Colorado Parks and Wildlife Regional Managers on Wolves. In this episode of the Epic Outdoors Podcast we talk with Colorado Parks and Wildlife Regional Managers in regards to the Colorado Wolf initiative. JT Romatzke NW Regional Manager and Cory Chick SW Regional Manger give us some insights into the wolf situation in Colorado and where we are in regards to a wolf re-introduction in the state.

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00:00:01:25 –> 00:00:08:12
There could be some crushing impacts to a state like Colorado. Should wolves get a a big, a big hold in your state?

00:00:08:28 –> 00:00:11:27
Humanity has a role in, in, in our decision making process.

00:00:13:02 –> 00:00:14:11
Anything to do with Western Big Games.

00:00:17:20 –> 00:00:18:05

00:00:18:05 –> 00:00:21:09
To the Epic Outdoors Podcast, powered by Under Armour.

00:00:22:08 –> 00:00:33:12
Hey everybody. Jason Carter here with the Epic Outdoors Podcast coming at you from Southern Utah. I’d like to thank Under Armour for sponsoring these podcasts. Of course, they sponsor about everything we do here at Epic Outdoors. Thank you ua.

00:00:33:15 –> 00:01:24:22
We wanna give a shout out to the Western Hunting Conservation Expo. It’s gonna be taking place here, coming up February 13th to the 16th. Check us out, we’ll have an Epic outdoors booth there. We’ll be there the whole time. Great place to either come join our membership, renew your membership, buy some entries to our membership drive hunts that we’re giving away. Really looking forward to that. It’s an awesome show. We love going to that. And on the Saturday, on February 15th is also a great event that we help sponsor and that is the Full Curl Society Social, where they’ll be making hope Sheep Hunting Dreams come true. Giving away a bunch of sheep hunts there. We always have our name in the hat there. It’s always fun to see those that are lucky enough to win Doll Stone Desert or Rocky Mountain Sheep Hunts. There again, that’s February 15th on the Saturday during the Western Hunting Conservation Expo and we’ll see you there.

00:01:25:02 –> 00:01:57:11
And Bronson, they’re giving away not only these sheep hunts, but the $5 ticket items as far as, you know, getting tags across the state of Utah and a lot, all the different species. So what a great opportunity. Looking forward to seeing y’all there. Come on out today. We got a couple of great guests. We’re super excited about this podcast. We’ve got JT Roky, the regional manager there in the northwest, part of the state of Colorado with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, as well as Corey Chick Southwest Regional Manager of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. How you guys doing? How

00:01:57:11 –> 00:01:58:17
You doing? Good. Appreciate it.

00:01:58:28 –> 00:02:00:28
Good, good. Did I pronounce your names right?

00:02:02:07 –> 00:02:03:22
Yeah. JT Roski.

00:02:04:05 –> 00:02:20:29
Roski. Right on. Well sure, sure. Appreciate you guys taking time outta your schedule. It’s a crazy time of year, I know with, you know, different things that you guys are dealing with. Of course. You got the application season coming up pretty clo pretty quick here, so of course us as hunters are all excited about that.

00:02:21:04 –> 00:02:29:22
Yeah. So are we, it’s a good time of year to, to start to talk about what we have to offer here, which is second to none. So Yeah, it’s, it’s a big time of year with applications.

00:02:30:15 –> 00:03:11:23
Oh yeah, you betcha. So. Well, we wanted to talk about, there’s just, you know, wolves and kind of a, you know, it’s controversial subject out there. There’s some people out there that of course want ’em officially reintroduced or whatnot. And, and, and then there’s, you know, a lot of hunters out there that are concerned about ’em. ’cause they’re, you know, let’s, let’s face it, they’re fairly hard on wildlife and they’re quite the predator. And so anyway, just wanted to basically talk about what the, what the situation is with wolves in the state of Colorado and, and where things are at. There’s just a lot of talk and whatnot, and I just kind of wanted to get it from you guys on where things are at.

00:03:12:23 –> 00:03:29:24
Sure. You, you know, I, I guess you, you, you look at it as a whole. They, I mean, currently their, their status is, is listed as protected by the Fish and Wildlife Service. They maintain the, the management authority as, as it relates to wolves.

00:03:29:24 –> 00:03:30:02

00:03:30:29 –> 00:04:20:20
I mean, you talked a little bit, you know, how, how it can impact, you know, herds and, and, and that varies from, you know, from from place to place. I mean, it, it’s out there. It’s hard to, to to exactly justify not knowing what they would look like on this scape or on this landscape, what quantities we’re talking about. Any of that. You know, they’re, they’re here in the state right now. They’ve, they’ve wandered into the state, you know, over the past quite a few years. So we’ve, we, we’ve seen ’em, we’ve seen, you know, some impact, minimal impact to this point. But again, you know, it’s that that management still relying to the, to the Fish and Wildlife service. It

00:04:23:08 –> 00:04:23:17

00:04:23:24 –> 00:04:34:11
The, the old, the old adage of the, you know, time, time will tell a lot for where, where we’re going and, and what that’s gonna look like here, most likely in the pretty near future.

00:04:34:26 –> 00:04:53:01
Well, part of the reason, you know, I think there’s been minimal impact is there’s just been minimal numbers of wolves to, up to this point. And, and so maybe, you know what I mean? And so it’s hard to really, you know, there has been minimal impact, but there’s also, you know, not a lot of wolves in Colorado, I guess is what I’m trying to get to.

00:04:53:21 –> 00:04:56:02
Sure. No, that’s, you, you make a good point.

00:04:57:12 –> 00:05:23:27
So give us, and, and Adam Bronson is here, he is joined, joined here on the podcast with us. And so you’ll be hearing from him a little bit too, but just kind of give us on where we’re at as far as, let’s call it the state of the union. I mean, where, where are we at on things, how, I mean, there was even up, you know, as recent as Friday sounds like there was a bill being championed as far as re the reintroduction. So can you just give us a, an update on where we’re at to this point?

00:05:25:02 –> 00:06:14:26
Yeah, I’ll, I’ll take this. That’s JT Romanski, Northwest Regional Manager. And so I’ll back up a little bit for you. Starting in 2004, our agency Division of Wildlife at the time established a wolf working group. And it, it was made up of agriculture commissioner staff, even some of the, the wolf advocacy groups and, and other folks, they, they worked for about a year and a half and developed what is now referred to as the Colorado Wolf Management Plan. And that was set forth after that. That came right after that. On the heels of that came a, our commission with a resolution about wolves into the state of Colorado, which was essentially, listen, you know, we, we recognize what’s going on in neighboring states, but we’re not in favor of rein reintroduction. Rather, we, we’d like to see them be able to, to come into the state naturally on their own accord.

