In this episode of The Epic Outdoors Podcast our Hosts talk with Ryan Foutz of Kings Camo. Ryan has been a key player in the hunting industry for years and years. Ryan worked at several very notable organizations throughout his career and ultimately landed as a co owner of Kings Camo. Ryan discusses life in the industry and his love of hunting and conservation for future generations.

Disclaimer: this podcast has been transcribed from the original audio and likely contains errors. This transcription does not reflect the views and opinions of Epic Outdoors LLC. Please consult the original audio with any concerns.

00:00:02:07 –> 00:00:06:14
Wore a pair of boots out, and I wouldn’t trade that hunt for anything.

00:00:06:25 –> 00:00:10:22
You know, there’s just not a lot of guys in the industry that have done as much as you’ve done.

00:00:11:04 –> 00:00:12:18
A sheet hunt can change you.

00:00:13:02 –> 00:00:14:11
Anything to do with Western big Games.

00:00:17:20 –> 00:00:18:05

00:00:18:05 –> 00:00:21:09
To the Epic Outdoors Podcast, powered by Under Armour.

00:00:21:25 –> 00:01:15:16
Hey everybody. Jason Carter here, along with Adam Bronson, the Epic Outdoors Podcast, just another episode. I’m not sure where we’re at, 30 or 40, who knows? But anyway, done quite a few podcasts over the last little bit of time and had a number of awesome guests. We’ve got another awesome guest with us here today. We’re gonna be talking to Ryan Fouts of King’s Camo. So we both, Adam and I have known Ryan for many, many years. He’s been an incredible partner of Epic, you know, and the, and in our existence here. But he’s also one of those guys that’s just had a ton of experience with a lot of different companies. He’s had hunted a lot of western big game animals, and he’s just got a great enthusiasm for hunting Western big game. He, he operates a C W M U program here in Utah, which is private land, you know, that also has guaranteed tags for moose, deer, and elk.

00:01:15:19 –> 00:02:12:26
And, and he’s been a large part of many people’s big game hunting success over the years. He’s a sheep fanatic, been the president of EAUs here in Utah for many, many years before he is moved on. And, and then just a lot of different things from Sportsman’s warehouse to King’s camo to sportsman for Fish and Wildlife and conservation groups present. So anyway, super appreciative of Ryan and spending some time with us here today. Can’t wait to get into the middle of this. Before we do, we’d like to thank Under Armour for sponsoring all of our podcasts as well as being another great partner of, of us here at Epic Outdoors and the different projects that we’re working on. So anyway, super appreciative of them and the support they bring to the hunting industry. We just got a lot of great partners here at Epic, and that’s, we owe a large part of our success to them as well as you, the customers. So, anyway, thanks for listening in and we’re gonna get Ryan on the phone here.

00:02:16:11 –> 00:02:17:04
Hi, this is Ryan.

00:02:17:13 –> 00:02:18:24
Hey, it’s Jason. What do you know?

00:02:19:02 –> 00:02:20:00
Hey, how are you Jason?

00:02:20:26 –> 00:02:23:25
Good. I got Bronson here too, so don’t talk bad about him. We

00:02:23:25 –> 00:02:28:13
Rushing you. You got a staff meeting there? You’re in or you, you, you got some time?

00:02:28:28 –> 00:02:32:20
No. Got some time guys. Good. Appreciate the opportunity. Yeah.

00:02:33:04 –> 00:02:45:14
All right, man. Well, let’s see. As we get started here, why don’t you just give us a little bit about your background, you know, and tell us, you know, kind of what you, you know, what brought you to where you’re at today?

00:02:45:26 –> 00:03:43:14
Well, you know, I, I, I got a, I guess my biggest influence is, is probably like a lot of us is, was my dad, you know, getting into the hunting, into hunting in general. And I remember being seven, eight years old and my dad hauling me around out in Farmington Bay on the opening day of the duck hunt. And he’d sit me on a muskrat nest, you know, literally, because I didn’t have waiters at the time. So I’d haul him, he’d haul me around on his back, and I’d sit on a muck gra muskrat nest. And I remember the opener used to start at 12 o’clock noon. And I remember sitting out there in the sun and then, and then the ducks flying by, and I just wasn’t mesmerized at a young age by duck hunting. And then of course, my dad groomed me through not just waterfowl, but also into, into deer hunting and, you know, deer camps with my grandpa and my, my cousins and kind of the party hunting that we used to do.

00:03:43:26 –> 00:04:41:12
And, you know, I’ve just kinda gravitated through the years into the hunting, hunting world. Surprisingly, my career actually started out in, in retail back in when I was 23. And I went to work for Nordstrom, which is kind of an odd place for where I’m at now. Yeah. But it, it gave me a good background, a solid background in retail. I worked for ’em for 14 years and was able to kind of move through the company as a buyer, a merchandiser, and a store manager. So I saw every level, and I saw that side of the business. I then went to work for Sportsman’s Warehouse and worked for them for about eight years as a store manager and a marketing director for about five years as, as they grew as well. And I think I left when they, they had about 46 stores, and they went up to, to about 70, I think, and had a hiccup there, and now they’re back.

00:04:41:17 –> 00:05:34:05
And then worked, worked for a conservation group sportsman for Fish and Wildlife, which I, I really enjoyed, and I helped them kind of right the ship a little bit and really get a, a good base in Utah. And probably my favorite thing about that in con in the conservation side was the people. Yeah. And the result. And I think those two things go hand in hand, but it was really inspiring for me to see guys out on the ground that would really, you know, give of their, their time, their talent and their treasure, I guess their money to support a group that they felt strongly about. And there’s a lot of great conservation groups I’ve come to know, know a lot more of ’em intimately through the business now and the great things that they do. But I, I just really, really enjoyed that. Yeah.

00:05:34:15 –> 00:06:08:25
And then, of course, Adam knows this, but I was Utah final president for I think seven years or so, and then he took the reins after I did. And, and now that’s actually transitioned over to Travis Jensen. But all of that involvement in conservation over the last, ’cause I’ve really been involved probably the last 15 or 20 years has, has really inspired me. But it’s also probably educated me and seasoned me a bit on the, the hunting side of things and how conservation plays such a big role in what we get to do and the things we love to do. So

00:06:09:23 –> 00:06:55:02
Yeah, I think that’s probably Ryan, those roles that you played well with Sportsman’s, but then when you started with Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife, that’s probably when at least you and I probably got acquainted with each other. You were running banquets all over the state of Utah, which is at least as far as I know, where you’ve lived your whole life. But yeah, you were, you know, would see it three or four of those a year. And, and you know, there’s anybody that’s been involved in something like that realizes how much time, effort, passion, dedication it takes to put those on repeatedly over and over and over and, you know, and, and while you were there, the Western Hunting Conservation Expo started, if I’m not mistaken. So you were, I mean, you were involved there from year one too, weren’t you?

