In this episode the crew gets together to talk about how the trail camera season went, as well as plans to keep scouting effectively during the preseason time where trail cameras aren’t allowed in Utah. We also call Aaron Bronson, Adam Bronsons’ brother, to talk about hunting etiquette and his outlook on Mule deer growth this season.

Disclaimer: this text was produced through an automated transcription service and likely contains errors. Please listen to the original audio for exact content.

00:00:00:06 –> 00:01:34:15
You are listening to the Epic Outdoors Podcast. Check us [email protected]. Hey everybody. Jason Carter. Adam Bronson’s hunting. Hey, hey. He’s up north in Canada. In fact, got word that he killed a stud. So kind of excited to hear more about it via in reach. So that was good. Got the infamous wb, Wyatt Bulls. John, Josh, how y’all doing? Cash? Devin, how you doing Devin? I’m good, man. Are you healed up from, you know, your little competition racing? Oh yeah. Tell us about it, man. March also wanted to acknowledge Logan. That’s a good putting. Also wanna acknowledge Logan at the keyboard. How you doing Logan? I’m doing good. Good? Yeah. Pushing buttons like crazy over here. No. No ring yet. No ring on your finger or her fingers? I, no, not since two weeks ago. No. Can you believe that you’ve been lighting up Tinder? Oh yeah. Wyatt just gave me some killer advice today. What did he say? I can’t wait to implement that. Oh yeah. Well, he said, you know, these guys have, they know a lot. He, he is the Tinder. I probably shouldn’t say that. Well, him, him and Devon are the Tinder masters. That’s what I was gonna say. But I didn’t know if you could say that about married people. But there’s probably profiles still on there from when they were the masters. They never go away. That stuff better me. Long deleted. Like, like MySpace. Does Tinder have dms?

00:01:35:03 –> 00:02:53:15
That’s what it, that’s what it’s all about. Yeah. Oh, behind the scenes messaging. Yeah. Yeah. You just see their profile and messaging. I’d like to look at your dms from Tinder, Devon, me, because you were successful. It’s spent five, seven years. You bag one. Since I’ve had, I bagged one. I found a 1% of the one percenter on there. Logan? A keeper. A keeper. Yes. There you go. It gets harder every day. They’ve hit, they’ve hit Devin wanting to do commercials, testimonials, testimonial. Yeah. I don’t want no part of that. Got a good one. All right. Well Tinder is what it is, right? Yes. That’s, it’s actually the most popular dating app in the world. Probably. I, I would say so. And it used to be used for certain things. Now it’s used for real dating. That’s right. Right. And, and certain things. But yeah, there’s, you get what you want outta Tinder. There you go. Logan knows anybody that needs a Tinder account. Hit up Logan. He’ll help you. Never thought we commercials for Tin. I’ve been wondering what that wazoo camera was used for. The Epic camera taking headshot with those big white sheets and Oh yeah. He, he ordered bedsheets by the dozen. There’s some big, there’s bench sheets and these great big strange looking lights. Do you want, don’t you look real? What do you use all that for Logan? I, it’s, that’s our department secrets that we can’t reveal.

00:02:53:15 –> 00:04:09:25
No, it’s for product and showcasing product. But it was interesting. Look, this is the time You do wanna tell the truth. It’s okay. Tell the truth. I didn’t know. I didn’t know where my NDA came in. Yeah, yeah. These are trade secrets. Okay. He, he told Wyatt and I, he also downloaded another app that he was helping to try and look for a glass and buddy from Colorado Grinder. Is that what he said? Is there an app you would’ve believe? How many people want to come help me hunt? He’s taking a sweet wall tent. That’s right. Stove. It’s fire lit. Everything. Oh my God. They’re here. There’s some pretty hardcore dudes on there. Just, oh, I’m sure there are. Want a glass? Help him share. itt. Don’t believe every profile you see. Yeah. They’re catfish. We’ve been, we’ve talked to you about Catfish. We have talked about Cat. You got Catfish. I’m very well, he’s aware of the catfishing problem. I am. Yes I am. You be Catfish down there in Colorado Gun. Oh man, I hope not. Alright, so let’s move on. Let’s hear about Devon’s race. Let’s hear about Devon’s race. Devin, you got prepped. I like what cash said. A man March. It’s a man March. Yeah, man, there you go. Trained a lot. Yeah. That was the biggest one I’ve ever done. I think it was the biggest one they got. So, no kidding. It was a beast, right? Which one?