00:06:16:02 –> 00:07:20:24
And then moving forward in 2016, there was a, a significant push to extend the, the, the range of the Mexican wolves from I 40 up into the southern part of Colorado. And then Governor, governor Hickenlooper and our commissioner in 2016 reaffirmed that, that resolution in the meantime, since about 2004 or five, we’ve, we’ve had, you know, probably five or six different sightings or, or wolves in and around the state. And so we’ve, we’ve, we’ve seen ’em come into the state naturally to, to some point this last year in, in July, we had an individual male show up in Jackson County up in North Park that, that animal’s still here in the state that came from the Snake River pack up in Wyoming. And then here recently, the big, one of the big kind of, I guess, news things that everybody’s talking about is this, this alleged pack of wolves in northwest Colorado in my neck of the woods that started in October with a group of, of elk hunters up in that country.

00:07:21:01 –> 00:08:13:04
And they posted some online stuff just about how great their hunt was. And oh, by the way, we saw these wolves, we heard howls, and we got a video of a couple of them. And then back in, in January, we, we came across with an, an outfitter brought to our attention a an elk carcass. And that kind of moved forward to us investigating that and, and looking at the carcass, the way it was preyed upon the tracks, multiple animals, scat in the area. We, we came out after some media inquiries and said, yeah, you know, it’s likely, it looks like we’ve got a, a pack of wolves, at least six animals up there in northwest Colorado. But a week ago or so, we had an another carcass, a beef cow carcass that had been, had been scavenged and, and preyed on. And so we, we had officers up there that, that also actually got eyes on the animals.

00:08:13:07 –> 00:09:10:29
And, and again, kind of confirmed what we had been saying, which is we’ve got, you know, at least right now, six individuals out there. So that’s kind of the, on the ground history of where things are at here in, in, in Colorado. There’s a lot of of other things happening from ballots to proposed and debated legislation that may or may not be introduced. Our agency does, does not have a position on any of those things. We’re not supporting or opposed or neutral or, or anything else. You know, our our main goal right now is to, to try and be transparent, have conversations, maintain our credibility, and be the agency that for 123 years now has been the leader of wildlife management in the state of Colorado. And, and whatever the outcome on some of those other landscapes, politically or socially, otherwise, we’re, we’re gonna be the ones intact and doing a, a spectacular job to the best of our abilities to manage diverse and robust wildlife populations.

00:09:12:17 –> 00:10:03:14
So yeah. This is Adam that, that statement from you guys, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, I understand you guys are in a hard position because it’s a, a federally protected species. You guys are a state agency. You’ve alluded to some of what your commissions, you know, in the past, I guess 15, 20 years, I don’t remember exactly in that timeline what they’ve, some of their resolutions have been. And again, there’s d different members on those commissions now as well as different governors. Now the, you know, they’ve reinforced some of those positions in the past, but what, what’s the, what’s the flavor, I guess, of, you know, outside of your agency between, I guess we’ll talk about governor’s office and or commission? Have they came out and made any po position statements again with this reintroduction talk being a little bit more discussed on the front burner?

00:10:04:27 –> 00:10:46:22
No, again, just to reiterate, I mean, we’re, we’re, we don’t have positions on those things. Neither does our governor. I mean, we, we work for the governor, we work for the, the citizens of the state of Colorado from ballots and other things. Those are processes that any individual or group or entity has the, has the right afforded to ’em to move through those, those political and legal processes. And, and so as of right now, I mean, that’s, that’s our position. That’s where things are at, you know, and we’re, we’re trying to just be kind of the counterpoint to the polarization and, and different sides of these debates and, and we’re trying to be the, the ones that are the wildlife experts and managers and, and you know, that’s, that’s our goal here.

00:10:47:08 –> 00:11:46:10
So as the wildlife experts, are you guys at all looking at maybe what these other states have endured as far as predation and, and populations of elk? Let’s, let’s just talk frankly with elk. They, they prey on elk heavy, of course, deer and moose and, and things like that. But I mean, have you looked at some of these other studies and, and as the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, is your agency bringing that to light to the commission? Hey, it’s fine if you wanna bring wolves, no problem. We’re not for or against, but by the way, here’s the pros and cons. You are looking at this kind of predation, you’re looking at these kind of potential positives, you know, maybe at some point there’s seasons like there are in, in Wyoming and Idaho and different things like that. So, I mean, do you present, is there those sides being presented as well or is it, or do you feel like this is a political fight, meaning there’s just people that are foreign against it period and, and maybe not necessarily paying attention to, you know, to the potential impacts positive and negative?

00:11:46:24 –> 00:12:36:29
Yeah, that’s, that’s a great question. You know, and I guess to answer that, I would say there are both sides of these conversations and these conversations are, are going on all the time. One of the things that you continually hear about is that, you know, wolves would be hugely beneficial to manage our overabundance of elk. And, and you know, Corey Chick, the southwest regional managers here, and he can talk more specifically about some of our declining elk herds in the southwest part of the state, you know, and, and around the state we have most of our elk herds are stable, kind of where we, where we’re wanting to manage them. We really only have one up by the bear ears and some of that country pronounced steamboat that is doing exceptionally well. And so, you know, to, to talk about adding another predator to the landscape and, and using that to benefit the management of our elk.

00:12:37:05 –> 00:13:43:12
I think those, those are things that we’re trying to at least have conversations about. You know, we’re, we’re in the business of conservation, it’s the wise use of our natural resources. We’re not in the business of preservation and, you know, no human impacts or anything else. I mean, you know, our only management tool is hunting. It always has been. That’s the tradition and heritage of who we are and, and what we stand for. At the same time, we do an incredible amount of work on the backs of hunters and fishermen who fund our agency to manage conservation species, to do reintroduction work, to do other things. The, the Canadian Lynx is a good example of something that, you know, we’ve reintroduced that animal and, and that species is doing really well here in the state of Colorado. We’re looking at at other potential opportunities like Wolverine and, and as you do some of those things that aren’t necessarily the hook and bullet hunted species, the thing that is commonly lost, I think in, in, in the, the general public is that those things are funded by sportsmen and women who, who pay the, pay the bill in the North American model of wildlife management.

00:13:43:28 –> 00:14:46:02
And so we’re all about robust, diverse ecosystems and balancing those things. And whether you have wolves or wolverines or anything else, you know, those are, those are aspects to which we can manage and we can, we can deal with that. But there are other consequences to any of these things. There’s a lot of unknowns right now from chronic wasting disease to, to a very robust mountain lion and, and, and black bear populations. And so adding another unknown on top of that is, is part of the risk of what we do on a daily basis. I mean, I I tell everybody that, you know, the science is great and science and research and forms the management of wildlife and, and you can have all of that. But at the end of the day, managing wildlife is an art and it, it has to do with social tolerances, political tolerances, and obviously biological or caring capacities. And, and our job is to artfully and craftfully manage wildlife to be sustainable in the state of Colorado. And, and, you know, that’s, that’s kind of the ultimate goal of what we’re trying to accomplish.

