EP 68: Q&A Mule Deer Tips and Tactics with Jason Carter and Adam Bronson. In this episode of the Epic Outdoors Podcast we continue part two of our first Q&A series. This week the questions are focused on Mule Deer tips and tactics. Jason and Adam read the questions of the first time and answer off the cuff. This is a fun way to get to know Jason and Adam as well as to see the way they think when it comes to Mule Deer strategy.

Disclaimer: this podcast has been transcribed from the original audio and likely contains errors. This transcription does not reflect the views and opinions of Epic Outdoors LLC. Please consult the original audio with any concerns.

00:00:01:24 –> 00:00:05:18
And sometimes it’s opening day of the rifle aren’t, we hadn’t seen the deer for two weeks and we killed them.

00:00:05:24 –> 00:00:09:09
They start rutting, they’re moving, migrating, and things like that. You’re covering the numbers.

00:00:09:18 –> 00:00:12:23
Yeah. You can’t just sit there and hunt a deer passively and

00:00:13:03 –> 00:00:14:11
Anything to do with Western Big Games.

00:00:17:22 –> 00:00:18:06

00:00:18:06 –> 00:00:21:09
To the Epic Outdoors Podcast, powered by Under Armour.

00:00:21:24 –> 00:01:08:02
Hey everybody, Jason Carter and Adam Bronson here with another podcast coming at you from Epic Outdoors. I don’t know what number we’re on, 60 or 70, probably. Probably closer to 70. But anyway, just pumping ’em out here. We do have another one here for you today as far as our question and answer. We’re gonna kind of wrap this up for this one. Got a lot of good questions, I guess Chris just informed us, he’s kind of grouped ’em up, and so we’re gonna do a lot on Mulder questions today. So we’ve got kind of an interesting podcast. You know, we’ll just kind of do it spontaneous. It’s not like we’ve studied for this stuff, we’re just gonna read ’em some of these the first time I’ve ever seen ’em. So anyway, it’ll be interesting. But whatever comes to mind is what you’re gonna get. Before we get started, I wanna thank Unarmed for sponsoring these podcasts.

00:01:08:02 –> 00:01:48:14
They do a lot for us here at Epic, and got a lot of good stuff coming at you here this year for 2018. Usually comes out this summer. We’ve been checking out some of the new models, the 2018 models and everything looks good so far. Of course, we gotta test it in the field and get aggressive with it, but we expect good things. So anyway, thanks to Under Armour for all they’ve done for us. Thanks to a lot of our other sponsors as well. They sponsors here in the magazine and do a lot of other things for us, and we’ll kind of throw some of those ads in here with these podcasts. So anyway, just want a little shout out to everybody that works with us as well. As you guys out there listening, we hear a lot from you and, and we love it and we appreciate it.

00:01:48:14 –> 00:02:34:23
And thanks for listening and a lot of your comments on the side on what direct message or whatever you call it, PMs, dms, whatever. So anyway, this is a question and answer podcast, but before we get diving into that, we do wanna remind everybody, of course, the Colorado deadline came and went. It was April 3rd, the New Mexico draw results. We expect to be out pretty soon, so won’t be too long on that. And then Nevada’s obviously due April 16th. And so make sure you get your applications in for Nevada. There are quite a few changes in there. It’s kind of tough to navigate around their system a little bit until you get used to it. Once you get used to, it’s pretty awesome. You can go in there and change your choices as many times you want. It doesn’t cost you anything, just some cool things about it.

00:02:34:26 –> 00:03:17:19
But two, they do have a new 365 day hunting license. That does not mean it’s a two for one, where you can use one hunting license fee and apply for two years. It is one hunting license per bonus point year per year. So every year you’re gonna have to buy that to get your points. And so make sure you do that, even if it’s valid during the application period next year. Don’t think that you’re gonna get a point. You do that. You’re gonna be sitting out and and not gaining a point for a year. So anyway, you’ll want to, we’ll wanna do that and get everything in. Of course, the drawing odds are tough, but you get your applications in everywhere you can and there’s a lot of opportunities over there. So anyway, I guess we’ll get started. Adam, we don’t wanna read, read off the first question.

00:03:18:25 –> 00:03:35:16
All right, this is from Jason and he asked, he says, huge fan of the show. When I’m in the office here at Phone Scope, I cost constantly listening to your stuff. I’ve listened to the Randy Omer podcast at least 50 times. 50. Yeah, that’s, it’s a lot.

00:03:36:05 –> 00:03:39:04
I wonder if he’s working. You think Justin’s getting good work out here?

00:03:39:10 –> 00:04:01:11
I don’t know. Hopefully he is not turning himself in by writing this question into us. But anyway, he says keep up the good work. But he says, I’ve ha I have hundreds of questions, but I think the biggest one would be, what do you think the best scouting tactic is for here in the West when it comes to mule deer, glassing, trail cams? What is it for you guys? Thanks for everything. So take it away.

00:04:02:13 –> 00:04:29:26
Well, I think like, and I’m sure you’d agree, Adam, but it just totally depends on where you’re at, whether you’re high country, low country MidCountry, and the season dates, if you’re hunting in August and September, that’s gonna totally be different than maybe like the second and third fourth seasons in Colorado. When you’re talking latter part of October, like such as even Idaho, they start rutting, they’re moving, migrating and things like that. You’re covering the numbers. So I don’t know, what do you think, Adam? Should we break it down like Yeah, say it’s August, September,

00:04:30:00 –> 00:04:32:05
Spark Tree, August. Yeah, start that way.

00:04:33:01 –> 00:05:22:02
So anyway, yeah, so it’s gonna vary, I guess. You know, as far as August, I’ll, I’ll take August here, August, September, you know these early season bucks, you’ve heard it a hundred times from both of us here. Scouting and patterns kill deer. Patterns kill deer. And so if you’re gonna, if you have time to pattern a buck, definitely you’re gonna be, you know, you’re gonna, you’re gonna hunt all summer and you wanna hunt those earlier seasons. If you have time to, you know, scout all summer, you don’t wanna be hunting the rutt on that same unit. You’re scouting, you’re gonna wanna hunt early when you, when you scout units, you hunt early. If you don’t scout units, you wanna hunt later and maybe get lucky and rely on the ru. So archers and muzz hunters, you guys, generally speaking now there’s some late hunts in Nevada and other places, you know, even New Mexico, January 1st to the 15th.

00:05:22:02 –> 00:06:18:14
Cool hunts like that that are awesome. But generally speaking, those archer from Mulder archery, musser hunts seem to be early. And when they’re early you scout, you scout for ’em. Here in Utah, we’ve got a lot of early seasons and whatnot. Nevada especially, they start August 10th with the archery hunters, which is awesome. And of course you see on social media, all the first bucks that hit the pages on your flip phone are generally archery bucks in Nevada. So, so anyway, scout early. When you go early, you’re obviously, you know that you’re gonna be glassing a lot. G glassing is a, is huge. It’s paramount as well as truck cameras. If you’re in kind of an area where you, I mean, truck cameras are popular, I guess, in any elevation. And depending if you can bait or not using salt or water or whatever you’re doing, truck cameras are, are quite popular and and we use ’em too. We use ’em heavy, we love ’em, but we glass heavy too. And so glassing and trail cameras early season for sure.