00:04:09:25 –> 00:05:27:21
Which one is it? Beast. Spartan. Spartan. Yep. It’s the biggest one for that series of events. Or I think they have some ultra one for like these, you know. Okay. It’s like marathons. Like, okay. So it’s not the biggest one. They did Certified Crazy People. I’m sure there’s something. Yeah. Okay. But as far as that race weekend, it was the biggest one. How many miles was it? 14 and a half. Geez. Wow. Across the ski resort. Well, it’s supposed to be 13, whatever, the half marathon or whatever, you know, penalty loops and things like that. For what? How do you end up in a penalty loop? When you try to climb a wall and fall? You have to do a penalty loop. Oh my gosh. You fell an obstacle. It’s 30 burpees or penalty loop. Did the heights. Lemme tell you something. Burpees are no joke. They’re no joke. They’re no joke. I saw no one do burpees. People just take, I’ll take the loop. We go to this wall and it’s like, I don’t know, eight foot. The first little hand things are like eight feet. I’m not even six foot tall. I could jump pretty high. Why? I’ve seen it. But Hops, he hops. Yeah. He can call him the jack. Anyways, one out of 10 people complete it. And we’re doing the penalty loop. I’m looking around, I’m like, where’s everybody at? A lot of cheaters. Oh, they took the shortcut.

00:05:27:23 –> 00:06:40:07
Well, yeah, they did the penalty loop. They started out for you. They didn’t do it and ended before you. They didn’t do the penalty loop. They failed then just kept going. Oh yeah, it’s fine. Those are the boys. The boy marches whatever. The boys turned into men. It’s fun, man. Trophy. It’s about, it’s basically getting in shape. Hiking. Yeah. Some of those hills. It’s at a ski resort and they’re just straight up. Wow. I did eat mustard for the first time. Dude, that mustard’s no joke. It, it works. What were you telling John about it? I did it. Yeah. The other day. Did you tried it? Awesome. Yeah. So John, we were John, this would’ve helped you in the escalating. Oh man. Yeah. I would’ve needed a bottle. A jug. That’s funny. Jug of mustard. Yeah. You’ll, you’ll appreciate mustard from It doesn’t take much from here on out. It doesn’t like I literally grabbed two packs from a maverick. Yeah. And had ’em in my, my backpacking we’re going, it’s probably mile seven or eight. Yeah. And it’s already 90 degrees. And dude, the in my like quads lock up. I’ve never, I’ve never cramped. I’ve never cramped. They’re choosing my hamstrings, like packing meat or elk or whatever. And I had to stop. I dug for those things and as I’m bending down, they’re, I’m cramping. I’m like, I got problems. Geez. And I hate mustard. Slurped it down. Slurped the next one down.

00:06:40:24 –> 00:07:42:05
By the time I put all my stuff back in my little bag, dude, I was fine. No, it’s unbelievable. I took off. I didn’t c for another I two, three hours. Know why we didn’t learn about this when we were young. Like, come on. I don’t know. Heard about. What I worry about is, you know how when you go to like Kentucky Fried Chicken, they have the honey packets, but when you look at the honey, it’s, it’s imitation honey. It’s not like real honey. Some of them I’m like, I just worry about those packets. You’re getting ’em from Maverick. Is that a real mustard or is that some kind of imitation? I may have ate one from the year prior that I didn’t use whatever in the bottom of your truck. I pulled out mustard packets from the bed of my truck and I’m like, probably pretty good. Yeah, they’re fine. I don’t think so. I don’t either. It’s nasty. It it works. It’s bad from the start. Well, so you were proud of yourself. I was proud of you. And you did well. Like you did well. Like way better than you thought. I mean, you were howling for a week before it started worrying about Well yeah, we, we did. We hike, but then you were tip old gus. We did some big, big hikes that were you prep eight hours, nine hours. So what were some of the obstacles?