00:14:46:13 –> 00:15:39:00
Well, and what, I don’t mean to cut you off, but you’re, you’re exactly right, wildlife management, if it was left up to you two to just manage ’em for sustainable populations use by hunters, all that, it would be one thing. But you’ve, you’ve got a lot to balance. You’ve got private landowners that, you know, have, you know, depredation and different things for elk and on their property, got programs in place to address that. You’ve got other things, other things in place for some of the larger predators. But the bigger thing, and I was a former biologist here in the state of Utah, and like it or not, funding is a big factor. And you guys are the largest elk herd in the Western states. And I don’t have that number in front of me of what, what the number of gen dollars generated from licensed sales for elk in Colorado.

00:15:39:03 –> 00:16:32:20
But if we, just as a red flag, if you look at states like Idaho and what happened to them and what they had to do to just start to slow the, or try to try to right the ship after non-residents just fled their state after the decimation of elk, there could be some long range, I guess crushing impacts to a state like Colorado as far as I’m concerned. Should wolves get a, a big, a big hold in your state and be allowed, you know, and then you’re, then you’re handcuffed until they get to a certain level of quote recovery, wherever that is. And then you’re dealt with another 5, 10, 15 years beyond that, you know, throughout any kind of a delisting process. And we see what’s done. And anyway, so that art, I it, you’re right, but you’re also then left with, with the reality of you guys, the bread and butter is licensed sales.

00:16:32:20 –> 00:17:05:08
Your, your agency budget budgets are based on that. And if you take out the cash cow, we’ll just call elk to license sales in Colorado. You’re, you’re jeopardizing the farm. And I say you’re, I’m not pointing to you guys, but you know what I’m saying, Colorado as a whole, the commission is, is je you know, if that one factor gets in play, you could be risking the farm Colorado could risk the farm as an agency to not, you know, in 5, 10, 15, 20 years be able to come anywhere close to what you guys are probably generating revenue in licensed sales on elk.

00:17:05:15 –> 00:18:08:26
Sure. And, and, and you know what, you bring up some good points. And to be honest, you could take Wolf’s completely out of this. We, we, we don’t even, to be honest, to talk about it, if you look at Colorado’s population alone, that we have almost 6 million people in the state right now, and in 25 years it’s looking to be closer to to 10 million. So yeah, any, anytime things change would change. I mean we’re, we’re doing our best and we have, I mean, the best biologist game wardens park rangers in, in the world and, and just for us to manage currently where we’re at today with, with knowing what population is gonna do, you know, even tomorrow, you know, I mean, when you’re looking at adding, you know, a hundred thousand people, whe whether they say it’s a month or a year over the next, you know, 20 years, that alone is, is a huge impact in itself.

00:18:08:29 –> 00:18:29:01
Yeah. If you just didn’t have wolves and, and added, you know, whatever you said 4 million people in the next 10 years or 20, whatever that timeline you said, where are they gonna live? How much winter range are they gonna chew up to build houses and all that across the state. All of those things is enough to make your scratch your head like, wow, how are we gonna make all this keep working the way it is working right now?

00:18:29:07 –> 00:19:17:12
Well, and I’m gathering from what you guys are saying is you’re saying, I mean, just, I’m just reading into it, so just tell me where I’m wrong, but basically, yeah, we’re gonna have, let’s say we have wolves. Okay. But, you know, there’s a hundred other things that we’re, we don’t know that’s coming at us in the next 25 years. And so if it’s wolves, okay, if it’s people, it’s okay. I mean, whatever the thing, the landscape is changing all the time. Management is gonna be changing all the time, dealing with political pressures, with other things encroaching on wildlife populations. And so if, if, if I’m reading it right, it’s, you guys are open to anything it sounds, it could be wolves, it could be people, it could be whatever, it could be c w D, we’re just gonna roll with it and we’ve got the best biologist in the world and we’re gonna do the best we can with what we’re dealt. That’s just what I’m feeling.

00:19:18:12 –> 00:20:08:06
Yeah, no, I, I think it’s kind of a, kind of an ugly feeling, isn’t it? I mean that’s, and that’s what, that’s what we’re faced with. That’s, that’s the reality of challenges that we have. And going back to the earlier statements about the differences between preservation and conservation. Conservation is the wise use of our natural resources, and it’s not that we get to dictate and mandate humanity’s use on our, on our planet, right? Yeah. I mean, mankind, humanity has a role in, in, in our decision making process. Yeah, yeah. And we need to be considerate of that. And, and whether you go into a town like Craig or Sun Springs, there’s two different socio needs there. There’s, there’s different conversations. There’s Sure. Just completely different. And, you know, so our, our agency tries to be able to pivot on those conversations, those those social needs and those kind of things.

00:20:08:06 –> 00:21:15:04
Sure. If you look at the, the Eagle Veil Valley over the last few years, you guys maybe have picked up on some of that too. I mean, you know, there’s an example of, you know, interstate highway fencing, large amounts of predation, an incredible amount of outdoor recreation on the landscape. We’ve got so many things, such a dilemma with elk herds up there that we’ve literally gotten to the point within four years of going from 2300 cow elk licenses to zero. I’m no longer even managing in E 16 our d a u up there, you know, and so that’s, that’s without any other different discussions or debates about new species or Yeah. Losing species or anything else. And, and that’s just, that’s the conundrum that we face in this, in this country. And I gotta tell you, like sportsmen and women are, are an interesting bunch, right? I mean, I can hold public meetings and maybe get, see if I’m lucky, five to 10 people on some of these important issues. And the second I say I’m no, you can’t get an over the counter elk tag in Colorado.

00:21:15:07 –> 00:21:17:11
Oh, you’re gonna be inundated. I could and that

00:21:17:29 –> 00:21:18:28
I could fill stadiums.

00:21:19:00 –> 00:22:21:04
And that’s what I’m, that’s what I’m, I guess that’s what our point is, is with these Cal Elk tags you’re talking about, there’s certain places you went from X amount to nothing. And we don’t even have the wolves really having a foothold yet. Imagine what it’ll be when they do get a foothold. And I guess that would be my concern if I was in your shoes or maybe just Colorado Parks and Wildlife, not use specifically, is, hey, when they do get a foothold, they’re gonna eat some things and they’re gonna eat a lot of them. And, and then we’re gonna have, we are, we’re, we’re kind of speeding up the process of having to deal with struggling populations, whether it be 25 years of, of human growth and interaction versus wolf free introduction and a steady foothold. And so I would think that would be a natural position of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. I understand it sounds like it’s not, is Hay Commission consider a couple things. We’re looking at less, less elk, we’re looking at a lot of less elk and we’re looking at a smaller budget to work with, but it sounds like they’re, they’re okay with that ’cause they’re not sure what the impacts are gonna be and be what it may, whatever turns out, turns out

00:22:23:04 –> 00:23:43:16
Yeah, that, you know, I’ll, I’ll take a stab at at that. You know, I mean, I, I would say that I think our commission is, is very engaged in all of these conversations. The Department of Natural Resources, obviously our governor, the governor’s office, legislators, people care an awful lot about wildlife in the state of Colorado. And that’s, that’s always been a really good thing. And, you know, whether we just did our last commission meeting, you know, I heard the, the numbers about 1% of the number of elk license equates to about a million dollars. I mean, there, there is a major revenue consequence to some of these things. And we’re right now faced, I think not just Colorado, but nationally, most game and fish type agencies that are doing conservation work are facing reductions in overall numbers of hunters and people getting out there. We’re also looking at, at decreases in revenue. And, and we can’t forget the fact that for the last a hundred years, you know, the North American model has carried us through to where those hunting and fishing revenue dollars actually fund all of these things from endangered species to everything else. And so how do we start to come up with that? How do we change social dynamics and get people to buy into the fact that it is about management. You can’t just preserve things and, and not not be a part of it as humans. Gotcha.