00:06:19:11 –> 00:07:00:01
Yeah, and I think definitely the unit will dictate that as well. Some units that are thicker don’t have a lot of burns or things like that. If they’re early season, you’re gonna have to probably work cameras a little bit more to help give you an inventory of what’s there. And then a certain buck or two shows up and then you’re, then it prompts you to start G glassing, all right, he’s here somewhere, I gotta lay eyes on him, I gotta find out where’s he going to bed, what’s his feeding locations, things like that. I mean, there’s other places like, I don’t know, like a Henry Mountains, we run cameras down there more or less to try to gain pictures of bucks that we know are in a general area to help supplement, you know, what they’re looking like or whatnot. But it’s a glassing unit.

00:07:00:08 –> 00:07:49:00
I mean it is, we’ve, every deer we’ve ever killed there, we’ve glassed up and found that way. And so truck cameras is not, not the unit, not the type of unit that we, that we find deer for the first time on a camera. Wow. We gotta go back and find that deer in real life, so to speak. So the units will dictate that. And definitely some of these more arid states like Nevada or Arizona, the strip and different places like that where water’s a lot more scarce, your, your ability to tro camera bucks is gonna go up and get a higher inventory bucks. That way if you’re hunting mountain units trail, Cameron water is not gonna be, you’re not gonna get the, the biggest segment of the bucks hitting water because there’s too much water. There’s streams, there’s, you know, little seeps and stuff everywhere. You’ll get ’em and you can help supplement it that way, but you’re probably gonna have to glass ’em up to find out what’s there.

00:07:49:15 –> 00:08:08:20
Yeah, I think too, to add on to what you’re saying, it’s is, let’s say Adam, these guys draw a tag, they’re not sure about it, they don’t know a lot about it. I think the biggest key is to find out, like let’s say you had a rifle tag on the gon versus a rifle tag on the Henry’s. You can hunt scouted bucks on the Henrys with a rifle. Yes. You are conversely gon,

00:08:08:23 –> 00:08:09:28
They’re gonna move and

00:08:09:28 –> 00:08:13:25
So you’re not gonna scout as much. You might learn the road system, but they’re on the walk heavy.

00:08:14:00 –> 00:09:12:14
Yeah. You’ll be scouting an area that has very few deer on the ponson in August and September. Just learning road network, learning places, glassing points, maybe we’re gonna wanna camp, you know, talking to people where deer are gonna be moving into versus finding one deer to hunt. There’s a few exceptions to that. And year by year you can occasionally find a deer on the northern end, the summer range or something like that, that stays put, it happens. There’s parts of the unit where the deer don’t move. Maybe they’re dependent on some of the fields and things like that. They live there year round. But for the most part, yeah, you gotta learn something about the dynamics of your unit and, and the season that you actually have a tag in. And that will kind of dictate how much scouting you put into it. It how much glassing you do early on versus, hey rum, trail cameras, truck cameras are, you know, definitely in most every state, the archery, in a lot of cases, muzzle loader happens first. So they’re probably more, more important that way by the rifle hunt patterns can change. So

00:09:12:28 –> 00:09:53:00
I think too is like we, we, of course Colorado’s on the brain glad that it’s over. Everybody should be in and applied for that and quite a rush on that one. But it is one of those states that all every mule deer hunter thinks about, but there are units like unit two, they’re not gonna migrate a ton. Like, like the plains in Colorado. You’re not gonna, versus like, let’s say the core portion of the mountainous country on the west slope. You know, you’ve got a lot of migration that happens in those. And so, you know, if you’re gonna, if you’re planning on, you know, drawing a 35 tag or a 18 tag or any of these, I mean we could throw out about any unit, you know, you’re not gonna, if you’re gonna draw those later season rifle hunts, you’re not gonna prec scout those.

00:09:53:01 –> 00:10:38:22
But unit two, like for example, unit two, I don’t know why that’s on my brain today. But anyway, you know, you’re not gonna, you could prec scout that a little bit, but the rutt does change things. Things walk around, move around a little bit. You know, we have seen things like Nevada down in 27, you know, bucks will walk maybe five miles or so, but they’re not walking 50, they don’t have a heavy migration. You might even get a little influx from the northern units on the late on that November rifle rifle hunt. But it’s not a bad idea to throw out some cameras. Early season wouldn’t totally hurt. So I guess what the long and short of it is, Adam, what do you think? Like, you gotta figure out what unit you’re hunting, then you gotta figure out your vegetation and, and then you gotta figure out what your laws are as far as running salt or water or whatever. And now we’re running up against truck hammer laws.

00:10:38:22 –> 00:11:07:22
Yeah, a couple different states, Nevada and Arizona proposals on the table. So it could change before between now and hunting season might change. So I mean we’ve always collapsed and we’ve always relied upon that. There’s a few places I know Jason, especially you in Nevada. Truck cameras can, can be key early on. There’s other places like that. We hunt Idaho, obviously Colorado, places like that that we don’t live, we go and we, we, we rely totally on glassing. We don’t even our own cameras.

00:11:07:24 –> 00:11:10:11
Yeah. Drive. Yeah. Sometimes it’s as hard as you can drive,

00:11:10:12 –> 00:11:11:29
Cover as many deer as you can. That’s

00:11:11:29 –> 00:12:06:00
Right. Cover the numbers. And so, all right, well hopefully that kind of helps a little bit, A little bit of everything. You gotta be prepared to do everything. We’ll even sit in true stands if we absolutely have to. So anyway, I think it’s just a matter of, of figuring out, you know, is it long range class and short range class and you gonna use the B TXs that Kents have at Kemp optics or what you’re gonna do? So anyway, I guess speaking of BT Xs, I know they’ve been kind of hard to find. They’ve, they’ve been outta stock. Our buddies there at Kent’s optics are good dudes and they, they have some of the best prices of anywhere we’ve seen. So they’re up in northern Utah, up in Tremont. You can give, oh, Dave Harrell a call. It’s number’s 4 3 5 2 5 7 7 0 1 4. He says, if you tell ’em Jason and Adam sent you, he’ll make you a deal. So anyway, let’s move on to the next question. Sounds

00:12:06:01 –> 00:12:06:10

00:12:07:02 –> 00:12:40:14
Once you locate a buck, do you want to kill, could you explain your process? Not deer, you catch on trail camera, but deer you spot in the field and the steps you try, you take to try to get him tagged. Bow hunting in particular, obviously with the rifle, the process is short and exponentially. I know you have to find him first. That’s obviously the first step. Gimme steps two through maybe 500 and how you go about scouting, where you start and once you find him, how do you follow him, et cetera. Thank you Brady. I don’t know, jump into that one.

00:12:41:29 –> 00:13:28:07
Well, I guess we’ll just kind of talk about bow hunting because that’s kind of where he, where he went because it, it is differently with the rifle. But you know, I know both of us are pretty patient when it comes to hunting deer with a bow. And what I mean by that is we don’t just bull rush and take the bow by the horns and think we’re gonna just intercept him on a ridge as he’s feeding. More times than not, I mean, I would say 95 out of a hundred, most of the time I, I wait for them to bed. Now there’s a few instances when a certain deer, especially if you’ve been watching him throughout the summer and you see him on a ridge and you’re like, I know if I see him there, he’s gonna go over this way. You might try to beat him to that location, had him feed in front of you before he goes to bed.