00:06:55:19 –> 00:07:39:08
Yeah, I was, in fact, I think it was up through year seven, and I think they just celebrated their, their 10 year anniversary with that. Yeah. That, that expo, which has really turned out to be, I think probably one of the premier, I guess that you can call it a consumer show, but a convention for two conservation groups that do do good things. I mean, it really is for, for Western Hunting and what they have to offer. I mean, we’ve got some, I think that thing is really, they’ve really done a good job, both Mul Deer Foundation and Sports and Fish Wildlife has done a good job to really attract some, you know, some great people who, who come from all over the world now, really.

00:07:39:16 –> 00:08:25:13
Yeah, no, we, we a hundred percent agree with you. We have a booth there, you know, the last few years, and it’s just been amazing the, the traffic that comes through there and truly made up of some of the most hardcore, you know, western big game hunters there is. And so anyway, it’s, it’s just one of those opportunities we get to see everybody face to face, including guys like you and, and you know, just catch up on things and then, you know, guys get to see all these new products. Of course, you know, Kings Camo, you guys, you’re now with Kings. And so anyway, obviously you have a great big booth and you’re selling and showing a lot of different products and selling a lot of different products and stuff. And so it’s gotta be, you know, it’s got gotta have been good for you as well.

00:08:26:18 –> 00:09:10:09
Oh, it has. It’s, it’s in, you know, I, I started here at King’s there, there was a, a change in ownership about four years ago, and I’m one of the managing partners along with Jed Nelson and Kevin Pritchett, who’s the primary principal owner. Kevin’s been great to work with. And we, we saw a great opportunity with a great company to acquire about four and a half years ago. And most people know Kings. If you’re in the West, we have a pretty good footprint. People know about Kings Campbell. Absolutely. It’s been around 20 years and, and I think, you know, from a western pattern standpoint, I, I think there would be a lot who would agree that we were kind of the innovators. You’re the first Western pattern.

00:09:10:24 –> 00:10:17:09
Adam and I were talking about that this morning actually, just, just as we were, you know, we were on the phone with different people and and whatnot, and it just, when we got a break, our offices are next to each other anyway. And we got talking about, you know, how long that king’s camel pattern’s been around, and of course you had desert shadow and some different things, but it, you know, and some of the bucks, we actually remember your pattern being behind, you know, on kill photos and stuff, and some of the significant deer, you know, over the years, of course, we’re kind of talking about deer. It’s just on our brain right now, but, you know, guys are using ’em for a variety of species using your camel pattern. But we got talking about it, and it is, it does feel like King’s Camel was kind of the innovator of having a western pattern of, as, you know, I mean, we’re not the whitetail world that has, you know, a million hunters in Pennsylvania alone. I mean, you know, there’s not not that big of a footprint compared to Whitetails out here in the West, but, you know, it does feel like, and I, and I don’t know, or you were just kind of going from memory. I mean, there’s, there’s some other brands out there that have Western patterns, but it feels like yours was the first.

00:10:18:08 –> 00:10:55:15
Yeah, yeah. And I, and there’s probably somebody that, that, that might have been, but I, you know, I’ve wore it for years and years and years. And that goes back to when I was with Sportsman’s Warehouse. You know, we had a pretty good presence back then. And I remember back in, geez, 2007, I killed a Wasatch Archery bull. And, you know, I looked at those pictures the other day and I was wearing Mountain shadow and, and the pattern that they’ve done back then and how it kind of relates to different landscapes, but we’ve, we’ve kind of, kind of that alpine greener pattern in mountain and then desert for more that sagebrush and, and more arid climates. But yes,

00:10:56:01 –> 00:11:40:17
That’s the pattern I feel, you know, as we all, I don’t know, grew up punting out west, you know, we start off with whatever, you could get Army surplus, this and that when you’re kids. But then as Camel really seemed to be, you know, the growing fad and, and what’s new, it was always, it seemed like hardwood patterns back east, you know, white till. And I get it, you know, if you’re bigger company, the volume of sales is the white till hunters. But, you know, for us that live out here, they just didn’t seem like they resonated with us. And you guys seem to, you know, even though I know that was prior to you and Kevin and Jed owning it, it just seemed like King’s was the first one that said, all right, we’re gonna fill the niche for Western hunting patterns for guys.

00:11:41:14 –> 00:12:30:20
Yeah, yeah. I totally agree. And you know, we, we had a great opportunity. We saw a great, a great company that had been established with their patterns and they’ve had a couple ownership changes and, and, and really wasn’t growing. And, and when we acquired the company four years ago, we really looked at it as an opportunity to take something that was already great and make it even better. And I think that’s really what we’ve done. We’ve, we’ve, we really tried to be, be diversified in, in who our customer is. And when I say diversified, I mean, you know, there are, we’re still a stick and leaf, we’ll call it a stiff and stick and leaf pattern. Us. ’cause that’s primarily what we have. I mean, we really have leaves and sticks and brush and grass and, and, and pine bows and other things in our pattern.

00:12:32:07 –> 00:13:53:02
But we, we knew that the patterns worked and we knew that they resonated well. But what we wanted to make sure that we stayed true to is our, our core base of customer, which is we kind of have an entry level called our classic series, which is, is more price point driven. Everybody’s on a budget, you know, we have different levels of, of incomes in the, in this, those who hunt and fish and in the great outdoors, and we know that. And so we started kinda with classics and then we moved into a hunter series, which was, is mostly made up of poly’s and larger sizes. I can fit a really big guy up to four x and a 46 waist and, and he can stay comfortable and, and know that he’s still getting a, a good value. And then we developed, when we got here a, a line called X K G, which is Extreme King’s Gear, which is a performance based layering system. And that has really, really done well. So we kind of have good, better, best and, and that best being, you know, X K G. We’ve, as you all know, you’ve watched the, the clothing industry evolve pretty dramatically, I’d say in the last 7, 8, 9 years. Yeah, yeah. No question. Something like that. You know, every, we all used to, you guys know the day when you used to wear a big parka and probably a pair of wranglers or jeans and Yeah.

00:13:53:28 –> 00:14:00:14
Whatever, everything we wore, whatever cotton, anything cotton pants shirt. Yeah. And we, yeah, it was, and we were usually miserable, but we didn’t know it.

00:14:01:09 –> 00:14:17:16
Yeah, but you didn’t know it. You were having so much fun, you kind of forgot about it. Right, right. You know, you freeze to death. I remember my, my Levi’s hunting deer in late October with boots where my feet were freezing and wet and from the knee down, my, my pant legs were froze, wicked

00:14:17:16 –> 00:14:20:11
Up the water wicks up and then freezes the Levi’s.

00:14:20:23 –> 00:14:39:24
Well, yeah. So I was noticing, I was noticing on here you had different, like you’ve been, you talked about the X K G, but then you got the Hunter series, the classic series and the sport series, and that’s what you’re talking about. Good, better, best. But the Sport series looks more like maybe a lifestyle or maybe just, you know, scouting and things like that. Yep.

