark colored stone and a little bit of every in, in between. It, you’re right. A lot of your rams don’t look the same. And that’s really neat. I I personally, I dunno, I I love those lighter colored stone sheep if you couldn’t call ’em that. I think they’re beautiful, lighter face and streaks down the legs. They’re, they’re beautiful, don’t get me wrong. A black stone is, is beautiful in its own mind. Yeah. And you want, you know, it goes back to the sheep thing.

00:48:00:00 –> 00:48:56:26
You kinda want, you want one of everything. ’cause they’re, it’s, it’s not only that animal, it’s the places you get to go to chase him. It’s the whole, you know, romantic part of sheep hunting and it’s really true. And so I know, you know, from what I’ve seen up there, even though I was hunting moose the time I went up just, I, I would glass every mountain up there. I’m like, I ain’t gonna find a sheep. Period. Jared said he didn’t know if there’s any here and I, hell, I didn’t find one, but I sure look the whole hunt for one. But anyway, and you know that I really appreciate you get you spending some time with us about your area up there. It is an awesome place. And the winter of this hunt’s gonna have an awesome trip. But, but tell us also, I mean, you do live in the winter months down here in the Lord 48 in Kentucky, and I know that, I know you’ve, you’ve gotten a little bit of a soft spot for mule deer like we do and, and you know, these mule deer can get addicting as well.

00:48:56:29 –> 00:49:29:05
And, and, and I know a couple of years ago you killed this pretty special deer in Colorado. I know you’ve got a good friend of yours, Bob House, who, who lives, he’s from Whitehorse as well, if I’m not mistaken. You guys grew up together, he guides for you there, but he lives in Colorado now and you tend to, you and your dad come down and try to take a, maybe a trip or so a year with, with Bob and maybe tell us a little bit about that buck, how good it was and, and what you, what you maybe like down the Lord 48 or what’s on your list down here to, to knock off in terms of species. Yeah, the

00:49:29:05 –> 00:49:33:25
Deer makes me a little jealous. So let’s talk about, let’s talk, let’s talk about him for a minute.

00:49:35:02 –> 00:51:01:15
Yeah, I, yeah, I got pretty lucky on that, that deal there. Yeah. This Neil deer thing. Well first I gotta say, when you start guiding and outfitting your personal hunting stops, it’s, you know, I feel very fortunate. I, you know, I killed a, a doll sheep when I was 14 years old. The first legal year I was able in, in Yukon. I was 14 years old at the time, it’s now 12. But you know, I’ve only killed one moose in my life when I was 14. I haven’t killed one since, but I sure have packed out a lot of the buggers. Yeah. So, so the last few years, you know, I have two young boys and Bob does as well. And then my dad’s my best buddy because of hunting as well. So, you know, really want to, to get the boys involved with the hunting aspect. They obviously come into camp and, and help out there at the start of the season. But this mul deer thing, it’s kind of got me tore up. It’s, it’s a heck of a lot of fun. I didn’t see what the big deal was until I, beautiful, it was very fortunate to obtain a tag and killed pretty typical mul deer soup, old dock. One of the guys we were with was deer, no teeth left in.

00:51:03:17 –> 00:52:19:26
But you know, I was pretty lucky he hit the 200 inch mark. It was something that was, I was hoping, you know, just a good respectable old, you know, a one any type class year I would’ve been over the moon. So this was way above and beyond my expectations. So I’ve been fortunate enough to, I think I’ve killed about four mules right now. And for me, you know, my kids were with me. That’s huge. They were part of the hunt. Now I’ve got the photo of that deer here on my desk with me and my two boys. I think they were probably five and seven at the time. And we try and find a good hunt like that in the fall in November. ’cause my season’s bad and we spend the winters in Kentucky here. We can usually get out west pretty easy one day and, and spend a week out there. And so I just hope to draw some pretty good eggs. Free service. It’s, it’s been wonderful and uhm hoping to draw some more yogurt tags and, and maybe again, some sheep, sheep tag as well. So I think I’ve got about 15 or 16 points and most western, some life is short. So go hunting when you get the opportunity.