00:13:28:07 –> 00:14:15:25
Especially if he’s going to real thick, thick stuff. I know you’ve run into that Jason with you and some of your clients and friends in Nevada, if you know the direction he’s going and it’s a sea of cedar trees and you know, as soon as he’s gonna walk in there, you’re done for the day. ’cause you’re probably not gonna watch him hit the ground. You, you hunt differently that way. You wanna beat him to the tree line intercepting that way. But for me it, it’s usually watching bed in a spot. You know, if it’s a unit’s conducive to that, you watch him bed and then it’s even weight because oftentimes in the morning your wind is still pretty calm and it’s usually not blowing the same way. It’s gonna blow at 10 to noon and then sometimes it even gets stronger from noon to four in the afternoon when the, when the, when it heats up and you got a real steady wind, that’s probably the best time.

00:14:16:11 –> 00:14:48:29
But you know, obviously for a lot of different reasons, it’s hard to sit and wait for perfect. Sometimes you get thunderstorms that come up and ruin it, deer gets up and moves because you were too patient. And that happens. But usually, I guess for me, I usually wait for the deer to bed and I know that it’s kind of permanent bed. A lot of times deer will bed and they’ll, they’ll be in that first bed for less than an hour. Sometimes they’re just kind of went down because the sun hit ’em and boom. But they’ll usually bet again maybe once or twice before they’re down for the day. So maybe you take it from there and add to that or what

00:14:48:29 –> 00:14:56:08
You think. Yeah, and I think you’re ex, I think you’re exactly right. I think the biggest thing a lot of times when they bed, you know where they’re at. Yeah.

00:14:56:14 –> 00:14:58:19
When you’re, so you can keep a buddy or somebody watching ’em that’s,

00:14:58:19 –> 00:15:24:11
Yeah, they’re watching ’em and, and keeping you posted on that. But you, when you bed, you know where they’re at and they’re stationary. The downside is, is they’re just chilling. I mean, they’re really keen, keenly aware of their surroundings. And so sometimes I know we found that, you know, you’ll bet ’em once and then, and, and that’s just kind of an initial, initial bed. And usually within 30 minutes they might get up and reed. But once they kind of get into that second or third bed, you know, you can bet they’re down for a couple hours, two, three

00:15:24:11 –> 00:15:24:22
Hours. Yeah.

00:15:24:22 –> 00:16:04:06
Yeah. And so if you can get in there and get close. And the biggest thing, and I think we talked about this with Randy Ulmer on our podcast, and of course we could all learn a ton from him. He’s stalked and killed as many or more than anybody I know. So anyway, I sometimes, depending if you get that strong wind and you get it in your favor and you can get close and, and you feel like that wind’s not gonna change, maybe you got a storm system coming or whatever, you can stay there. If it’s in your pre, in your, in your favor, you can be close for a long period of time. And when he stands up at one or two in the afternoon or whatever to switch sides or, or adjust because of the shade or whatnot, then you kill

00:16:04:06 –> 00:16:04:16
Him. That’s

00:16:04:16 –> 00:16:27:07
Your chance. Yeah. That’s your chance. Now Randy, at times, you know, he doesn’t like to be in close for hours on end because you run, you do run a chance of that wind switching within a three, four hour period and him getting your wind. And so every situation’s different. And I think that’s what you alluded to is whether it’s a burn, trees, tree line, rocks, you know, big bowlers, you can hide behind it, whatever. There’s a lot of different variables. And so

00:16:27:17 –> 00:16:33:07
We’ve, we both had our bows and hands running dead sprints before. Oh, trying to beat and that

00:16:33:07 –> 00:16:33:24
And it’s not pretty.

00:16:34:04 –> 00:16:48:24
No. And you are running, you’re huffing puffing. ’cause you know the deers at six, 800 yards away and you’re doing a big circle loop to get on the tree line or, and you know, that is your own your best chance for the day. ’cause if he goes the ways he’s going, you’re done until that night when he maybe feeds back out.

00:16:48:29 –> 00:17:32:12
Yeah, a hundred percent. Right. There was one buck. We had forks there in Nevada and Chris was with me. Chris, we don’t give him a mic so he can’t really rebuttal anything we say. But anyway, Chris was with me to video it and he, we knew he didn’t go to water. We knew what with the trail cameras. He had not been to water. He liked to water every day and a half, two days max. And so we knew he was thirsty and he got up one day, you know, later in the afternoon and was walking direct to water. But he was in thick trees and we couldn’t keep track of him. Like nobody could keep track of him. And so we just kind of got in front of him where we figured we were between him and the water in thick trees and he freaking walked by us and that’s when we killed him. Sometimes you just get lucky, man. You can’t, you don’t know why.

00:17:32:13 –> 00:18:14:10
Yeah. You go with your gut a lot of times. But that goes with, you know, watching the deer enough, it goes back to the scouting and things like that. Like I said, there’s been times I’ve, I’ve done things more aggressively because I saw, I’m like, oh my gosh, I can’t believe he’s there. Yeah. And I need to, I need to, to try to kill him because that’s a vulnerable spot. Yeah. You know, and if you’re hunting, I think it’s, it’s a different too if, you know, if you’re hunting high up in the mountains and things like that, you have a lot different weather. Sometimes you have, you know, a lot of these hunts take place in late August, early September. And where we hunt in southern Utah and in Nevada you have thundershower monsoons and that, that’s a big dynamic that can change from daylight.

00:18:14:10 –> 00:18:47:28
You could have no clouds and by noon, two o’clock there’s wind blowing everywhere, whipping. And you’re just, it can wreak havoc. But in general terms, if you don’t have one of those systems kicking up, you’ll, you, usually by late morning midday, you’ll get a stiff south breeze. That’s our predominant wind in, in our part of the world. And so you can count on that. So if it’s swirling and doing the wrong things early on, don’t run that risk. You know, be patient. You know, we’ve, we both hunted, we had an archery deer tag together. When was that? 2002 in, in Nevada.

00:18:48:09 –> 00:18:49:10

00:18:49:14 –> 00:19:03:17
2012. Sorry. I knew there was a two in there somewhere. Not that long ago, but yeah, we two tags, 200. There was a bunch of twos. 14, I had think 14 days. You, hundred 18 days. We both went down swinging on that hunt. That was the, the most terrible hunt

00:19:03:17 –> 00:19:03:25
In the world.

00:19:04:03 –> 00:19:52:26
But, but we hunted patiently, we hunted a couple of deer. Yeah. The whole hunt. And we, we we blew ’em. Yeah. We bounced him a couple of times and we’d see ’em, or 10 times every two to three days we’d see the bucks. And they were long days in between when you didn’t g glass ’em up in the morning and you’d had nothing to hunt. It was a long, hot, miserable, miserable, brutal sitting in the trailer at 105 with the AC on hoping your generator didn’t die. But that’s true. So it, it’s a little bit different if you’re in a situation where you’re hunting general season and there’s people everywhere. I mean, you may have to have a different approach to hunting a deer because Yeah. You can’t just sit there and hunt a deer passively in a situation when you’ve got people buzzing around everywhere, things like that. So your situation’s gonna dictate, you know how rapidly you go through steps two to 500

00:19:53:17 –> 00:20:13:05
And there might not be 500, there might be three steps. Yeah. Remember that one time when that AZ buck, we called him a, I don’t know why, but he was betted on that big old rock ridge that that hogs back and and I think you went down and got right above it. Like it could have been over. Yeah. Right. Yeah. There wasn’t really a lot to that. There was stalking and peek over the edge and kill him. And right

00:20:13:05 –> 00:20:18:23
Before he got in position he picked his head up and walked out. Just not even just,