00:14:40:07 –> 00:15:29:02
Yeah. In fact, we’re introducing, as you know, solids seem to be coming back pretty strong in the marketplace. Guys wanna wear a solid pan but still be branded or tops. And we’re introducing those in around holiday time and for next spring, a lot of guys just wearing a, a good four-way stretch pants that’s comfortable where they can shed hunt in or fish in or, or camp in or, or frankly even hunt in. Yeah, I like those a lot. And more tonal tonal colors. So, you know, we just try to adapt to what the market has out there and what our customers are asking us for. I don’t know if most people know, but we’re primarily a, a, we’re really a hunting apparel manufacturing company. And what that means, I guess, to those out there is that we’re a wholesaler we really sell to, to our dealers.

00:15:29:22 –> 00:16:26:01
We’re not really a sell to direct, although we have a little outlet and an online presence, but, you know, Sportsman’s Warehouse and Shields and Murdoch’s and, oh, let’s see, I f a, you know, to throw out a few, Cal Ranch is a big one locally, you know, Smith and Edwards, and we got a lot of small dealers. I mean, across, we’ve been in Dick’s Sporting Goods and working with them again and Wow. So really trying to have a good footprint and, and a good, a good presence out there in the market where people can take advantage of, of King’s Camo and, and what we have to offer. We just wanna make sure that we stay diversified and cover, you don’t need to edit this, but, you know, we call it the asses of the masses, you know? Gee. And there’s a, there’s a whole bunch of people in a range of, of what they can afford. And we feel like we offer something for everybody. So

00:16:26:01 –> 00:16:33:20
For everybody. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I noticed on here, tell me a little bit about U S A made, obviously, you know,

00:16:33:28 –> 00:16:34:29
Brand new. Yeah,

00:16:35:06 –> 00:16:36:00
Okay. Yeah.

00:16:36:08 –> 00:16:36:18

00:16:36:18 –> 00:16:38:05
New. Give me a little rundown on this.

00:16:39:10 –> 00:17:35:21
You know what, we came across a manufacturer back east, on the east coast that is, as you know, most manufacturing has gone away from the US for various reasons. I mean, just trying to compete on the world market. Yeah, sure. Especially cost, especially in Asia Yeah. Is, is very difficult. And you, you know, people wanna buy American but can’t afford to almost, we’re under different regulations and, and it caught drives cost up US labor and the regulations probably take us out. We found, we found a, a manufacturer that we felt could do a good job. And we just introduced that in late June, kind of around the 4th of July for use, U s A made, and we did a four piece line. We’re still working on a pant. We don’t have a pant, U s A made pant to go with it. But we did a, a short sleeve, a long sleeve, we did a quarter zip, and then we got a couple solid tops and we have one solid that’s kind of a base layer bottom. Yeah. Like a

00:17:35:21 –> 00:17:40:03
Performance fleece pant. Is that what that is? That performance fleece? Yeah. It’s okay.

00:17:40:25 –> 00:18:20:09
But it’s done really well. It’s got big u s a flag hang tags on it, and we’ve specifically got comments from people. Right now it’s only available on online, on our website. Yeah. And you should read some of the comments we’ve got. People are very appreciative that we’ve tried to build a product in the US and, and support, you know, US workers, employment, manufacturing, everything else. And I think, you know, we’ll see what the future holds, but we’re gonna try to, to expand that and keep growing that, that side of the business where we can, as long as the, as long as our customer will support it. So

00:18:20:15 –> 00:18:41:05
And so with this U s A made line, this was just basic somewhat of a trial, and you’re just kind of coming out slow. And then as long as it’s accepted and the hunters are willing to support you in it, then you’ll continue to grow that line and, and, you know, provide u s a make made hunting gear for people as long as they support your company.

00:18:42:01 –> 00:19:16:06
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you know, in business everybody knows that if you’re, if you’re making and selling products, you gotta have buyers and, and if, if people are willing to support that, it is a little bit more in comparison to some of the stuff we get out of the Asian market. But it’s not bad, I don’t think, you know, I mean, it might be like a 15, maybe a 20% increase in price Yeah. In something that say comparable to what we may build in Asia. And I think that translates to people thinking that, hey, I can spend a little bit more, but I know I’m supporting some manufacturing here in the us so.

00:19:16:06 –> 00:20:17:18
Yeah. Well, and like you say, it’s not something we’re, we’re used to. When I say we’re, I mean, all, most all hunting clothing is not, is not made in the US for sure. So it’s, you know, hunters will decide if they’re you, you’ll know that pretty quick, I assume how much you expand that to these other lines that you’ve went through a minute ago. And, you know, you’ll have to analyze price points and all that versus, you know, overseas stuff. But that’s good. That’s encouraging. That’s cool. It really is. Yeah. So what about, I know, you know, we talked about clothing and we won’t get off it totally, but I know another thing you guys are always known for are your, are your calendars, the, the drillers, you know, for us people or everybody to some extent that has to, has to work part of their year in an office and whatnot. It’s something to daydream at and look at on the wall. Tell us a little bit about that. That’s still part of what you guys do. I know it is the recreations of, you know, harvested animals for, for the most part from the mule, deer, elk standpoint, maybe other species, but yeah.

00:20:17:23 –> 00:20:21:13
And I’ve been lucky enough to have an animal or two on there. It’s pretty cool what you guys do with that.

00:20:22:10 –> 00:21:33:05
Yeah. You know what I mean, to be honest, when we, again, we acquired a company, we kinda looked at all aspects of the business and I looked at that and we had an internal discussion that like, God, our, our calendars somewhat antiquated, you know, I mean, we all have a cell phone, a laptop, a i, iPad, whatever. I mean, you, you can manage your life through a calendar on an electronic device. You don’t need, you know, we all think, we all used to rely on, at least, least I did. I used to have a desktop top calendar on my desk that I would manage my, my time by day or my appointments. And I didn’t do that. We soon learned that people weren’t buying for the, for the calendar because all of those other devices exist. They were buying them for the photos. And we have built up just a, probably almost a religious following of these calendars. And when they debut. So we do five calendars now and we do a, we do a milder calendar, an elk calendar, a white tail calendar, and then we do one that’s called a bucks and bulls. And we take what we consider kind of the best of those three categories of deer and elk and put it into one calendar. And then we do a, a wildlife calendar as well.

00:21:33:28 –> 00:21:36:03
Yeah. Live, live animal stuff, if

00:21:36:03 –> 00:22:14:25
I’m right. Yeah. Just, just live animals. But those are all recreations. Some of ’em are, most of them are all harvested animals by hunters. We try to get some giant stuff in there. And then some of them are actually sheds, you know, geez, I got a bull in there this year coming out in 18 that, you know, from Washington state that’s like a four 30 bull that a lady found both sides, you know, that we recreated, we were able to kind of give it a 40 inch inside spread. And then, you know, that that score roughly is around 430 inches on a, on a bull. It’s just, you know, that probably should be showcased at some point, you know? Yeah. Or somewhere. Yeah.