00:23:44:10 –> 00:23:44:25
Well, I

00:23:44:25 –> 00:24:23:01
Know you guys’ time is, is not, you don’t got a lot of it today. So maybe just in the interest of maybe a summary wrap up, can you explain the, the general process for what the petitioning that’s going on now is, is doing and, and how, and what the triggers are for then getting on the ballot or not if they’re met or not, and then how hunters sportsmen are concerned individuals can put their, make their voices be heard on that and and is that open to everybody or does it have to be Colorado residents? Tell us about that and then the timeline of some of those decisions that are gonna be made in the next coming months.

00:24:23:26 –> 00:25:27:05
Yeah, yeah. No, thanks, I appreciate that. That’s a great segment to end on. So, you know, the, the ballot petitioners were successful in getting over 200,000 signatures to adopt the ballot into this November’s election processes. So that’s already been secured. In the meantime, there has been discussions about legislation and other things. And so it’s out there and we’ll be voted on this November in the meantime, you know, I tell folks that anybody can engage in these things. You know, I, I go back to the earlier conversation about the Mexican gray wolf kind of discussions about moving things forward as we, as we went through some commission processes, other public open processes at the time, I wanna say that we got close to 4,000 different letters and comments and emails and phone calls to our commission during, you know, those meetings at hand. The vast majority of those people were from outside of the state, if not outside of the country.

00:25:27:20 –> 00:26:05:01
And so we have people from all over the world weighing in on wildlife matters right here in Colorado. And again, you know, I already said that I’m lucky to get five or 10 people to a meeting unless I said we’re no longer gonna hunt in Colorado, then I could fill stadiums. But the reality is, is people need to start being more participatory in these public processes and engage. And, and, and if you’re pro wolf, if you’re anti wolf, you know, those don’t, necess doesn’t necessarily matter to me, but your voice does. And, and whoever you are, you ought to, you ought to stand up and, and be able to participate in some of these kinds of meetings.

00:26:05:10 –> 00:26:11:02
How do they, how, how can they do that? ’cause there a is there a place we can, or, or how do we do it? And

00:26:11:02 –> 00:26:30:25
Aren’t, we’re talking about to residents in Colorado at this point, right? I mean, as far as this ballot initiative, I mean, we’re talking about opening it up to everybody should this pass, and then there’s gonna be a management plan in place. Of course then the whole world can weigh in on it. But as far as, yeah, we’re talking to residents of Colorado now by now in November. Is that right?

00:26:31:19 –> 00:27:08:20
No, and, and you’re exactly right. And I mean, we’re in a process now that it will, it’ll hit the ballot in in November that will be voted upon and, and really that guides the direction that our, our state will take it in the future. And, and, and I’m sure surrounding states may want to at some point weigh in on, on that, but, but as it relates to, to more going to your specific question on our public, our Colorado public being involved, you know, that all that’s all dependent, really dependent on what comes out of that ballot process, whether it passes or not.

00:27:09:00 –> 00:27:34:21
Is that, just by way of clarification, I know in Utah we have state laws in place for ballot initiative initiatives, specifically regarding wildlife and others through proposition five that our measures have to pass by two thirds majority, which is, I know, very unique. Is this what we’re talking about here in Colorado going to be a simple, simple majority vote 50 51% or percent? I mean, is, is that what takes to pass it just to 51, right?

00:27:35:10 –> 00:27:36:16
Yep, that’s, that’s correct.

00:27:37:03 –> 00:27:44:09
Okay. And basically for those that haven’t heard, what’s the gist of the ballot? Just very simple terms. What’s the gist of it?

00:27:46:18 –> 00:28:16:11
The basic gist of it is whether, whether the if, if passed that will drive the commission to, to start having those conversations based on a, on a certain timeframe that, that we will build that management plan and then determine when, where, and how, you know, wolves would be reintroduced, of course, if it, if it fails, it’s exact opposite that I’m sure we’ll continue to have discussions, but it just drives a different process after that.

00:28:17:05 –> 00:28:27:17
Is there also, did you possibility of legislation where it bypasses some of this and it’s possible that it just goes, goes through in legislation? Was there something I was hearing about that a little bit?

00:28:28:04 –> 00:29:02:14
Yeah, you know, that’s, I don’t know that we can answer that directly today. You know, our legislators obviously have some, some powers afforded to them on behalf of the people too, to be able to run legislation. And I think you would, you, you ne would almost necessarily have to get the ballots, the petitioners and, and those legislators together to come up with a, a solution that worked for everybody at any point in time. Legislation could be introduced, passed or, or however that works. But that’s, that’s I think part of the, the conversation right now. Okay.

00:29:02:26 –> 00:29:12:27
So what are we looking for? What’s the rough timeline where, where there will be some decisions, whether you guys will know how to move forward, sports will know what we’re, we’re, we’re, we’re up against as well.

00:29:13:29 –> 00:29:46:28
Well, November’s obviously the big one. We have legislative session going until about June here this year. In the meantime, our commission is our policy and oversight committee over our, over our agency. And we hold just about monthly meetings with our commission around the state. Those are all found on our website. You know, there’s, there’s a, there’s a lot of different ways that people can, can engage or have conversations or look for clarifications on some of these things. And generally some of, some of that can be found on our website. Perfect.

00:29:47:12 –> 00:29:59:20
Well, we sure appreciate you guys’ time. We’d maybe we’ll get you on again when we talk about different things. Maybe deer, elk and other things there in your, your, in your regions of the state. But we sure appreciate your time today. Thank you so much.

00:30:00:13 –> 00:30:01:25
Yeah, likewise. Thank you guys.

00:30:02:15 –> 00:30:04:08
All right guys, have a great day. You

00:30:04:09 –> 00:30:04:23
Too, too.

00:30:04:24 –> 00:30:07:26
Alright, so anyway, we, we, that was an

00:30:08:08 –> 00:30:08:25
Interesting discussion.