00:20:19:00 –> 00:20:19:18
Yeah. Across the

00:20:19:21 –> 00:20:30:04
Moonscape, open moonscape didn’t know we were there. He was just like, I’m moving. And it was hot. And we’re like, yeah. You know, why’d, why’d you do that 20 minutes later he’d have been dead probably. Yes. And yeah,

00:20:30:04 –> 00:20:42:07
There was just thing after thing on that hunt. Just different things. And so I guess the long and short of this and, and like you said, we do get monsoons and remember your deer hunt on the Henry’s and it fricking Oh, pounded us with rain and then all and you’re still sitting there he

00:20:42:07 –> 00:20:59:16
Goes. Yeah. And he’s, he went down to the thick trees then ’cause he was getting drenched and like we were and we were hu huddled under whatever we could find. And yeah. And it pretty much wiped the slate clean and that, you know, I just kind of hung out the rest of the afternoon until maybe we got a glimpse of them that evening and, and luckily you fed back out and we were in,

00:20:59:19 –> 00:21:29:07
Came back and basically we walked to you kind of thing. Yeah, well you had to walk a little bit, but it was just, you just never know. But I think the biggest thing is, I think the little things just one thing, and we got some other questions here, but, but the one thing, I think the little things kill deer. Little things kill big deer. And that’s like making sure, you know, you don’t clink your freaking range finder on your bow or your, or your, you slap your release on your string or arrows or whatever. There’s just lots of little things. Your killing process has to be simple, you

00:21:29:07 –> 00:21:46:28
Know, that has to be refined. That stuff is the stuff all you do back at your house, you’re shooting, you’re ranging, you’re, you’re yeah. Stalking socks or shoes that you have on for all that. We’re, we’re kind of ignoring that from this, that you have to have all that refined and we’re just talking about the step making the advance on the deer. That’s

00:21:46:28 –> 00:22:17:00
Right. That’s right. But your gear and you have to mentally and think one last thing, one last thing. Never assume that the deer smelled you heard you saw you and bounded away. You never assume that every time we’re like, oh, I should have seen him by now. Pretty soon you get antsy pretty soon you get sloppy, you rush it and you blow him out. All of a sudden he look, you see him and he stands up and you’re like, oh, shizz, I thought he was 50 yards to the left instead of the right. And he’s been here all along. If I’d have just been patient, I’d killed him. It’s

00:22:17:00 –> 00:22:30:06
The hardest lesson Yeah. To hunt mule deer patient. ’cause they’re so hard to kill and to be patient when you have one that you think’s kind of in your grasp, but the bow especially ’cause with the rifle, you sit down at 500 range him and,

00:22:30:14 –> 00:23:00:11
And you snap a stick and you assume the whole world heard it and they didn’t. Yeah. You just think it seems loud from your per three foot perspective. ’cause you’re three feet from the stick snapping. Just do not take no, assume nothing, make the stock till the very end. And, and then if you walk up to his bed and he’s freaking gone, then he’s freaking gone. But make sure you, you, you follow that through to the end. Don’t, don’t assume anything until, you know. All right. Next question.

00:23:01:03 –> 00:23:21:10
Adam and Jason. I know every situation is different, but how much will a big deer tolerate? How much will a big deer tolerate? And if he does move, generally, how long does it take him to come back? PS I love the blue mountain. This is from Kent. I guess he’s talking about the Abajo San Juan. Yeah. Yeah. That’s I guess where he is talking about. That’s where I grew up. I love it too.

00:23:21:21 –> 00:23:25:05
Can’t be Blue Mountain, Southwest Desert. No, no. There’s

00:23:25:05 –> 00:24:16:17
Blue Mountain, probably three of them in every state or five of ’em in every state. But we’re assuming he’s talking about southern Utah. Yeah. So this is one of those things that I think definitely depends on the time of year. We’ve seen early on, if you, in, in August, a deer will tolerate a lot more bumping. Generally you can hunt. And that’s nice because when you’re hunting with the bow, usually you don’t kill him the first time you try to stock in on him. You usually can get multiple tents. Sometimes you go a day or two without seeing him, boom, then he is back in a little rotation wherever he kinda hung out. Or maybe you didn’t get up as early in the evening and things like that to see him. But I, I think it depends on the time of year. You’ll, you’ll see a deer a lot more and maybe hunt him every day. Some days with a bow. If you have, it’s just you and the buck. You know, I’m not talking, you got people with quads everywhere and they’re pushing ’em in the timber. Who knows? Deer

00:24:16:17 –> 00:24:18:20
Drives good old Southern Utah deer drives. Yeah.

00:24:18:22 –> 00:24:47:26
And even like you talk about Wyoming g when the, when the force shows up, I mean, we all have heard about that, that those deer go on the timber and it’s a different deal. And it usually takes something in that case, like a weather event to thin the hunters out or to change the pattern of the deer for them to start sticking the nose out a different time of the day. But, but I think the time of year is probably the biggest thing. When you start getting in my, my experience, you start getting into October and you start bumping deer, then you

00:24:47:26 –> 00:24:48:17
Might not see him again.

00:24:48:21 –> 00:24:51:16
You might not, it just, they start becoming and acting different. Yeah.

00:24:51:18 –> 00:25:23:07
Make sure you’d make that one chance happen. Yeah, I a hundred percent agree with you. They’ll tolerate more. You don’t Brutus, we a hundred him a couple of years and the first year he tolerated not as much. I don’t know why. Ended up killing his buddy. Luckily the next year I bumped him 10 times and I’ve told that story before. And I had a guy, oh, from back in the eastern plains of Colorado say that, you know, he made every single stock count its first time clients included and never has had to stock twice. And I, I don’t know anybody else that’s that’s that’s that capable that

00:25:23:07 –> 00:25:23:24
That efficient.

00:25:24:15 –> 00:25:50:22
I’m not Can you, can you handle the, I mean there’s weather, there’s all kinds of variables that aren’t in your control. So, and maybe you bump a dough and he bumps a buck. She bumps a buck. There’s just a lot of things that happen. So I, I haven’t had that happen to me and I’m not that good yet. But anyway, I think overall you do have, you know, you do have the velvet, you obviously have more and more opportunities the closer you get to October 1st to the 20th, October 5th to the 20th. Yeah. That’s the worst timeframe in the world to Hunter Deere. It’s tough.

00:25:50:22 –> 00:26:20:25
They’re acting, they’re, they’re rubbed. They’re just feeding in bedding. They’re not thinking of those, they’re, you know, they’re not out in the daylight a whole lot. And yeah, you bump ’em then and sometimes you’re talking to deer that you bump ’em and in certain units they’re, they’re at the brink of when they be starting to drift to an area to rutt anyway. And they’re like, all right, I’m outta here, you know, I’m gonna start, start slowly drifting. So it definitely depends on the time of year. No, no question. And if you got an opportunity in October to see a deer and you’re on him, you better get him killed.