00:22:15:10 –> 00:23:15:06
And there’s a few deadhead here and there and we just, we just, this is an interesting story. We just did a white tail that was originally mounted and is still on the original mount from the Jonas Brothers and has a certificate that from 1918 out of New York, gee. Oh, okay. And Jonas Brothers is, you know, widely famous for their tax terming work. And it then hung in a bar in Cody, Wyoming for over 50 years. And so the horns are so patina black, probably from the smoke and cigars and, and everything else. And we were laughing in the office when we kind of got this one, and this deer has like triple drops on one side and a drop on the other and end up scoring like right out of close to 200 inches. Yeah. Clear. Back in the early 19 hundreds. And we were laughing about this deer, the stories and the things that it had heard the whole time in a bar in Wyoming. Oh,

00:23:15:10 –> 00:23:17:01
I’m sure it’s heard a few tall,

00:23:17:17 –> 00:23:22:11
But we’re gonna debut that one in the 2018 in the white tail.

00:23:22:16 –> 00:23:31:15
And so with the cal, the calendar sales are still good, Ryan, with, with all of our cell phones and all that kind of stuff, people are still buying those and just putting ’em behind their desk and all that kind of stuff.

00:23:32:15 –> 00:23:55:23
You know, what I think, you know, shops, warehouses, offices, you know, you know your homes. I mean, my wife uses one to, to to kind of remember everything, you know, important dates in, in her office at home. And I think people just really enjoy the images and the stories behind the recreations and, you know, you can’t get that off electronic device. So

00:23:56:05 –> 00:24:15:29
Yeah. Tell us about the, you know, the o while we’re on the subject o of other things other than your clothing. You got hats, backpacks, sleeping, I, I mean, I’m seeing a lot of different accessories and of course we’ve known you to do that for a number of years, like your optics covers and whatnot. And so, you know, tell us a little bit about that section of your business.

00:24:16:23 –> 00:24:44:25
Yeah, we’ve, you know, obviously you in business, you’re looking for different avenues of things that you can do, especially either off season or to compliment your current line. You know, we’ve done a couple sleeping bags. We’ve done about four different bags in the last couple years. They’ve done very well. Again, kind of a camper bag, a price point camping plus 20. We did a mummy that’s a zero degree, you know, at like 99 bucks retail.

00:24:44:28 –> 00:24:47:05
I think that’s like the hundred light one, isn’t it? The hundred.

00:24:47:13 –> 00:24:49:10
It’s the hundred light. Yep. Is that

00:24:49:16 –> 00:24:52:05
Heavy? Do you remember how heavy that is off the top of your head?

00:24:52:05 –> 00:24:54:18
That’s 4.2 pounds packed down down to

00:24:54:18 –> 00:24:56:11
Zero degrees. Yeah. Yeah.

00:24:56:22 –> 00:25:07:26
Which is a great value. You do some shopping, you kinda see that price point. You’re gonna probably be in that upper, you know, 1, 180 to 200 range for that rating. It’s

00:25:07:26 –> 00:25:09:17
A great value. Yep. Yeah.

00:25:09:23 –> 00:25:10:01

00:25:11:07 –> 00:25:18:19
What else? As far as accessories that you think you, I don’t know, either sell the most of or really seem to do well for you guys? I mean, we all like

00:25:18:19 –> 00:25:59:28
Our, we sell a lot of our backpacks every year. Do you really? I’ll give you a couple reasons why. I think that’s the case. We’ve, backpacks are always a, a, a moving target and something that you evolve in, right? You build a backpack and then you kind of do changes. So every year we’ve tried to enhance those changes, whether that be stress points, whether that be, you know, rain fly covers that we added this year to, to both series. So guy doesn’t have to buy a rain fly or a rain cover for his, for his backpack. All of our packs come with hydrations. You know, that’s not an added thing that you gotta go buy and then put in your pack, which is about a $30 value. But we, you know, in the building we’re we all hunt, we live, eat and dream this just like you guys do in your office.

00:26:00:13 –> 00:26:56:06
Yeah. And doing that. And you know, me and Jet are probably spending 30, 40 days a, a year in the field, you know, or as much time as we can either personally hunting or hunting with, with friends or work associates or even even customers. And having that opportunity, as, you know, you get to go out and field test stuff and see what works and what doesn’t. And we’ve really tried to take a lot of those things that we’ve always wanted or needed and implement into not just the clothing, but also into the accessories and backpacks is one of those where our, our 2200 backpack, you know, it’s got a center cam and butt plate cup strap that at the bottom where you can center your rifle or your bow down the back so it’s not offset to one side or the other where you’ve gotta offset some weight.

00:26:57:07 –> 00:27:32:22
And with the straps, it also comes with the meat shelf, a lot of internal pockets. It’s got two big side pockets, one for spotting scope and probably a tripod. You know, just a lot of things. Y k K zippers, we beefed up the stress points passed through belt. It’s vented on the back. So the, the, the actual backpack isn’t sitting against your back. It’s got about a, probably a inch and a half, two inch gap in between there where you can get an airflow. Yeah. And then it’s got some torsion bars as well that you can, you can move out and stiffen the pack up as the weight, as as your load goes up. So. Yeah.

00:27:33:14 –> 00:28:08:06
Well it’s pretty incredible. I mean, you guys, I don’t know if it’s, you know, common knowledge or, or what, but I mean, you do offer a lot of different options on these backpacks, whether it be, you know, your, your daylight shoulder strap, waist pack or your 1800 or your 2200 or, you know, lots of different things, a full curl pack, like, which is, I mean, you’ve been discussing some of these things, but, but there is, there is an, an amazing amount of oppor, different assortment of, of options, you know, meat bags and just a ton of different stuff that you guys are offering.

00:28:08:24 –> 00:29:06:10
Yeah. And you know, Jason, some of those, some of those that you mentioned are just, we’ve got some really good licensing partners too. Yeah. We know, we know that we can’t do everything. Yeah. And we, we obviously have a pattern that resonates with the consumer. Yeah. So we license out our, our pattern on some things and you know, horn hunter backpacks, which is the full curl and the main beams that we carry, those are made actually us and they’re made here in Salt Lake. Wow. A good local company. They make the, they also make the, the Bino hubs. They came out with the new Opt X, which is a great new design for kind of a chest bino system that’s covered, you know, it’s got a magnetic kind of, kind of top fold down top on it. It’s done very, very well. And then they do all of the scope covers that you see, you know, for spotting scopes Yeah. That we do. So we have some really good licensing partners as well that, that do a good job for us and represent our brand. So,

00:29:06:19 –> 00:29:25:29
And the Bino hub, I just wanna be clear just for people that aren’t, you know, used to hearing that, but that, you know, it’s, I mean it’s your, it’s a vinyl, it’s a binocular case. I mean it’s the, the vinyl harness that we’re all used to. It’s just, but it’s got your spin on it, obviously got a pocket for a rangefinder and a few different things on it.