00:30:08:28 –> 00:30:41:04
Appreciate those guys for a minute, right? And so what a, what a couple of great guys. They are great guys. Having said that, with Colorado Parks and Wildlife now, not just Wildlife, Colorado Department of Fish and Game, it’s actually Parks and Wildlife, they take on a bigger role the last few years when they did that rename and brought everything into the fold, so to speak. But they’ve got some, they’ve got some big things coming at ’em. The bottom line, Colorado Colorado’s gonna have some change. It looks like they’re, I don’t even

00:30:41:04 –> 00:30:52:00
Don’t wanna where to go with all this. I don’t wanna PEs I don’t wanna be pessimistic, but I 51 per 51 more vote in favor than not. And they

00:30:52:00 –> 00:31:21:17
Get wolves and they get ’em, they get wolves. They’re gonna get wolves it feels like. And so the one thing that you, you all can do out there is you can go and email the world and you might need to, from what our understanding is not from these guys, just our general understanding is that there’s possibly a bill being introduced into legislature. They’re in session, they’re gonna be in session till June. And, and it could possibly bypass this whole process and basically introduce wolves. Well,

00:31:21:17 –> 00:31:55:25
And there, and it could be a bill that is set to introduce them, but you never know what the language of that might look like. It might be a bill that, that the state legislature and then mandates the Colorado Park small life to, you know, investigate, come up with a plan, explore all that. I, but it could go the other way. And it mandates, it’s just as strong as a valid initiative does too. I just don’t, I, you don’t know what one you would wish for. I guess do you want legislation? You want a ballot initiative? I don’t know. It depends on how it’s written.

00:31:56:01 –> 00:32:29:01
Well, I would take a ballot initiative personally, but it, but whatever, not sure our, you know, there’s rumors that as, as recent as Friday, one of the senators there’s champion a bill to reintroduce gray wolves. And so anyway, that may happen by the end here in June, by June of the legislative session. And so anyway, go, anybody that wants to voice their opinion, go to and send massive amounts of emails and they’re

00:32:29:01 –> 00:32:31:18
All on there. We can’t give every state representative. And

00:32:31:21 –> 00:32:41:18
Anyway, and kind of where we’re going with all this is you gotta get aggressive. We’re hearing that there are two to three people

00:32:43:00 –> 00:32:43:14

00:32:43:14 –> 00:32:44:00
Up, showing

00:32:44:00 –> 00:33:04:06
Up, showing up at some of these meetings. And especially that was Denver. We heard it was overwhelming as you can imagine, the, I dunno how many million people live around Denver, but you know, the H S U S and you know, all the wolf lovers were gonna be out in full force at that meeting. I don’t know, they’d be as dominant in, no, they probably wouldn’t some western Colorado. But do you think the laws

00:33:04:06 –> 00:33:04:26
Are made? You know,

00:33:04:27 –> 00:33:06:28
Oh yeah, all that. It’s the masses, the past stuff.

00:33:07:02 –> 00:34:25:10
And that’s what I’m worried about. And so anyway, they’re saying nobody showed out, showed up in favor sportsman of, of the sportsman side of things, which is very little worried about deer al moose and things like that. And so, anyway, and all the quote, you know, wolf lovers and, and people like this, they were there in force like crazy crushing the place. And so anyway, anybody there any other commission meetings that come up there? This is gonna be a subject from what our understanding, it’ll be a subject of nearly every commission meeting. Show up at your commission meeting. That’s, I mean, just, you gotta do it in force. I don’t know how we get the word out. I don’t know how we get the word out other than we’re doing this podcast and you know, we’re trying to, trying to do our best to let everybody know what’s coming at ’em. So the one thing you can do too is drop an email to the commission, the Game of fish commission. And, and we got on the website, the main commission email dnr cpw [email protected] us dn rco cpw commission O M M I S S I O [email protected] us. The least you could do is drop a is drop some emails. That’s the least you could do. It may be too late, guys. Not sure if things don’t look good.

00:34:25:23 –> 00:34:57:11
Sportsman and ranchers and agricultural interest. Everybody needs to come out in full force this fall. We are, I feel for you guys. I do, I don’t mean to laugh ’cause I feel I don’t wanna be a pessimist either, but I’m feeling scared for, and I’m not a resident Colorado, we love to go there and hunt and whether it’s elk, deer, whatever else, and it’s a game rich state. And these wolves are gonna be in trouble really fast. I mean, livestock rich and game rich, it’s gonna be a field

00:34:57:11 –> 00:36:04:04
Day. It’s a game changer over there. This is a game changer. And you know, I guess we’re just nervous about it. We love Colorado. Having said that, we are non-residents, somewhat guests to the state of Colorado. I’ve showed up at their commission meetings in person and basically laughed out of the room. And so it’s been, it’s been tough to really be engaged in, in the state of Colorado. We’re heavily engaged here in Utah. No problem. Happy to voice our opinion. This is our home state. But we’re guests over there. However, they, they fund their department with our money. And so, you know, it, I think we were owed, you know, to be able to voice our opinion, however, not always, not always be, was open to a non-resident opinion. But anyway, anybody that’s listening, throw out emails, can’t hurt emails in droves, emails in droves. And then anybody that’s over there show up at the commission meeting, they’re, they’re the naturalists or what have you, wolf lovers, things like that. I don’t know what we call ’em are, are inundating the meetings and we’re not, that’s, that’s the, that’s the end of the, at the end of the day, that’s what’s happening. Am I wrong? That’s

00:36:04:04 –> 00:36:08:04
Right. Yep. How do we end on an up note somehow? What are we, can

00:36:08:04 –> 00:36:09:13
We, I wanna, this podcast

00:36:09:15 –> 00:36:10:20
Is all about, let’s just,

00:36:11:15 –> 00:36:12:08
Let’s just say it happens.

00:36:12:12 –> 00:36:18:14
Feels like when we’re ready to go, grab our gun and start storm to Idaho tonight and just try to kill still one. Okay. Could I mean, and we

00:36:18:14 –> 00:36:20:26
Could. We might And we’ve got a day on the calendar for that. Okay. But,

00:36:21:05 –> 00:36:22:28
But besides that what, besides that,

00:36:23:16 –> 00:36:29:24
Let’s say they’re re they’re reintroduced into Colorado. I want to be, I want to kill one of the first ones, huh? Like we did in Idaho. That’ll

00:36:29:24 –> 00:36:34:12
Be 20 to 25 years and a quarter million less elk

00:36:34:23 –> 00:36:35:05
By then,

00:36:35:07 –> 00:36:56:11
By then. Yeah. So I mean, we’ll we, we’ll be dead. I mean, before we’re hunting the devastation, we won’t be able to hunt ’em. But you and I aren’t hunting them. We’re in our mid forties. No, no. We can’t think about ’em as a hunting opportunity. No. That is so far looking at the history in Montana, Wyoming, I mean, and, and Idaho of what that took to ever get there and how many times it went on and back off. Oh God. They were

00:36:56:11 –> 00:36:59:04
To bring on lynx and bring on Wolverines

00:36:59:06 –> 00:37:07:11
Links are solitary wolves. Wolverines are solitary animals. I know. They’re, I know, I mean, they don’t bug me. They don’t, they’re not gonna be population regulators. We’re

00:37:07:11 –> 00:37:15:08
Also hearing, they were questioning the possibility of, you know, the ability to hunt black bears even like there’s a lot on the

00:37:15:08 –> 00:37:15:18

00:37:15:28 –> 00:37:16:25
Coming, coming down the pipe.