00:26:21:02 –> 00:27:05:06
Yeah. We’ve bumped deer. There’s been a couple of smart deer that bump in the velvet and you, you’ve, you’ve ruined it. But, and, and that those are spec, you know, specific situations, but overall, overall, you’d have a little more opportunities earlier season, later on, later on, you’re, you could be done. And very, very, very, very frustrating, I gotta say. All right, next question. We good to move on. I really enjoy the podcast. My question would be, how many times do you hit a spot to try to locate a big buck? And once you do locate a big buck, how many times will you check on him a week if you don’t see him again the second time? When do you give up on him? I’m talking more in the summer months, Connolly. We

00:27:05:06 –> 00:27:47:14
Don’t ever give up the number one thing. Yeah. If you know a deer is big, I I don’t ever give up. You’re no, I, I’ve gone for weeks and weeks without seeing that deer and, and then all of a sudden, boom, there he is. And so for whatever reason, especially if you’re on public land, you, there’s a lot of other people out there, hikers, naturalists, you know, four wheelers, ATVs, they could blow ’em. The, you see ’em on one weekend, go back the next week, you don’t know what all’s happened and transpired. There’s guys just running through horses or people cutting trails on the forest service burning chainsaws, it doesn’t matter. Stuff can, can interrupt him. But if I know a deer’s there, and this doesn’t matter if it’s a, even like on the Henry Mountains, which a lot of people say, oh, it’s easy, a lot of big deer, blah, blah.

00:27:47:14 –> 00:28:20:28
There’s some deer there that when they get to October, they turn hard to keep track of daily in the summer. You almost see ’em every day. But you know, it’s a, that’s a very open glassful unit, but you get it later. There’s times I’ve gone two, three weeks and I know a deer’s there and boom, he shows up and sometimes it’s opening day of the rifle and we hadn’t seen the deer for two weeks and we killed him. Yes. And you don’t give up if a deer’s big enough to ki that you want him, you don’t give up. You don’t until you get too late into the year. And then if he’s gonna drift to winter range or something, then yeah, that’s, you gotta pull the plug at some

00:28:20:28 –> 00:29:06:14
Point. Yeah. And he could be lions. Yeah, but you gotta, if he’s big enough, you take that chance that he’s not, and that’s the thing he, that he’s not. And so I think too, one part of this is, you know, how many times you hit a spot to try to locate him just to locate one, like just to find one. And so a lot of that depends on your past history in that particular location. If, you know, if you have a couple of named bucks from years prior, one or two years prior, then you hit that spot hard, you hit it really hard. But if it’s something where you don’t know if there’s a particular buck, you might only hit it once or twice and it’s just luck when you see ’em. Yeah. And so, you know, but you’re covering the unit now once you find one, a lot of times I don’t check on ’em. A lot of people tend, tend, quote, tend they’re bucks. I don’t tend bucks. No I don’t.

00:29:06:15 –> 00:29:13:07
There’s a lot of reasons not to, in my opinion, that chance to bump him or you draw attention to the area. Yeah. I

00:29:13:07 –> 00:29:56:06
Mean yourself. Yeah. Right. Oh yeah, yeah. You’re gonna need to trade trucks four and five times instead of once. You know what I mean? To try to keep Yeah. Because you got, it’s just the way it goes out here. So I think overall, don’t check on him. You, when you check on a buck, that’s a morning or an evening that you could be finding a bigger buck. And so even if he’s a two 30 buck, we’re looking for something better or we’re looking for buck number two, buck number three, backup, you know, backup bucks. And so in the velvet in the summer, they are not gonna move unless something crazy comes in, a lion moves in a lion, a pride of lions, whatever moves in and move him off the water, you’re screwed. Okay, yeah. He’s gonna move four or five miles possibly, depends on where the next water is and, and, and how harassed he really is.

00:29:56:09 –> 00:30:26:28
But overall, man, don’t move on. Video him, enjoy him the next month, check on his progress. See how big he’s, he’s gotten fine. Do it a couple of times. Don’t freak out when you don’t see him. Just keep, keep freaking pounding the unit. Go from one end to the other. There’s a lot of guys that just really get into a rutt. This is my spot, this is where me and my family hunt. We hunt this canyon and we don’t go anywhere else. And if you do that, you are limiting buck number 1, 2, 3, and four. There’s bigger bucks maybe in lots of other parts of the unit. But you, you’ve, you’ve got narrow tunnel vision.

00:30:27:20 –> 00:31:00:14
Well, and, and, and I’m always, you know, you play metal games when you’re out scouting because Yeah, we, you know, you, we like to try to try to check places off if you, hey, I’ve hit that a couple of times. I don’t think there’s a buck there worth checking on this year or looking for, but then I’m always, you know, reminded when you go somewhere and boom, you found a find a big buck right outta the ba gate and alright, the hunt, the hunt progresses and now you’re there. You know, and it’s time, you know, we’re not talking about not tending a buck during the middle summer, but when it comes hunting season, yeah. You gotta try to pattern that deer a little bit and get ready for a hunt. Yes.

00:31:00:14 –> 00:31:01:11
That’s what I mean. Yes.

00:31:01:16 –> 00:31:43:13
But all times we’ll go back to the, to the unit and I’ll go back there four or five days in a row and I won’t see the buck that I know is there. And so then I’m like, geez, well how many places have I already checked off the list that I went twice and didn’t see a buck and now I’ve been here the first time I find a buck here and the next five I don’t see him. And the sixth time there he is, it’s, you all gotta go with your gut and the visibility and the terrain and all that plays into that. If you’ve got a wide open face and all that and there’s not as much for a deer to really hide from you. Yeah. You don’t need to cover it as much. But, so that plays into it as well. But bottom line, if you know a big deer’s there and it’s in that earlier fall and he’s not gonna be moving to run or anything like that. You hunt him. Yeah. Don’t give up.

00:31:43:22 –> 00:31:58:16
And sometimes Adam, you’ll have a client that’ll be like antsy and so you’ll be, he’ll force you to go hunt buck number two or three and then you come back to buck number one and boom, you find him again. Yeah, that’s right. It’s happened like that. And then we’re grateful. Same Adam Kearney. Yeah. Let’s just throw him under the bus for

00:31:58:16 –> 00:31:59:06
A minute. All right.

00:31:59:19 –> 00:32:32:06
So that guy, same thing, he, he, we were hunting bucks and a lot of times we were looking at one high of nineties bucks and he’s like, dude, let’s go hunt this. Oh man, fine. So we go hunt that buck gratefully. And I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t even take the lens caps off my freaking bin noses, but gratefully we wouldn’t see him. And then it turns out he kills a net book nontypical by the end of the hunt. You know, you couldn’t have scripted it better, but at the same time he was getting antsy. We all get antsy. I get antsy at times, Adam, you get antsy. Yeah. I mean it’s normal to want to get that process on the road and kill something.

00:32:32:09 –> 00:33:00:10
Yep. And if you have a, if if you have a friend or something like that and you know a buck’s there or a family member, you know, try to try to split up because yeah, putting all your eggs in one basket when that basket seems to disappeared is hard to keep doing. It is. But, and there are situations where, yeah, you find a buck in July and he gets killed by a line before bo hunt and, but those are gonna be rare. You just, if don’t, don’t chalk it up to that until you find him dead. That’s

00:33:00:10 –> 00:33:01:05
Right. Alright.

00:33:02:09 –> 00:33:34:29
All right, next one. If you draw Premier Mule deer Rutt tag in your home state, is it worth scouting as much as you can locating different hit lists list bucks till your hunt starts question mark. Or is it better to just save your fuel and wing it and try to locate as many doses as you can while the while on your hunt since the bucks are always on the move checking dose. This is from Quincy. Yeah. This would probably have a lot to do. Well this is our home state he’s asking. So I mean, but we don’t hunt our home state in Utah with a rifle. Right. We

00:33:34:29 –> 00:33:35:20
Never can draw. We

00:33:35:21 –> 00:33:40:19
We, we don’t, we don’t have any, I don’t know Dolores Triangle rifle Deer is like it, there

00:33:40:19 –> 00:33:42:13
You go. ’em a little Ps here and there

00:33:42:25 –> 00:33:43:23
A little bit on the ps. But

00:33:43:23 –> 00:33:45:22
These slight muzzles on the general, but Yep.