00:29:26:23 –> 00:29:39:17
Yep. Yeah, exactly. Keep it close to your chest. It doesn’t flap around. You bend over, it stays tucked against your chest. There’s, and then obviously all the elements that, that the weather can do to your, to your optics Right. To protect them. So

00:29:40:16 –> 00:29:54:23
Another thing that I’ve seen a little bit, just ’cause we’ve been here in Utah, but you guys do have some vehicle accessories and things like that. We’ve seen, I don’t know if it’s Kevin’s rig or if it’s just the King’s King’s truck or whatever. We’ve seen that.

00:29:54:23 –> 00:29:57:13
Are you guys stingy with that or are you letting everybody wrap their trucks? What’s the deal?

00:29:57:15 –> 00:30:20:06
No, we’ll let anybody you can buy, you can buy that three m film and, and wrap your truck. Yeah. They, we’ve got a guy locally here that does a lot of ’em and they, you know, we have various people that’ll buy those sheets and, and do their four-wheelers, their, you know, their razors, whatnot. And the other trucks, Kevin just, Kevin just actually got a new raptor and had it done. It looked sharp. So Good.

00:30:20:13 –> 00:30:20:25
I bet.

00:30:21:16 –> 00:30:35:24
Well, well good. And then other, I mean, it’s just, I it goes on and on on what King’s Camel does. It’s not just camel pattern on clothing, but you guys got other accessories for your trucks. You get, I mean, floor mats and seat covers and all kinds of stuff. It’s

00:30:35:24 –> 00:31:13:23
Definitely getting through your licensing partners and that, but you can Exactly. You can figure it out. One thing that I’ve always appreciated is, I’ve had some kids growing up is you guys have always had kids line of clothing, which is frankly pretty hard to find and it’s really hard and, you know, as fast as kids grow too, you know, they’re only in it for about a year or maybe two and then they’re needing something else. But tell us a little bit about that. I mean, some of it’s actual kids camel for hunting, but then you guys, you got stuff for, you know, babies and all that, you know, little kids too, just, you know, that’s a unique, toddlers unique thing for a camel company to produce.

00:31:14:16 –> 00:32:31:17
Yeah. We just, you know what, you nailed it when you said kids grow like weeds, right? Yeah. I mean, you know, you’re buying shoes for your, your kids every four months, you know? Oh yeah. They grow out of ’em, whatever. And what we found is parents don’t want to have a big investment unless they’ve got like seven boys that they can pass from one to the next. Right. Or girls, you know, kids just grow out of clothing and they don’t want that big investment. So what we’ve done is we’ve really tried to build kind of a kid’s classic line, which is mostly cottons. We do have an insulated jacket, hoodie pants, short sleeve, long sleeve tee that’s affordable. You know, we try to bundle these too, but our, our our, our retail partners out there, you know, they sell out of it every year. The other component to that, the two, two areas of business that we see that some of the, the best growth percentages of growth are in kids and in women’s. Yeah. And women’s is that other facet of the hunting industry that’s really taken off. And we just, just introduced literally like two, three weeks ago, a ridge pant in the women’s, which is out of our X K G line, but it’s a women’s fit out of the same fabric. And women as you know, still wanna look cute in the field.

00:32:31:19 –> 00:32:34:01
Yeah. They don’t wanna wear a guy comfortable guy’s clothes, but they

00:32:34:01 –> 00:32:39:11
Don’t wanna wear a guy’s baggy, you know, traditional six pocket. Right. Hunting, hunting pan,

00:32:39:11 –> 00:32:40:25
Cargo pant. Right. Correct.

00:32:41:04 –> 00:32:53:18
So we, we developed this really cute pant and did a couple tops with it, an X K G, a full zip hoodie and a in a tee that kind of compliment those and have seen some really good results and

00:32:54:01 –> 00:33:19:14
Well, that’s what I was wondering. I noticed you on your women’s line and of course we all know, and we’ve seen on social media that, you know, there’s other companies jumping on that and, but anyway, you do have quite a women’s line and I was, you know, I’ve always wondered like, is it really a viable market? Is it something that you’re actually selling, you know, on a number of items for, or, you know, is it a market that’s actually there? I’ve always wondered that.

00:33:20:03 –> 00:34:21:15
Yeah. And I don’t think every woman is a necessarily a hunter. I’ll take my wife for example. You know, my wife doesn’t necessarily hunt, but she loves to go. Yeah. And one of our traditional things that we do in the spring is we do a, a, a, you know, a family Turkey outing. Yeah. And that’s where she, she still needs to have all the gear, you know, head to toe. Yeah. And she may not be pulling the trigger or, or the release, but she loves to go out and be part of that with our boys and kind of have that experience. And she still needs to have camo. And I think that’s what we provide. But I’ve also seen a, a significant increase in the amount of women who have taken taking up hunting specifically. And that’s kind of exciting. I mean, it, it’s not just exciting to see from a business standpoint. It’s exciting to see from a, an engagement in the future of our, our industry. You know, we need to have as many people as we can. Women, kids, men involved in that to make sure that we’ve got a future down the road.

00:34:21:27 –> 00:34:48:12
Well, and it looks like too, like in this line, I mean, just for people that aren’t, you know, aware, you’ve got the, the storm f fleece jackets, you’ve got the hoodies, you’ve got the vests, you know, like you said, these, these pants tos got X k g ridge and, and the zip hoodies. And so I mean, it’s not just like, here’s you a couple of items, you’ve actually, you know, got a decent selection and I don’t even know if I’m looking at, you know, all of what you’ve got, you probably got new stuff coming out that I’m not aware of. So

00:34:48:24 –> 00:34:54:12
We do and we add that, add that as as it comes in. Adam, I think you mentioned too, the infant toddler.

00:34:55:00 –> 00:34:56:13
Yeah. I mean it, you

00:34:56:16 –> 00:35:03:05
See, lemme tell you, you want an easy gift to give to your friend’s, family, relatives when they have a baby. Yeah.

00:35:03:22 –> 00:35:05:07
We cannot go wrong with a little camera.

00:35:05:16 –> 00:35:14:01
You cannot go wrong. Usually it’s relatively, you know, it’s kind of price point driven. But yeah. If, if the lifestyle of that family is,

00:35:14:05 –> 00:35:16:05
Is hunting or outdoors hunting, they’ll love

00:35:16:05 –> 00:35:20:00
It. You give them one of those, it’s usually the best gift that they got. We hear it all the time.

00:35:20:05 –> 00:35:26:12
Yeah. There’s not a, there’s infant toddler overalls. Like, I’m definitely giving somebody some of those. Yeah. They’re cute.

00:35:27:09 –> 00:36:07:24
Yeah. You, you can’t make a, a kid can’t look anything but cute in camel, whether it’s a boy or a girl, it’ll, it’ll, it’ll look cute. But yeah. And I, I dunno if my kids, you guys have always, I always built to bike stuff for my boy ty and, and and things like that. So that’s been great. And tell us maybe as a kind of a wrap up on everything patterns and stuff like that. Tell us about the different patterns that you have. You guys have, you know, a handful of those, you know, maybe not counting, just some stuff you make in orange and things I realize, but, and then you got the women’s pink. But tell us about the different shadow patterns that you have just, just briefly here.