00:37:16:27 –> 00:37:22:04
Yeah, they’re, they should be scared of that. Because if this happens, look at other states like, you know,

00:37:23:04 –> 00:37:24:07
California, that’s

00:37:24:07 –> 00:37:25:05
Right. Oregon, the,

00:37:25:05 –> 00:37:25:10

00:37:25:16 –> 00:37:50:26
Whatever, the left coast. And you start taking tools out of a biologist and hunter’s toolbox of, you know, hunting bears, hunting lions using dogs to do that. They can’t even do that with bears right now. You take that out from out of the toolbox for hunt lions. You had wolves and eliminate the ability to hunt lions with dogs and no black bears. Period. It’s

00:37:50:26 –> 00:37:56:28
Over the banning of foothold traps in Arizona. There’s just a lot of things that we’re up against a sportsman. Yeah,

00:37:56:28 –> 00:38:27:18
It is. It’s never, it’s never stopped. There’s stuff’s always evolving, right? When you think things are on, on plane, they’re not, it goes back, we did a podcast a few weeks ago, month ago, what it was about. Nothing ever stays the same stuff changes. And when something’s in front of you, when something’s good, take advantage of it. Try to take advantage of it and do it. We talk about archery archery journal on the kibab. If I was to tell you right now, you could go buy a over the counter tagged to hunt 1313 A on the, on the strip

00:38:27:18 –> 00:38:28:10
Strip over the counter.

00:38:28:13 –> 00:38:33:25
Yeah. Right now with the deer, how many people today would go do that compared to how many meager licenses they sold? No, there wouldn’t be

00:38:33:25 –> 00:38:34:02
A font

00:38:34:06 –> 00:38:36:08
Left there, there. I mean, a button

00:38:36:11 –> 00:38:36:18

00:38:36:20 –> 00:38:49:26
It would be unbelievable how much bow hunting pressure it would make the Utah general look like a limited entry controlled city. Okay. Okay. Alright. But it went away. It was, and, and even you and I didn’t take advantage of it. Like we,

00:38:50:12 –> 00:38:57:16
Late eighties, late eighties, we went out there even late eighties. Even mid eighties. I, they were hunting over the counter out there on the

00:38:57:16 –> 00:38:59:05
Street until 2007

00:38:59:15 –> 00:39:01:05
In 13. A archery in 13 A.

00:39:01:05 –> 00:39:01:16
That’s right.

00:39:01:16 –> 00:39:02:23
Yes. But I’m talking even rival

00:39:03:02 –> 00:39:11:20
And stuff like that. But I mean, yes, but even, but archery till 2007 at least, and a year or two after that. ’cause 2007 for sure. Don’t ask us how, but we know that year perfectly.

00:39:12:21 –> 00:39:16:28
Yes. That was an over the counter year, that’s for sure. We’d have to go back and look. And like I say, we shoot

00:39:17:03 –> 00:39:59:08
How many years after that, but podcast. But our point is, is stuff goes away and there’s not Arizona strip 13, a archery tags out there right now, or a place like that that’s over the counter hunted. That’s like that. There’s, but there’s general season in places. There’s Idaho, there’s Colorado, which we’re talking about. I’m telling you, if stuff like this happens, stuff will go away. It will go away. And nothing stays the same. Whether it be predators in balance, whether it people crushing your winter range and destroying, you know, no more deer can, they can’t sustain any deer. I mean look at places like 44 Jason. I mean just, I know the partitioned up little places, these bigger deer herds can even winter in that place, which is,

00:39:59:18 –> 00:40:02:25
Well the winter range is still high country in most states. Yeah, that’s,

00:40:02:25 –> 00:40:04:05
That they’re forcing to

00:40:04:19 –> 00:40:06:10
Yeah, these states are just because

00:40:06:10 –> 00:40:10:16
The low stuff is gobbled up golf courses. I know. Ranchettes cabins. I

00:40:10:16 –> 00:40:16:24
Know. And even, and even the lowest elevations are still high elevation compared to Nevada or some parts in Utah. Yeah. 8,000 feet.

00:40:16:24 –> 00:40:17:14
Oh yeah. Winter range.

00:40:17:15 –> 00:41:41:08
Yeah. Down, down in, in town. So anyway, lots of crazy stuff. I don’t know, we’re a little bit of a loss. We probably should have recorded this, you know, a day after we had talked to the, to these guys. They’re the regional managers there with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Again, super good guys. We appreciate their time. They’re, you know, probably being somewhat politically correct if I’m, I’m just going out on a limb. But having said that, you know, that’s, that states up against some challenges, especially from a hunting side of things. It just feels like they’re being, they’re, they’re overrun with naturalists and I don’t know, I, I guess we’re trying to be politically correct too. So maybe it’s a good note to end on. Need to email the world. You can’t send enough emails. Even if you copy paste, copy paste, copy paste, take 30 minutes outta your time, do it to the world and then do it again and again and have your families do it again and again. And, and we gotta get, get it out there. That’s the only prayer you have. Having said that feels like things are too far down the road and, you know, and, and with a lot of democrat senators and whatnot and things that are happening and things that, the initiatives that they’re wanting to, to push probably somewhat inevitable. Having said that, you gotta do what you gotta do and you gotta do all you can. So gotta go down fight. That’s

00:41:41:08 –> 00:41:41:12

00:41:41:26 –> 00:42:02:02
So, all right guys. Well, having said that, it is the Wyoming application deadline here on Friday. It’ll be, they’re, they’re calling it, I looked on their website, it’s straight up midnight. We call it 1159. ’cause midnight it might be too late. But anyway, 31st, January 31st for, for Hunts,

00:42:02:16 –> 00:42:06:26
Not points behind reinforce. That’s for the hunts, not for points only. So let’s, let’s

00:42:06:29 –> 00:42:14:06
Explain for guys that don’t know as far as, let’s say I want to put in for points, but I don’t wanna put in for the hunt, just what

00:42:14:06 –> 00:42:32:22
Do I do? Go to sleep till July? No, that’s literally, that’s right. Yeah. And even if you apply for your elk hunt right now and are unsuccessful, you still have to go online in July in the summer and get your point for that. So the only people that can’t go get their points in this summer that should not, are those people that are gonna apply and draw their out tags this year.

00:42:32:22 –> 00:43:28:17
If you draw a tag, you’re not getting a point this summer. Otherwise you should get a point this summer no matter if you apply it or not. That’s right. That’s the way it’s gonna go down. With the exception of sheep and and moose. That’s a mandatory $150 out of your refund. You will get a point if you’re unsuccessful and drawing a tag there. But if you want a point and don’t wanna apply for it and, and upfront a couple grand, then you probably do need to go this summer and get a point. So anyway, we’ve covered that in the Epic Outdoors magazine as well as we’ll be covering the points only application period later this summer edition. Yeah. So anyway, if you, you want to get applied, get applied. The other thing is, Adam, a little bit of change there is you can plug and play on your application choices. You can change your application up a little bit. At least get in for something. If you want to change something cleared through May, you can change your application choices. You can’t change the fee type that you applied for special irregular, but you can change your application choices.