00:33:46:04 –> 00:34:03:25
But for the most part, no we don’t scout we any scouting we would, we would be simply to learn the unit and a lot of cyber scouting, you call it that with studying your maps, talking to people who have been there before. Biologists learning where deer gonna be showing up to versus going to try to find a deer to kill. Yeah.

00:34:04:04 –> 00:34:36:29
You know, I think too, one thing I, I knew I was gonna draw my max points in Arizona and so the year before I went to the Chiba and looked around on 12 way West and I think, you know, on the late season I went opening day, I watched people kill 200 inch bucks and glassed them and visited with ’em and wa you know, it was just, it was awesome. And so a lot of these states, you can tell when you’re gonna get drawn Utah, you, you know, give half the PE tags to people at the most points or Colorado it’s a preference point system or whatever. Yeah. And so if you can do that, go look at that unit during the season

00:34:37:08 –> 00:35:01:20
And if you’d liken what you but your prior, see it’ll reinforce, yeah, I want to come do this is good or, and, and you may have a bad weather year and it might make you more apprehensive to do it. So you can’t judge it all on that one, three or four day snapshot that you’re going there to experience. But, but that’s the best probably option during the rut and then the second half of the question. Yeah, you’re generally, if it’s a true rutt hunt, you’re better off to just cover country and cover those. That’s, that’s my opinion. Cover

00:35:01:20 –> 00:35:14:08
Those like we did on my 12 B hunt. Yep. We went out and knew where the dose were and we each split up us three. Yeah. Split up and, and the 270 or walks by you. That’s right. That’s where, and we had no idea he was there, it was just we were hunting the doze. Yep.

00:35:14:19 –> 00:35:29:05
That, that’s how you do it now. Individual bucks, you see a deer, you know, or know of a deer have heard of a deer rutting in a certain area one, one winter. Or you see him personally show up on, you know, let’s take some of these late muzzle orders in Utah, the general general, there’s aspecific

00:35:29:05 –> 00:35:30:08
Buck that’s gonna die this year.

00:35:30:11 –> 00:35:43:28
There’s a couple of bucks like that that we see the first 10 days of November and that’s only 10 days or so after the general’s over, they’re vulnerable. If you have ideal weather or similar weather, they’re gonna probably get killed.

00:35:43:28 –> 00:36:31:07
Well they move, they move to the same areas and ru and I don’t want to say the exact same, there are bucks that straight line when they’re looking to clean up the last few dos or something, they straight, we call it straight line and they’re on cocaine. They don’t know where they’re going. They’re just looking for a girlfriend. So, you know, same kind of thing what we’ve got. But we do see here locally, we do know specific bucks and everybody’s waiting for them to show up to rut to show up till on the winter range. And if you hunt the season like these late muzzle seasons here in Utah, they’re vulnerable during that time. And you would hunt a named buck, you would hunt a specific buck if you draw a random tag in another state. Let’s take Idaho and Adam and I both hunted late season Idaho. It is not something we would even think to prec scout. You’re covering the numbers, ruining a truck as fast as you can. Yep. And, and absolutely glassing. Yep. High numbers a deer. Yep.

00:36:31:08 –> 00:36:31:23
That’s right.

00:36:32:05 –> 00:37:39:07
So anything to add that we’ve kind of skipped over on that one? Nope, I think we pretty well crushed it. All right. Go to the, let’s see, where are we at here? Let’s see. Question. Once a buck reaches his his antler prime, how much of his growth for a particular year is affected by his health coming outta winter versus summer feed conditions? I noticed last year a few bucks were a year older, but noticeably sm smaller. They had an incredibly tough winter in 2017. The summer feed was an all time high levels 150% more from hay, from some fields from previous record, but they were still smaller. Thanks Ty. Yeah, we, it we everyone tries to figure out this question. This is a question that will never be fully answered. It’s hard to know what goes on in a buck’s life. You’ve got, you’ve got a lot of different factors in as far as antler growth. You’ve got a genetics feed conditions obviously. And we all talk about how, I mean if we had nonstop rain in April and May, our bucks would be off the charts because they had no winter. I mean this year, no winter this year. Yeah. Zero winter this

00:37:39:07 –> 00:37:39:28
Winter. Yeah,

00:37:39:28 –> 00:38:31:18
That’s right. But it’s, but it’s, and so yeah, they are healthy and and whatnot and you do have that summer feed carrying into fall if there was rain in the fall and all that. And, and then, but the one thing you can’t quantify is how old that deer is and what are his true, what’s his true potential. And we have bucks and we’ve talked about this in other podcasts that are 20, 30 inches down. You’ve had it on the Henry’s even. And, and the Henry’s is, is kind of a higher elevation, not this total bottom desert that we’re hunting in some places. And you notice the difference in antler growth as an average and then you’ll have some bucks. Last year we was some freaking weird, you know, desert buck blew up to 250 or 60 inches and in a unit that we wouldn’t have expected it and other bucks were down in size. And so a lot of it is, you know, is he healthy himself? Did he, did he step on a stick wrong? Has he got some kind of, you know,

00:38:32:06 –> 00:38:33:12
Infection or Yeah,

00:38:33:17 –> 00:38:34:12
Who knows. Yeah.

00:38:34:13 –> 00:39:19:29
The antler growth will always be secondary to their body. But so if you have an easy mild winter and then you don’t have a drought and you have a good spring and summer, they’re probably gonna produce at least normal or above more normal. But tie the example you you gave us there have an incredibly tough winter. My suspicion is they were so worn down from the winter and they had to just simply get their body back into condition. And there was not, not as much going to their antlers that year despite the summer forage being off the charts. That was just a product of probably having such great winter moisture that feed was off the charts, but it took ’em a time to rebound after they shed their antlers and get back into condition. You know, their body maintenance comes first and antler development is second.

00:39:20:13 –> 00:40:28:22
And that’s why places like places like the Arizona strip, you, you never have winter kill. I mean, I’m not gonna say never, but show me a winner. I mean recent me a winter in our lifetime. Yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s moisture and feed driven out there. It’s drought. That’s what hurts, hurts. Steer growth and they have genetics. The best genetics in the world, they’re gonna have age because they have limited, limited entry deer quotas. So if they have the feed and, and if they have the water and they’re not having to travel too far to water and spend more time hunting water than feed and all that, they’re gonna probably have a, an average above average year. And when they don’t, we see it. And there’s anomalies, there’s some weird years that we talk about it. Like we thought this year was gonna be incredible here, there it just seems to be all right. You know, so you can’t predict it perfectly. But yeah, my suspicion is, is in that instance, your bucks, wherever you’re talking about there were just so worn down. You know, maybe it’s Wyoming, maybe it’s Colorado after every winter, some of the states like that are prone to it. They’re gonna take a while to get back on their feet, so to speak, before they start growing. And by then they’re, they’ve lost a month or month and a half of prime atler growing time.