00:36:08:17 –> 00:36:26:17
Well, yeah, and probably one we didn’t, we didn’t touch on, that’s really significant for us. And we do a, a big business in, it’s obviously seasonal, but it’s our snow pattern. Yeah. It’s basically our desert pattern where we’ve been able to take that pattern and with the layers reverse those out to white. So it looks like a snow pattern.

00:36:26:25 –> 00:36:29:06
A lot of sage brush involved in it still. Yeah.

00:36:29:06 –> 00:37:23:15
There’s still some, still some element of breakup there. It’s not solid white. It has, it has some, a little bit of brown and a little bit of that sage green in there that just kind of comes through on some of that, that white and predator hunters specifically just love that we sell. If we have a good winter, we’ll sell out of that every year. And we do an insulated line, a coverup suit line. And typically we usually have kind of a, oh, kind of a storm fleece top and bottom that’s, that’s also waterproof that that guys can use. And you know, some of the late hunts that are around in several states, you know, Idaho and Utah, they have these late mul deer hunts. A lot of guys need whites, you know? Yeah. Especially on Wasatch front here and some of those later seasons that they can go out and Yeah. Your

00:37:23:26 –> 00:37:29:04
Mul deer, archery, mul deer on the front there in December, you know? Yeah. It’s just such a natural to have that.

00:37:30:13 –> 00:37:42:27
And you know what, there’s, there’s one pattern that a lot of people probably don’t know we have, and we do a three in one parka and we introduced a bib this year and it’s, our field pattern field is basically kind of a, it, it’s kind of a waterfall. Waterfall

00:37:42:27 –> 00:37:45:22
Water. That’s what I was gonna say. Looks like a waterfowl. Yeah,

00:37:45:26 –> 00:38:42:02
It is a great pattern. I’ll tell you why it’s so good is that even for the west and our marshes, and most guys know this, when those marshes go from green to brown, they, they are lighter in nature. You know, you get those cocktails and some of that stuff, this pattern you just blend in. We’ve also done very well with that pattern in, in the Midwest, in the c r p type fields and, and some of those guys hunt and geese and fields. So that’s an, that’s an opportunity for us to expand that line and we’re looking to do that. We also, one of you mentioned earlier that, you know, the white tail community and the hardwoods patterns, we know to grow our business that we need to, to tap into some of that market. And we are developing a pattern right now that we hope will resonate with that, that Midwest east coast hunter and sportsman. And we hope to debut that here in the next 18 months or so.

00:38:42:03 –> 00:38:45:01
Is that the, what is this, is this the woodland or which one are you talking about?

00:38:45:10 –> 00:38:47:29
No, this will be a, this will be a brand new pattern. Okay, cool. One that

00:38:48:01 –> 00:38:48:09

00:38:48:12 –> 00:39:17:26
We are working on internally right now. We’re excited about it. It, it takes a lot of work to get a pattern. Right. Okay. We wanna make sure that we do some field testing and get some other people involved. So we’re gonna take our time and make sure that when we do launch this, that it’s, that it’s correct. That it’s right. That it resonates with consumers and, and Woodland is, Woodland has done okay, we’ve done that before, but that probably needs an update, you know, and I think that this new pattern will, will do that for us. So

00:39:17:29 –> 00:39:27:14
That’s awesome. So that’s kind of, I mean, have you, have you outwardly publicly told anybody about this? Or is it just, is this podcast the first time you’re discussing? I

00:39:27:14 –> 00:39:30:07
Think podcast. Yeah. I think you guys are hearing it for the first time.

00:39:30:24 –> 00:39:34:11
Write off for pretty special. What else we, what else you got going on over there?

00:39:35:09 –> 00:39:35:18

00:39:37:03 –> 00:39:37:19
Anything else of

00:39:37:27 –> 00:39:46:24
Interest? Is that, is that one of the, probably the more bigger things that you can announce would be that hardwoods, you know, whitetail type pattern that you’re working on that’s not too secretive?

00:39:47:22 –> 00:40:38:01
No. Yeah. I mean that’s, that’s kinda what’s coming down. We’re constantly working to improve our current line and new and new products. Yeah. We introduced three new, three new things this year. You know, we have marina wolves for base layers and, and various things and you know, to tell our story better, we’re also doing through hang tags, all of our X K G lines can have poly gene on it it this year. Okay. A lot of people are familiar with that, which is an antibacterial, you know Yeah. That they can put on the garment, which will really reduce your scent from bacteria. It won’t hold bacteria and it’s good for up for 150 washes, but it’s something that we need to continually do and educate the consumer about, you know, as to what they’re buying and why they’re, why would they buy that? Yeah. Yeah. Pretty excited about that. No, and we’re excited for fall, man. I guess you guys are you guys,

00:40:38:10 –> 00:40:38:25
Oh, it’s coming

00:40:39:06 –> 00:40:47:28
A big list. It’s coming, right? Yeah. I, next, next Tuesday I’m going across the pond on a tour hunt

00:40:47:29 –> 00:40:51:00
Hunting road deer in England. No, I’m just kidding. I, yeah,

00:40:51:15 –> 00:40:56:08
I, I was wondering if the Pondman Antelope island or what, what are you talking about? No, which pond are you cross in?

00:40:56:19 –> 00:41:00:05
Oh, the Atlantic. I guess the big pond. The big one. Yeah.

00:41:00:19 –> 00:41:13:18
Tell us where we’re going. Yeah, we, we were up the other day with the Red Rock Precision Boys and I believe Kurt’s going with you told us a little bit about it, but for our listers maybe that, that haven’t heard that or where are you headed and what you hunting?

00:41:14:18 –> 00:41:57:29
Oh, you know what, it’s just one of, it’s kind of a bucket list thing. You know, A few years ago I had an opportunity to go to Monko and harvest really nice ibes. And when we did that and the guys I went with on the plane ride home and you get talking about, okay, what’s the next adventure? We, we kind of settled in on this dges tur that’s in a country called Azerbaijan. And it’s just one of those things, I think what intrigued me most about the hunt wasn’t necessarily the animal, although I’m excited to harvest a tur. It’s, it was kinda where they live in the mountains they live in, which are the ques mountains which come outta Russia and down into and they’re just some of the steepest, nastiest

00:41:58:03 –> 00:41:59:16
Yes they are from what I’ve seen.

00:41:59:16 –> 00:42:11:05
And so the challenge is, you know, or I, I guess some of the excitement, what we’re looking forward to is just where they, where they live and how you have to hunt ’em. And it’s, that’s kind the reward.