00:43:29:00 –> 00:43:43:25
Yeah. So if you’re not positive that you want to go out cutting in Wyoming this year and you’re worried about, oh, not finding out the end of February, like we’ve been able to find out, apply, go ahead and apply and you have up till May 8th to withdraw or modify your unit.

00:43:44:05 –> 00:43:44:19

00:43:44:27 –> 00:43:49:16
That’s another way of saying plug and play. Okay. So modify or withdraw your unit. Modify

00:43:49:16 –> 00:43:49:20

00:43:50:00 –> 00:43:51:11
Withdraw plug and play till May 8th.

00:43:51:26 –> 00:43:58:18
That’s right. So anyway, just get in. So you have the option to change it up. Come Monday, there’s no option. That’s right.

00:43:58:20 –> 00:44:13:01
Come Saturday. Option are you are points only from, from Saturday on. That’s all you can do. But if you get a name on the hat, you can change your unit or withdraw it all together up until May 8th. And if you withdraw it, you can then go back in the summer and do your points on the application. It’s the

00:44:13:01 –> 00:44:21:00
Only one that’s due now here at the end of February you’ll have the sheep, goat, moose do and then bison in March and sell anyway. And then we will, of course Arizona

00:44:21:10 –> 00:44:21:29
Coming up and

00:44:22:03 –> 00:44:23:20
Deer antelope and Wyoming. February 11th.

00:44:23:24 –> 00:44:24:02

00:44:24:18 –> 00:44:25:22
February 11th for Arizona. So

00:44:25:22 –> 00:44:28:05
Elk antelopes or so Anyway, we like

00:44:28:05 –> 00:44:59:26
Talking about that stuff. That’s fun to talk about. That’s right. Not the doomsday there in Colorado. That’s right. You know, Colorado’s such a bummer. Let’s just, let’s just open that conversation again real quick. C w d they’re issuing tons of deer tags. Bummer. Right. Less quality. Average age goes down, everybody’s disgusted. It haven’t seen tougher years. We’ve now we’re gonna be hunting game and fish is like, well, people seem to like the rutt, let’s give them deeper in the rutt 2021. We’re gonna crush what’s left right in the middle of the rutt. I mean, right in the freaking middle. We’re talking Thanksgiving, four seasons, Adam,

00:45:00:05 –> 00:45:10:14
Every day in November. Practically you got second season going until November 7th, third going till the, I dunno, 16th, 18th or whatever. 20th, I don’t know, fourth slight

00:45:10:18 –> 00:45:14:01
Breeding break in between. Okay. Slight and then back out.

00:45:14:02 –> 00:45:17:16
I’ve never crushed ’em for the 24th to the 28th of November on the fourth. That’s right.

00:45:18:05 –> 00:45:20:11
So anyway, it’s just, and it’s, and and

00:45:20:16 –> 00:45:22:29
Get to Colorado. Just get to Colorado. Kill

00:45:22:29 –> 00:45:23:10
What’s left,

00:45:24:13 –> 00:45:25:00
Get ’em before,

00:45:25:21 –> 00:45:26:18
Get ’em before the

00:45:26:25 –> 00:45:29:13
Hunters, bulls, the hunters, highways, cars,

00:45:29:13 –> 00:45:40:12
Everything else. Everything else. Anyway, it’s, it’s, we’re just so passionate about it. We’ve killed some great bucks over there and, and there’s gonna be great bucks every, every year. It is, it is awesome. Genetics

00:45:40:12 –> 00:45:40:25
Are awesome. A

00:45:41:01 –> 00:45:42:02
Freaking deer factory.

00:45:42:05 –> 00:46:01:17
It’s unbelievable. You just hate to see great things maybe on the brink of coming to an end. And quite frankly, maybe they’re not, but it just feels like as many pressures are coming down the pipe, you know, four more million people in the next 20 years. You know, that’s something they gotta live somewhere that’s chewing up habitat, winter, arrange all that. Where

00:46:01:17 –> 00:46:02:02
Do those guys get that

00:46:02:02 –> 00:46:02:22
Figured? I don’t know.

00:46:02:22 –> 00:46:05:05
People aren’t people aren’t that prolific or

00:46:05:08 –> 00:46:06:14
Are they? No, they’re importing.

00:46:06:22 –> 00:46:08:02
Oh, importing. You’re right.

00:46:08:06 –> 00:46:09:08
They’re not California.

00:46:09:08 –> 00:46:11:23
They’re not with the legalization of marijuana. Oh

00:46:11:23 –> 00:46:15:05
Yeah. It’s the California exodus. It’s, that’s another, yeah, yeah, that’s

00:46:15:05 –> 00:46:15:26
Right. I think you’re

00:46:15:26 –> 00:46:42:22
Right. No, I’m a hundred percent That’s not proliferation. It’s not baby booming. Yes. Yeah. They’re move-ins, imports, retirees, whatever it is. East coast, west coast. They’re not, they’re not, they’re not born and bred coloradoans that have the passion that you and I are talking about now about their own state. ’cause we know that pure coloradoans, they do, for the most part. They, that’s the way you live in the west. Well, and you’re brought up a certain way. It’s sad, you know,

00:46:42:29 –> 00:47:08:23
The ranch valuables, like they don’t even know what’s coming at ’em. And, and, and it and, and it’s a little underhanded. It just feels like with senators introducing legislation and bills and, and things that you have to be in high circles and hang with high, high with, with prominent people to understand the process and to even have a chance at having an opinion.

00:47:09:06 –> 00:47:42:20
Yeah. And, and how the stroke of a few pens and you have the majority votes, whether it be legislature or ballot 51. I’m not even saying 51%, 50.001% of the votes. And it can undo 200 years or a hundred years, we’ll call it. But, but 200 years, a one 50 years of, you know, the management style that, that we’ve been able to, you know, get, get on board with and man, it’s hard to take that, that, that, that can just unravel so fast. Even

00:47:42:20 –> 00:47:55:10
The elk herds over there are unbelievable. I’m, I’m looking through the population down. I’m talking tens and twenties of thousands of, of animals. Yeah. You know, in, in Nevada. What do you think they could do with that kind of numbers? I mean, it’s unbelievable.

00:47:55:11 –> 00:47:59:08
Well, they could if they didn’t have the wild horses. But that’s another topic for another podcast. Well,

00:47:59:08 –> 00:48:00:17
We should crush the WildHorse.