00:52:20:03 –> 00:52:54:11
That’s right. That’s right. Well, we’re glad to be helping you out do that. We realize you got a unique schedule and until about October 1st, or well 15th I guess, until you get everything buttoned up and put away up there before you can come down here. But that, you know, if you’re a rifle hunter, especially down here, that’s when our deer and elk hunts, a lot of ’em open up. So you do have a bunch of points and, and maybe a desert sheep or something like that half down here. Now have you killed a, you’ve killed a stone sheep up there as well and in addition to, you know, or is that, that first one was a stone you said? Or was that a doll sheep when you were 14? No,

00:52:54:26 –> 00:53:04:23
Doll sheep when I was 14, I was, I think I killed eight sheep in total bottle, five belt and three stone. But I

00:53:04:27 –> 00:53:09:15
Oh, rub it in what? Come on. Three stone. I’m just kidding. I

00:53:09:15 –> 00:53:11:00
Know you don’t feel very sorry for me. I know

00:53:12:14 –> 00:53:18:12
I lose, yeah, but I’m losing track. Is it 10 or 11? I don’t remember. Yeah, that’s pretty awesome.

00:53:19:06 –> 00:53:41:07
Over 20 years. So at some point in time I’d like to, to go sheep hunting for and get no big deal for me is I, my oldest boy turns 12 next year, so I know the first time of the season I’ll be dragging him up for a moose or something. Oh, that’s awesome. So I won’t be guiding sheep hunter, but I’m pretty excited to do that.

00:53:42:05 –> 00:54:25:02
Yeah, well you bet. Well, guys like yourself that are super good hunters, you’re gonna do well wherever you live and you’re up there, you’re expected to kill a bunch of good, good rams and everything else that walks. And if you live down here, you’d be knocking it dead down here. It’s just your, your aggressive personality and of course you’re in shape to do it and just, and just a great hunter. So anyway, just wanna, as we wrap here, just tell you how much we appreciate you spending some time with us talking about your area and of course we’re, we’re super proud to be giving away one of your hunts. You know, you, of course, we’ve got a lot of history, you and Adam and I, and, and known each other for a long period of time and, and super proud of you for, you know, all you’ve accomplished these last decade or so.

00:54:25:13 –> 00:55:15:02
Well thanks guys. I’ve been very, very fortunate. I’ve been able to surround myself with people that are heck of a lot s smarter than I am and paid off for me. They’re wonderful. You guys have been a huge supporter of mine since I, I, I first started and I will never forget that and told you guys this a bunch of times. If I can ever help out in any way, I’m on board. I certainly really appreciate your service on the tags that you guys put me in for. My schedule is nuts and you guys have been awesome and I’m looking forward to drawing some good tag coming here and, and ruining the office. It’s been just wonderful. I look forward to continued relationship with you guys and I can’t thank you enough.

00:55:15:16 –> 00:55:16:18
It’s awesome. Well,

00:55:16:23 –> 00:55:35:16
Appreciate it too. Goes both ways, Jarret. So thanks a lot and hopefully we got good news for you or you get your own email here, it’s a big next month or so with a bunch of draw results. So it’s, it’s the time of year we’re waiting on and hopefully setting up plans for October, November, something special.

00:55:36:05 –> 00:55:55:26
I hope so. And I look forward to talking with the, the hunt winner here next Friday or Saturday whenever you guys draw that. I really enjoy taking those people out that win those type of hunts. It’s could be a once in a lifetime experience for ’em and we’ll do our best to make sure that they have a great time up in the Yukon. Sounds

00:55:55:26 –> 00:56:23:08
Great. Well thanks Jarret. Thanks Adam. Everybody, we sure appreciate everybody that’s been on the podcast today and of course we appreciate Under Armour and their support with the Epic Outdoors and the podcast that we do as, as well as some of the different projects that we’re working on. So anyway, it’s awesome to be able to bring good content to all of our members out there. We appreciate all your support as well, as well as the other advertisers in the Epic Outdoors magazine. So, okay. Till next time, we appreciate it. Thank you. Thanks Jared.