00:07:43:26 –> 00:08:48:16
The worst one’s a barbed wire crawl. You have to crawl under a barbed wire fence for like 80 yards. Yeah. It’s, when’s the last time you crawled 80 yards? I don’t crawl. It’s a long ways. Maybe. That’s a long, long ways. I mean, I don’t crawl very much, you know what I’m saying? Like Yeah. I get stuff like that. I get my used to get under my truck to see if my shocks are leaking about once every day. Do that 80 yards. It’s hard on all that. And it’s legit barb wire. It’ll, it’ll hook you. Yeah. Geez. They got sandbag carries and Well you’ve signed, we signed you up. I mean, Devon signed you up. You’re up for next year. I did. Oh, did you? Yeah. You’re on my team. Oh, awesome. Oh shoot. Just finding this out. Yeah. You ready? Yeah. Yeah. I actually signed a whole epic team. Come on. I’ll have to send you the big I’m in. I’m in. I’ll do it. You’re you’re up for it. I’ll do it. You you got youth on your side. You don’t even need to. That’s why I’m like, I’ll do it now so I don’t have to do it later. Josh, you in? Yeah, sure. Whole epic team that includes you and Adam. If I go, I’m carrying a rock to the top. That’s no way. No, they They have rocks. They have rocks for you. Oh they do.

00:08:48:16 –> 00:09:55:16
They got these big atlas balls. They’re like this. Geez. What do you do with them? You pick ’em up and you walk down around to pull ’em back. Oh geez. I don’t know how much they weigh. 80, a hundred pounds or something. Well, how far is down and backed? Oh, it’s not very far. Yeah. Real men carry. It’s getting them off the ground. Yeah. Or a bear. Do they have bears? Is that an option to carry one of those? A what? A bear bear about a carcass. Yeah. I’m carry my own carcass is what it feels like. It’s hard enough. A moose quarter. Alright, so here we are. You know what, it’s kind of interesting now that we have these, like, people love to call ’em the trail cam band. Arizona’s got a band, you can’t use them. So there’s trail camp seasons here in Utah and Nevada and it’s kind of interesting how all of a sudden we come right to the end. It feels like we’re at the end of our scouting season, right? Like August one. It’s the end of the scouting season. Although really it’s just getting started in Idaho and Montana and Colorado and New Mexico and other places. Arizona. But here in Utah we call it the end of our scouting. Right. So you’d be out there in the hills by yourself running cameras if you wanted to do it illegally. Right. Nobody’d be out there. Except for maybe Josh.

00:09:55:19 –> 00:11:07:24
I don’t know Josh. Oh, I got all my cameras pulled. Oh yeah. I’ll be out glassing now. But not trail camera. It’s gonna be running glass. Yeah. So kind of to the transition zone. Transition, the scouting transition, which it’s kind of nice. You have to be out there now. I was thinking about it last night. I’m, I’m relieved. Yeah. I’m like, I was tired sucker the other day. I know. I know. I’m over it. And just, you get camera problems and issues and I gotta go swap that camera out and do this and I don’t know. No. Camera maintenance is terrible. Camera theft is terrible. Yes it is. I was telling Josh after I pulled mine, or maybe it was why I haven’t wanted to run him more in my life. I know it. That’s meaning what? Just like you get get a photo now and Oh yeah. And you’re like, where was he for Yeah. Yeah. Three weeks. And then you start looking and thinking and I’m like, I wanna go. I wanna go. I got some new places. You find something or see something like, I guess next year. Oh, I wanna put a camera there. Nevermind. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So the net result cash. Hmm. What do you got? I got stuff. I got things. I got stuff of false shapes and sizes. Yeah. Not all shapes. You did good. You covered multiple units. Couple some for elk, some for deer. Yeah.