00:40:28:26 –> 00:41:23:04
Yeah. And so, and we’ve also seen where, well like 2012, we hate talking about it ’cause it was so bad that we legitimately knew of one deer that was over 200 inches and they killed him. He was 2 0 7 anyway. And, and what a study it was two 30 high, two thirties the year before. And in 2011. And same thing like we killed goofy that bull back in 2003 and he was 4 34 the year prior was like the worst drought on record. It was 2002. Unbelievable drought. And we have video of him giant fifths and he, he was a 440 inch type bull. He was probably living on some wet little, you know, riparian and spring or whatever. So there are things I guess just saying don’t, don’t just give up if it’s a terrible year. Don’t, there’s something out there in, in some condition, some year of a buck’s life and for rent, one reason or another, he’s awesome. What, even though the average may be down. So

00:41:24:25 –> 00:41:31:11
Why don’t you read this one? This one kind of sounds like for you, I haven’t even read your name, I haven’t even read it. I glanced at it so I haven’t

00:41:31:11 –> 00:42:12:01
Even read it. So after looking for 10 years on the desert for mul deer and only only seeing tracks, I managed to see a herd of deer. Three of them are bucks that have dropped. I know Jason hunts the deserts a lot and I’m looking for some knowledge. I’m nervous. I will never see them again. What are some things I can do to keep tabs on them without pushing them out? Just kind of new to desert hunting. Don’t wanna lose them after so long of searching. That’s a tough one. If you see tracks there, deer make tracks. And so you’ve got to figure that out somehow. You gotta find where there water. And if it’s desert, there’s limited water and there’s some cases that there are streams and it’s tough to throw camera streams and whatnot, but put cameras on there, you start to figure out what the, what deer there.

00:42:12:01 –> 00:42:58:20
Then you can glass and figure out where they’re going after they feed and water all night. If you can’t trail camera it and then you’re, you’re g glassing and they’re making tracks and so there, there’s deer there. I think you just need to glass your freaking guts out. And and generally in the desert, especially early season, they are not traveling far. They’re weak. They don’t like it. Just like you and I don’t like it. We can get into a camp trailer, we can get into the camp trailer and, and kinda get a little breath of fresh air, so to speak and enjoy some air conditioning. They can’t and, and they’re hot. Even though they live out there, they’re not enjoying it either. So they don’t move a ton. So they’re there somewhere. You might even, you know, we used to drag cedar trees around water or wherever you’re seeing these tracks.

00:42:58:20 –> 00:43:40:25
Drag the roads and then track ’em. And once you track one or two of them down, even if you bump ’em, it’s okay. You can bump ’em. They’re gonna come back, remember they’re in the velvet, but, but figure out where they’re going. Track ’em down and, and run tracks. You know, you can figure out how they’re coming in and out by, you know, spreading, you know, basically clearing the dirt and raking it. Take a rake, I don’t care. Do whatever you gotta do to figure out when, what tracks are old, what tracks are new. And you gotta just keep narrowing it down to figure out what those deer are doing. Maybe it’s only two or three or five deer will make a ton of tracks. And so you might’ve seen what you, you were gonna see and maybe just happened on ’em accidentally that particular day and it was an overcast day and they were out in the middle of the day. I, I don’t know the whole situation, but they’re there somewhere.

00:43:41:29 –> 00:44:40:26
Yeah, I agree with all that. And I, I guess the one determination, and this sometimes is, is an easy determination sometimes it’s not, is to try to decide if these deer are resident deer there versus alright or this, is this a desert area that you’re at now and you’re in March, you’re talking about, or April, I don’t know. Some of these bucks had dropped their antlers. So whereas these on a very far extreme end of a migration and they’re gone in another month, they’re heading back. You know, you look at a ponson or something like that and most people know enough about that to know if you’re on the very southern air that in Arizona and you see all kinds of deer down there, you’re not gonna be looking for a deer down there in in August. I mean there’s a very few of them, but if you’re in part of the deserts in Nevada or or Arizona, parts of the desert there, they’re probably, or Utah, parts of the core desert parts of Utah, they’re, they’re living there somewhere and they’re maybe nomadic seasonal uses of parts of that desert.

00:44:41:19 –> 00:45:35:04
But if you got an area like that, you, you need to do just what Jason said, you need to try to find them at a different time of year. ’cause that time of year when they don’t have antlers or it doesn’t do any good, but find the waters, start within a radius of there, find the waters plan on trying to get some kind of a, a location. You know, on ’em in the summer you start seeing one, you see one in velvet, it changes everything. ’cause now they’re setting up where they’re living in an area that generally that looks like it doesn’t have good groceries, good feed and all that. But it’s the desert, right? It looks like crap, looks like crap. But if they’re there in the summer, it’s there because they usually wanna be there. If they’re there in April, you know, March or April, they could have been pushed 40 miles from their home off of, you know, a, a mountain unit and they’re out there just wandering with a heavy winter light, winter whatever. Deer do weird things all winter long, you know, in certain places they can wander like that. Yeah.

00:45:35:10 –> 00:46:00:08
So. Well and there’s a lot of places they may migrate like you, like you said, and generally you get 90% of ’em are migrational deer and then you got a 10% that are chilling out, and we’ll be there in the summer. And so anyway, you may never see ’em again. That is, that is true. Depending on where you’re at, you may never see ’em again. But generally speaking, you know, you come back, you know, January through March of that next year, you’re, you’re gonna have deer there. They like to, they, they’re very habitual, so.

00:46:01:10 –> 00:46:40:07
Yep. Exactly. So I wanna give another shout out to one of our key advertisers at Epic Outdoors. That’s q u make some awesome, awesome gear. Wide variety of gear, very advanced mountain hunting equipment. They have everything from base layers, outerwear, awesome packs, sleeping bags, tents, boots, accessories, everything like that. They all sell direct on their [email protected]. Q u iu.com. No retail markup, great gear. We’ve had it since the first versions of it. They’ve come a long way. Great supporters of us, of Epic Outdoors for the beginning, so check it out.

00:46:40:18 –> 00:47:18:00
Awesome. Alright, well we’re running in here. Last question. When hunting an area that is only accessible by foot or horse, how close is too close to camp where you’re planning on hunting? I’m sure the wind direction and terrain have something to do with it, but do you have a preconceived distance or is it a judgment call Depending on the species and time of year, we’d love to know your thoughts. I, it’s, it’s interesting how close people will camp to the game they’re hunting and you know, if you’re gonna have a nice loud camp every, you’re gonna have people coming and going, driving in and out, running a generator. Some guys like drinking beer, chilling out, having a great evening,

00:47:18:07 –> 00:47:20:22
Big bonfire at night. I mean, very don’t camp

00:47:20:29 –> 00:47:25:04
Close, drive 15 miles. Come on. You know, don’t you think,

00:47:25:04 –> 00:47:51:22
Adam? Oh yeah. It, it depends on if you’re, if you’re backpacking up with a footer horse and you just got you, you wall it out of bed and you throw your one man tent up and you’re in there and you’re cooking all that and you’re staying quiet, you can, you can get fairly close and there’s reasons for wanting to do that. You wanna, you don’t wanna have to hike in the morning, you don’t wanna have to sweat your guts out, hike in a mountain, and then get up there and freeze your guts out when you’re trying to sit there in glass. There’s reasons for all that. And you maybe wanna, you’re

00:47:51:22 –> 00:47:52:12
Having a quiet camp.