00:42:11:14 –> 00:42:12:21
True mountain honey, they’re a meat

00:42:12:21 –> 00:42:28:24
Animal. They have short little stocky legs. I think they say a mature male weigh about 300 pounds and they’ve got kind of a unique horn configuration for a, I guess they haven’t established them as a sheep or a goat. They kind of qualify as both, so,

00:42:29:15 –> 00:42:36:29
Wow. Yeah. They kind of go back off the head more in between a sheep and an ibex kind of in the middle. They

00:42:36:29 –> 00:42:38:14
Do. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

00:42:38:16 –> 00:42:42:27
You know. Well, cool. That’s awesome. So you’re leaving here in a week for that? What, how long

00:42:42:27 –> 00:42:43:15
Will it be? How

00:42:43:15 –> 00:42:43:27
Long will we be

00:42:43:27 –> 00:42:50:24
Over there? It’s actually a five day hunt be gone about nine days with travel. Oh, not too bad. Yeah. Yeah. So not

00:42:50:24 –> 00:42:55:14
Too bad. Well that kicks you off. And then what about after that? I know you, you, oh,

00:42:55:16 –> 00:42:56:21
Oh, I got kind of a dry spell.

00:42:57:00 –> 00:43:13:11
Do you, well I know you also, we didn’t talk about this as one of your other hats you’ve worn for a long time as you do operate A A C W U in Northern Utah. So you do have, you know, you do guiding outfit hunts on that. Is that where you pick up to in the archery seasons when you get back from that? Or do you

00:43:13:25 –> 00:43:58:01
Well, yeah. Yep. We start with some archers and then move into some rifle and we do deer, elk, and moose. Yeah, that’s just been a fun thing for me. I haven’t really done it any other reason than just have maybe kind of a place to personally hunt and then, and then my boys. But also I’ve met some of the neatest people doing that over the last 18 to 20 years. You know, you meet people from all over the US that come in and hunt with you and there’s just some really good people that you now they, they start out as clients and then they become lifelong friends. And I know Jason and, and Adam and your, your business. I know you can, you can relate to what I just said, so Yeah.

00:43:58:03 –> 00:44:11:08
Yeah. It is. Every, every hunting season we come to, I don’t know, as we get a little bit older now, we don’t, I don’t wanna flounder one away. It’s not like, you know, we’re in one foot in the grave, but the same token, we’re

00:44:11:08 –> 00:44:11:16
Not getting

00:44:11:16 –> 00:44:40:10
Any younger. Not getting younger. And you want to, whether it’s our own hunt or our kids’ hunts or you tag along with a good friend family or, or guide somebody, we want it to be not only where we would wanna hunt and, and the kind of animals or experience, but, but yeah. With good people that that, that we really, you know, fulfill I guess our time at field. And I get it. Totally. So what else, do you have anything else personally, or was that, did you kind of keep your schedule more, more open?

00:44:40:16 –> 00:44:59:04
Oh, I did because Drew a whitetail tag up in Wyoming in November and that, that’s something that we’ve done the last 10 or 12 years. Kind of a fun kind of wrap up the season type hunt. That’ll be, that’ll be fun. And then it’ll just be out, you know, supporting my, my two sons and making sure they can have some good experiences out there in the hills. You know.

00:44:59:13 –> 00:45:08:00
Tell us, tell us, tell us a little bit as we wrap up here, just about one of your most memorable hunts. You know, something that really stands out that’s maybe a

00:45:08:13 –> 00:45:09:16
A hundred or two. Yeah. That,

00:45:10:01 –> 00:45:56:24
You know, there was, there was one for me that was a game changer. And, and I don’t know if some of your listeners, and you guys have had one of those that kind of, kind of changed your mindset a little bit and, and, and the way you thought about hunting and what you kind of had inside yourself. And that was my first cheap hunt back in 2003. I went on a doll sheep hunt to Arctic Red River and it was something that I had saved for. So it was, you know, I’m not a rich guy and these are things that I just kind of put some pennies away until, until I got enough to go. And I, I went on this hunt back in 2003 and we didn’t have a G P S but when we bought back to base camp, we mapped out how far we went and I killed my sheep on day nine of a 10 day hunt. Geez. And we estimated that we went about 75 miles

00:45:57:24 –> 00:46:01:05
Backpacking patch moving. You’re not riding, you’re not talking riding four wheelers. No,

00:46:01:14 –> 00:46:01:20

00:46:01:25 –> 00:46:02:26
No. Not getting

00:46:02:26 –> 00:46:05:01
Airdropped pumpkin pie or anything. I mean

00:46:05:01 –> 00:46:32:16
This is exactly, and just this sheer I guess, you know, I kind of wrestled high school and college and that was pretty tough. Yeah. And other than that, when I went on that hunt, that was, that was something that kinda strung me out, if you will, in terms of just not just physically but almost a little bit emotionally. And you know, I mean I was getting towards the end of my hunt, I was getting nervous and by the way, I killed the 76th ram I saw,

00:46:33:00 –> 00:46:34:03
Geez. No.

00:46:34:08 –> 00:47:23:24
So I saw a lot of sheep. We just weren’t seeing old sheep. An arctic red really likes to kill 10 year, 10 year old rams. Absolutely. You know, we want to kill that top end, that old mature ram that’s at the end of his, his breeding cycle. And we just went a long way. We pushed right to the end. I mean, I lost 14 pounds on that, huh. Geez. You got, you know, you’re eating mountain house, you’re probably taking in 2000 calories a day and burning tan. Yeah. Yep. And wore a pair of boots out. And I wouldn’t trade that hunt for anything ’cause it just, it really, number one, it did two things. One, it gave me a huge appreciation for extreme mountain hunting and number two, I just, it it hooked me on, on sheep hunting and Adam knows that and how involved I’ve been with the sheep program.

00:47:24:10 –> 00:47:50:17
Yeah, I was gonna say that national level, that’s probably not too long after that you had, I guess just call it the opportunity that came op opening to serve within Utah and Oz and Yes. I’m sure that experience probably played into that. Yeah, you bet. When you got asked to be a part of that, you did that. And as was mentioned earlier, I think it was, maybe it was eight or nine years, I think you said seven, but I think you were there longer than that buddy. You did a long, long

00:47:50:17 –> 00:47:51:29
Time. Yeah. I kinda lost track there.

00:47:52:04 –> 00:48:21:00
But, but having said that, that was your, that was your first, and that got you in and, and for most people that a sheep hunt can change you. I mean obviously not, you can’t just hunt sheep, most of us every single year, but it, it changes your mindset and it changes your goals and aspirations and stuff like that to want to do ’em again. And I know you’ve, you’ve had a couple more maybe briefly tell us, you know, that didn’t, that wasn’t your only sheet pun. I know you did a stone sheet, I don’t know

00:48:21:01 –> 00:49:14:17
How many years after that you did a seven. I, well, I get home oh three, so oh seven, four years later had an opportunity. Stone prices, as you know, were starting to climb and go through the roof supply and demand on stone sheep hunting. I had an opportunity to go up to British Columbia and harvest a nice ram there, Eskin Lake. And, and then of course, you know, the ever, the ever quest the, well the quest to kill a desert is a, you know, a 20 year process. And I actually ended up having 20 points and drew a Utah desert sheep tag and killed a really nice room in 2014 and down in the design unit. And Adam, you were part of that and you helped and, and your dad and Aaron and Wayne and, and there was a lot of people there and I sure appreciate it. It was, it was even Adam’s boy