00:48:00:19 –> 00:48:00:28

00:48:01:16 –> 00:48:27:23
We should. Isn’t It’s sad to watch ’em. They’re not. Horses are one thing. They’ll, they’ll stick on water. And when they were born and raised on a certain water, when that water dries up, they stand there and and die. It’s a sad thing. And and there’s a lot of that goes on. I didn’t know a lot of that until I went on some of these hor horse gathers. But anyway, whole nother subject. Whatever, maybe. We’ll we don’t want this podcast to be something that where we fix the world. ’cause honestly, we live in the world. We can’t fix everything.

00:48:27:28 –> 00:48:29:00
Adapt, adapt, do it.

00:48:29:10 –> 00:48:50:10
You never know how polarized people are on certain subjects. I mean, there’s a lot of, there’s hunters out there that are listening to this going bring on the wolves. I love ’em. And, and they’re, they are pretty darn cool. I’m not gonna lie. They are pretty cool. Well, having said that, it it, at what point, how cool are they? What are we giving up to? Have ’em? Yeah.

00:48:50:23 –> 00:49:40:13
And this is the 21st century year 6 million people. Now were pre-European settlement or at the time of European settlement, there were, let’s just call it tens of, tens of thousands. Only now you got 6 million people there with all their livestock and all these game populations, highways. I mean, it’s a different world. You can’t just say, let’s get it back to the way it was. It’s not the way it was. It can’t, it’s not possible. And Colorado, I will contend is nowhere near it. I’m not even going out on a limb. It’s nowhere near the Yellowstone ecosystem or some of the middle fork salmon or Frank Church country of Idaho in terms of remoteness left alone, pristine Colorado is partitioned up. Yeah. You got that stuff. But there’s people all throughout, all throughout these ranges we’re talking, there’s a valley and a mountain and people in between everywhere.

00:49:40:17 –> 00:49:41:16
The fourteeners. Yeah.

00:49:41:26 –> 00:49:44:23
I’m ringing the bells everywhere. Ringing them. The fourteeners. Yeah. You know,

00:49:45:05 –> 00:49:49:07
Watching the sunrise here. Watching the sunrise there. I mean, just lots and lots of that going on.

00:49:49:19 –> 00:49:52:26
When you want us talk about something that can really change things. I mean,

00:49:54:18 –> 00:49:58:07
Bring in a hundred pound, four-legged cricket hunts and packs.

00:49:58:11 –> 00:49:58:26
That’s right.

00:49:58:26 –> 00:49:59:28
You’re gonna change some things

00:50:00:11 –> 00:50:05:24
In a naive state when, when there’s no deer, elk, moose, anything that’s ever smell, imagine

00:50:06:00 –> 00:50:06:11

00:50:06:28 –> 00:50:24:12
Smelt a wolf or a wolf track. I mean they’re like, that’s a dog. I run those down with my paws and I and I kill ’em. All the hikers that run them. I, I just trample those things. I trample those little dogs. Go try that on a wall. Alright, go try that. Try that.

00:50:24:15 –> 00:50:24:22

00:50:24:22 –> 00:50:26:14
That you’re the next pile of hair.

00:50:28:19 –> 00:50:36:10
It’s true. Dude, you know what the sad part is? When we first went to Idaho, and we talked about it on this last podcast we did with our wolf hunter.

00:50:36:26 –> 00:50:37:05

00:50:38:11 –> 00:50:43:06
They, they hunted for fun. The wolves hunted for fun. They would eat out the, the reproductive order that

00:50:43:18 –> 00:50:45:26
Ter the ud with milk in it just for just

00:50:45:26 –> 00:50:47:18
Like, it was unbelievable. Just some

00:50:47:26 –> 00:50:48:25
Left night, left in the

00:50:48:25 –> 00:50:58:26
Middle of the road and then up on the hill they went later, another all night. And then to go find another one. ’cause the joy of killing it was the excitement there in the pack. And it’s fun. Like, it’s just like dogs. Dogs and

00:50:58:26 –> 00:51:02:06
A chicken. You they don’t, they they couldn’t eat one chicken. One

00:51:02:06 –> 00:51:04:24
Chicken. Yeah. I’ll have this chicken tomorrow night. I’ll go get another one.

00:51:04:24 –> 00:51:05:25
One. They’ll kill 30 of

00:51:05:29 –> 00:51:08:01
’em. Yeah. They kill ’em all come out with it’s fun.

00:51:08:06 –> 00:51:08:18
It’s fun.

00:51:09:10 –> 00:51:38:06
So anyway, you know, that’s what’s gonna happen. And, and, and hey, and we’ve done a lot here in Utah to, to fight off the potential introduction, official introduction of wolves. Of course we have a few here and there, you know, but anyway, sounds like Colorado, well down the road of having them. And so do everything you can. Of course. We left it on the podcast, how to make your voice heard. Show up to the commission meetings if you can. I don’t know what else to say. Bronson wanna make it interesting.

00:51:39:11 –> 00:51:40:06
I think that’s it. That

00:51:40:06 –> 00:51:40:28
Kind of ruined my day. So

00:51:41:00 –> 00:51:46:07
I think the biggest thing we’ve ricocheted all over the place. This could be called the Ricochet podcast, but it’s

00:51:46:13 –> 00:51:48:02
Ooh, let’s do that. Ricochet.

00:51:48:07 –> 00:52:06:02
Ricochet. All right. But let’s end on a good note. Chris, we got anything good to give away? Maybe that’s a way to get a good taste in people’s mouth. Give something away. Give something free. If you listen to the podcast, you endured the rambling, the ricocheting to the end. Let’s give away something. Give some away something good. All

00:52:06:02 –> 00:52:15:12
Right. We’re gonna give away an alpine ops parka from Under Armour. And if, if you haven’t heard about ’em, they are amazing. We’ve all used them here. Tell me, tell me what you think of it, Jason. It’s

00:52:15:16 –> 00:52:31:20
Unbelievable. It’s one of the best pieces of gear they’ve got. It’s stuff able, it got a little stuff sack built onto it. You can stuff it in this tiny little pack sh tiny little ball, shove it in the bottom of your pack and unbelievable when you’re sitting glass. And it’s just, it’s unbelievable. Puffy Anyway. It’s puffy,

00:52:31:27 –> 00:52:34:19
Puffy pillow. What are, what do they gotta do to enter Chris? To

00:52:34:19 –> 00:53:12:29
Enter, go to our Instagram page, epic Hunts, and look for the post on this Colorado Wolf podcast. Within the comments of that post, you are going to do hashtag Epic Outdoors, and then just leave a comment about your thoughts on the Wolf situation in Colorado, and you’ll be entered to win that parka. We’re gonna draw for the winter on February 9th, so the deadline to apply is February 8th at Midnight Mountain Standard Time. So go there to apply to win this giveaway. Good luck. That’s downfield Alpine Ops parka from Under Armour.

00:53:13:00 –> 00:53:14:02
Give us your opinion on there

00:53:14:09 –> 00:53:16:05
And you’ll be entered to win. All

00:53:16:05 –> 00:53:24:19
Right, everybody, we appreciate you listening to our podcast. We appreciate all the support. Of course, we’re right in the middle of grinding. Give us a holler if you need help for applications. I.