00:47:52:14 –> 00:48:43:14
Yeah. You wanna beat beat other people. Yeah. I mean there’s a lot of reasons like that you may wanna just kind of throw, throw out there close. But we’ve e even some of the deer we founded on the Henry’s, it’s not by nature. It, or, and even you in Nevada, Jason, even on some of your governor tags, you’ve, you’ve packed in and stayed overnight. Oh yeah. In some of these places, it’s not a traditional backpacking area, but, you know, you want to, you want to be in there till dark, you know, and you don’t wanna hike out an hour, hour and a half and get back up and do the same thing. So you’ll take a primitive camp and we’ve gotten away with it and it beats, beats you the punch sometimes it keeps you fresher. Keeps a client fresher if we’re guiding somebody than going in and out every day. So you gotta kinda weigh all those types of things out. Yeah. But be very quiet. We don’t hardly ever build a fire. We never hardly build a fire there until you’re celebrating something.

00:48:43:19 –> 00:49:26:14
But if you are gonna build a fire and you’re gonna have a loud camp, go do it. Just, just be, be willing to get up a little bit earlier, drive a little more. It’s not the end of the world. And a lot of guys wanna save gas and they wanna sleep that, you know, every last five minutes and lay in bed and whatever. So, and, and, and, and, okay. You know, do whatever you gotta do. But we’re not gonna, we never run the risk of blowing out a deer by camping on top of ’em, whatever it is. If you’re got your canvas cutter, whatever you’re doing, it does not matter what you’re doing. Do not sleep on top of the deer as best you can, as best you can. That’s now we camped pretty close to your Dare on the Henry’s and it wasn’t that far, but yeah, it wasn’t, but it w we also didn’t have loud camps.

00:49:26:24 –> 00:50:04:11
Well, and it was also in an area, you know, part of the area. There were, there were roads. We knew we weren’t, you know, if we stayed outta there, it didn’t mean somebody else wasn’t gonna drive into that area as well. You know, so if you got a basin and it’s roadless, it’s a little bit different than if you’re on a mountain with, you know, people driving up and down it all the time. The deer used to that. The deer, if they’re used to habits and four wheelers and all that running down like that and generate, it’s not gonna bother them to do that. It’s when they have never heard that type of stuff. You gotta be really sensitive when, when I say never, they’re not living around that on a daily basis. You can’t, you can’t do, you don’t want them to notice something new that that’s the best way to put it, probably. Right?

00:50:04:26 –> 00:51:04:26
So, yep. You don’t wanna, you don’t wanna be able to just roll out a, you know, roll out of bed and throw up your Red Rock precision and freaking dump a buck, you know, which I guess you could do anymore. These guns are shooting a thousand yards plus. So anyway, by the way, we do, we do own Red Rock precision rifles. Adam and I have bought ’em ourselves with our own money. It’s not something we’ve been given and, and whatnot. We’re, we are a great supporter of them. They’re a great supporter of us. And we know their gun shoot, I know Adam’s dealt with them a lot. Uses their gun. In fact, in fact, Adam, you’ll even have your clients leave their gun at home at times and just use your gun ’cause you’ve got it so dialed and, and know that they’re gonna kill a sheep or buck or whatever it is you guys are chasing. And, and the same thing with me. I know when I dial in it’s set and they’re awesomely weighted super lightweight for, for being able to shoot like they do. It’s pretty unbelievable. So if you have any questions at Red Rock, you can Sure. Visit ’em at red rock precision.com or you can call 8 0 1 3 9 1 7 8 4 0.

00:51:06:11 –> 00:52:00:19
Yep. Awesome. Guns, they, they flat out kill stuff and anyway, we appreciate everybody that that’s it for now, in terms of questions that were submitted, you know, some of ’em were somewhat duplicate, so if you didn’t hear your specific question read it, we felt maybe it was similar to one of the other ones and probably could be answered in a similar way. And, but we really appreciate that this was, you know, something we didn’t know where we’d go and, and glad to just talk about our perspective and things like that and give our 2 cents. Doesn’t mean we’re the gospel. And just speaking from our experience, and we realize a lot of today was about mule deer and it’s, there’s so much variation from Canada to Mexico and everywhere in between of differences and stuff that doesn’t apply. And people are asking trail cameras and what, you know, and glassing, what’s the glassing because they’re hunting thick forested stuff and we, we get it. So, but we appreciate

00:52:00:19 –> 00:52:51:08
We could do a whole podcast on all those individual items. Yeah, you could, we could do a whole podcast on cameras. In fact, we should do one on how to set ’em up, what to use, the ones we like. What I mean, the whole, the whole thing. And, and it’s not, again, it’s just giving you guys a starting point and lot everybody has their own ways of doing things and whatnot, but we, there’s tons and we, and one thing, even though today seemed a lot about mule deer wasn’t like we pick and choose different questions and did this, like Chris has pretty much thrown every question that we’ve gotten out on the table, maybe storing up a few for another podcast at a later date. So anybody that has any questions, feel free to hit us up, dmm us, pm us, email us, whatever, you know, all those other things and crazy ways you can get ahold of us and we’ll definitely, you know, throw ’em up here and visit about ’em a little bit as long as they’re respectful and, and legitimate questions.

00:52:51:23 –> 00:53:36:25
Let’s see, should we give something away, Christopher? Yes. We should. We should give something away. He says, what are we gonna give away today? We do have a Bino harness. We have a Bino harness that’s kind of a prototype from Under Armour. Throw something out there that you can’t buy. You can’t buy this item. It’s pretty cool. It’s one that some of you seen me use this last year in a few Instagram posts and whatnot. Abin Harness, of course, we’re always gonna throw in something with, from Epic, throw a hat and a decal and a vinyl harness. Should we do that? All right, so let’s do that. Kind of cool to give something away, just a little something, something for everybody that, that listen to the very end. What promo code should we use Bronson? That’s a dear podcast. How about 200 inch Insure? Okay, 200 sure. No, I don’t know. What do you think? Just

00:53:36:25 –> 00:53:39:13
202 2 0 0 2 0 0.

00:53:39:13 –> 00:54:08:19
You throw in 2 0 0, go to epic outdoors.com. Go to our podcast page is probably back slash podcast back. I, I don’t know what it is, but anyway, epic Outdoors podcast page, be a promo code. Enter 200 200 and we’re gonna do a random thing. We, Chris usually gives ’em away within a week, so you, you’re safe at least for the next five days Yep. To throw something up. So get it in there. Today is April 5th. This podcast will be coming at you tonight. Chris works around the clock for these and we appreciate him.

00:54:09:12 –> 00:55:21:04
I wanna throw out Yeah, another, another shot. If you guys have ideas for us to get guests on, we’ve had a lot of, lot of people suggest guests that we’ve then got some of ’em we’ve thought of, some of ’em we haven’t. And so if there’s somebody you are interested in maybe having a sit down with, chatting with, getting to know better talking hunting tactics or things like that, with, gives a shout there too, Chris, c h r i [email protected]. Email ’em to them that time of year we’re kind of getting into, starting to do, maybe starting to gather your, your gear, getting some new gear, things like that. If you’re considering boots this year, wanna put a plug into one of our, our longtime sponsors at Kenna Trek. Jim Winham and his crew there produce some great mountain hunting boots. They have a large selection of Boots, desert Guide Mountain Guides. The New Mountain Guide series has a, a stiffer outsole, deeper lugs, and 400 grams of Thinsulate. So check it all [email protected]. K e n e t r e k.com Got our, all their lineup on there or they, they have ads in our magazines. So if you’re member of Epic Outdoors, you’ll be able to see the new products and the new stuff that they got there. Check ’em out. I just, I appreciate their support.

00:55:21:13 –> 00:55:31:07
I just got a new pair of Ken Rex, I’m super excited to start in on ’em. So anyway, that’s about it. Is there anything else you can think of, Chris or Adam? All right guys, till next time we’re out.