00:49:14:17 –> 00:50:18:15
Tie was there. That was, I remember that night. Yeah, that’s right when you were, he had a football game, if I remember that day, and had their dad and Wayne had the ram found that day and is moving in on the stock. And I was, I was kind of hoping don’t kill this thing before I can get there. And, and, and we were literally wa hiking into the canyon. We’d left, we’d got Done’s game, got down there and we’re hiking into the canyon to watch it all unfold and heard, heard the gunshots. And so that was actually a special time for my boy. He was, I don’t know, probably 10, I think he was about 10, nine or 10 at the time. But that was the first sheep punt. He got to taste a little bit as far as walk up, put your hands on a dead ram. And he still talks about that. That was pretty, pretty awesome. And design unit, you know, not all of it can you, you know, take a nine or 10 year old boy into, but that was a canyon that forge found a big Ram dad and Wayne that day and very deserving Ram for you. It was a 170 inch plus net Boone and Crockett Ram too. Yeah. Not a, just

00:50:18:15 –> 00:51:30:24
A great ram. You know what made that one so sweet I think for me was because I had been involved with Utah pH nas for up to that point probably, geez, 20 years. You know, I remember going to the first fundraiser at Utah f Nas and there was probably 150 people in the room. And now, you know, we get more like five, 600 and to watch that that organization grow. But I’ve also had the ability or the opportunity to watch our sheep program in Utah flourish over those 20 years and watch this opportunity. And I mean, it was bittersweet for me to, to, to actually draw the tag and then go harvest one and know, and see all of the effort by not just Utah Phau members, but the divisional wildlife and their partnership and neighboring states like Nevada where we got sheep from and get transplants. And kinda the culmination of just all of that work and then having that opportunity, as you know, I mean they’re, to hunt sheep as a rare opportunity and then, then to actually taste and experience it is, is truly, you know, hunt of a lifetime. And that, that was special for me though. Yeah,

00:51:31:00 –> 00:52:16:18
It really was. One thing to, just to point out, just you, you started applying obviously before you drew that 20 something years prior, that unit wasn’t even open, didn’t even have a huntable, no sheep population had ’em in the park, but they hadn’t yet expanded outta the park and kind of a blessing that you didn’t maybe draw earlier in life. I know that’s crazy to say that, but No, no, you were literally, you were you and another, another Utah sheep enthusiast, Rick Ellison drew the same year, but you were literally the last three to draw with Max Points, literally the three last ones that year. So you were the That’s true. Literally the most unlucky, unlucky guy in the state of Utah. You were. Yeah. That’s a way to look at it. You’re the last three that they had to give a tag to, but

00:52:16:18 –> 00:52:25:25
Then to notch your tag, not only on a desert Yeah. But such a stud ram and do it the way you did it with the right people and Yeah. And whatnot. I mean, it, it’s a blessing as well.

00:52:26:04 –> 00:52:28:14
Now you just need a big horn buddy. Big horn.

00:52:28:27 –> 00:52:31:20
Yeah. Well, well said Jason. I agree. Yeah, well said.

00:52:32:15 –> 00:53:39:00
Well, it’s awesome. We sure appreciate the time you spent with us, Ryan. I know, you know, I remember you back in those Sportsman’s warehouse days and, and you know, there’s just not a lot of guys in the industry that have done as much as you’ve done with all the different species, moose, deer, elk, you know, you’ve experienced everything. Yeah, of course sheep, but we’ve been talking about, but you’ve experienced everything and you’ve done it on a wide variety of levels. You know, not just from a hunting perspective, but then also from the retail perspective and, and different companies you worked with. You bring a wealth of knowledge, you know, to our members here at Epic. And, and we just appreciate the partnership that you’ve, that you’ve given to Epic. And of course, you know, we wanna be able to reciprocate and help you guys out as well. And we believe in your products and we believe in people. And that’s probably the biggest thing here at Epic, as you know, is you develop relationships over the course of time and those relationships last for a long period of time. You know, and that’s what we like about dealing with you guys is, is of course you gotta have good products, but there’s something to be said for being partners with good people.

00:53:39:24 –> 00:54:24:00
Well, we’re, we’re excited to be, be partner, the partnership we have with Epic. And congratulations to you and your team there on, I know, I know your launch was like, what, December, January and, and the early success that you’ve had. I know it’s probably been a little mind blowing. I mean, you know, we’re, we’re, we’re just excited and proud to be part of your success and what you’ve done and, and hopefully, you know, expose our our products to, to your customers as well. Absolutely. And we, we look forward to a long, healthy relationship. ’cause you’re right in, in this business, in the hunting side, it’s all about relationships. It truly is. Yeah. And we see it every day, so

00:54:24:09 –> 00:54:54:18
Yeah, there’s no question we’re, yeah, there’s no question. And so it has been, it has been somewhat humbling for us. Of course, you know, Adam, John and I, and Chris and, and Jeff and a few of the other guys here, you know, we’re not going anywhere. And that’s what’s been nice. I mean, you’re always kind of nervous. You’re jumping out and, and hoping that, that it catches on and that people support you and whatnot. And, and it’s just been mind blowing. So yeah, we’re, we’re gonna be here for many, many years to come. So very

00:54:54:18 –> 00:55:06:17
Appreciative of all that support. You guys have been big part of that. And not that we doubt it, that would be the case, but great to deal with companies like yourself and people like yourself, Ryan. So thanks for your time today.

00:55:06:17 –> 00:55:10:12
Well, thanks guys. I appreciate it. Yeah, thanks for your partnership and friendship.

00:55:10:14 –> 00:55:13:00
Yeah, good luck. Thanks, you luck. Good luck across the pond. Yeah,

00:55:13:02 –> 00:55:16:07
Stay safe over there and we’ll look forward to seeing some pictures in weeks.

00:55:16:13 –> 00:55:20:23
I wanna make sure you get, you get some, some level of success photo. How’s that? That’s

00:55:20:23 –> 00:55:22:10
Right. All right, Ryan. Sounds great, buddy.

00:55:22:15 –> 00:55:23:20
All right, thanks guys. Thanks guys.

00:55:23:20 –> 00:55:25:02
Appreciate it. You bet. Byebye talk to you later.

00:55:25:19 –> 00:55:59:12
Here at Epic Outdoors, we produce a hunting magazine nine-ish a year. The first six issues are state by state research driven issues, breaking down the states, the drawing odds, kill percentages, best places to go, whatever your goals are for that state, whether you should even apply for that state or not. Coming from January through June, we break those down the rest of the year. We go every other month. Very informative magazine, a hundred dollars a year, get you that magazine as well as the ability to call and consult with us consultants, develop a strategy, bounce ideas off us, things like that. Yeah.

00:55:59:15 –> 00:56:16:26
So, so with this magazine, you know, it just is covers Western big game hunting. That’s what we specialize in. That’s what we stick to. So the Western states, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, from a big game hunting perspective. So a hundred bucks a year and, and it should be everything to do with Western big game hunting.