00:11:07:29 –> 00:12:25:18
Everything looks good. Yeah. I mean there’s a lot of animals that look really good and there’s a lot of young animals. So I just want to tell you how this office rolls. Give people a little insight. Cash. We ask cash to show us a little scouting photos. Okay. Guess what? We got the animal but no background. Yeah. Full cut out. Yeah. Fully cut out. Yeah. Animal didn’t even have legs. Didn’t even have legs. The knees up. That’s it. You can’t have background or anything. Wyatt’s. First question is, is he really only have three legs. I haven’t even seen this. It must be some freak giant. No it isn’t. Let pull it up. Show him. I’ll show you. There you go. Three-legged. ’cause the original photo, there’s headstones, so I don’t know. He cemetery next to a swing in the backyard between crumble, cookie and wig. There you go. That’s all you get. Is that when you push a, you push it down, down, like around. Oh it, I sometimes accidentally do that. But tell me do do, let’s teach people. Teach me something down photo. Yeah, you hold it down and then what? That’s so you, I only find a picture so we can do it on here. See what I mean? So here you go. I’m telling you, cash is the most secretive. We always thought w it was, no, I’m not that secret. Not even close. No. Although, I don’t know.

00:12:25:27 –> 00:13:27:16
There’s things wt still hasn’t divulged that we know that he doesn’t know. We know you take it and you just touch the little image right there. Yeah, I, I’ve done that on accident before. The problem is, is that sometimes they don’t work. Sometimes it leaves out the drop tang or some other tang Good crops and stuff. Usually collared pictures do it. Yeah. You good take. Take us to a daylight pic. I like it. Let’s, is there a, oh, you better hurry guy, because i’s getting that back. Let’s go a bowl picture. Then you can copy it and then you go into your notes here. Oh, your notes and paste it. Oh. And then you can go paste. And there he is. You can put photos in your notes, huh? Yeah. Wow. Don’t look as very, you can put it, you can like put it on a text and stuff too and whatever. It like, it just gives you the idea. We should have a regular section in the podcast. It’s the techie section that teaches old fellers like us something. Well, Wyatt taught us something yesterday too. What? The little measure tape measure thing. Oh, Wyatt. Lets say it out loud. Or unless that’s an in insider trade secret. Well, I didn’t really learn it. Oh, I guess I was taught it long time ago. Right. Just kind of discussed it with you guys. It was pretty legit.

00:13:27:16 –> 00:14:33:01
It seems to work just using the measuring tape there on your iPhone. So let’s walk. Walk us through. Walk us through the steps. Is it, hold on. Is it more effective you think than the paperclip method? Because there was a paper, there was, Devin had tape the other day. We should give Devin that picture. That real secret picture I got, you know, you want me to, no, I lost. The one you told me was 28 and three quarter inches wide. Oh, okay. Yeah. We should give Devin. We should give Devin. I threw the paperclip away, had it measured out perfect. My buck. My buck. Pick why you throw, throw that away. I thought I was done with it. No you don’t. There’s gonna be any more deer ever. We’re gonna see two and a half, three and a half year. It only worked for the one photo for the first, the year. Oh, it only worked for one photo. So I measured a real deer ear. So you measured the ear on that deer. Because I never got this photo of a buck facing me, but I had his ear. So from the base of the tip was eight and a half inches. Okay. And you, and you got that from your mounts in your office? The smallest mount in my office. Smallest ear. I chose the smallest ear. Okay. Because all ears are equal. Yeah.

00:14:33:06 –> 00:15:50:29
And then I, I used a paper clip and I marked exactly how long it was. And then I went 1, 2, 3, over three and a half. Which would be paperclips. Why we did that. 29.75. That’s, that’s Bush league. That’s not even, that’s not even accurate. There’s only one way to find out. I know. All I know is he was walking around. It was that day you guys were all gone. He was walking around paperclip in everybody’s office. Going back to his computer screen. What did you end up with? I just said it. 31 29 0.752. 9.75 on the conserv thought I thought told me 31. That might be my own personal. I feel like, feel, feel. My gut feel is a little 31 and a half. It’s a good looking bull though. I mean bull. This is how this office rolls. It’s really narrow. So Wyatt, are you okay with teaching people something or is this really something you don’t want to teach ’em? Well, I don’t know. We can really teach ’em. You kinda got show ’em mean. It’s just a, just a measuring tool. Right? It’s essentially the exact same thing as the paperclip concept. Go into your camera. Open it up. Yep. Got it. Okay. Now what? Roll into a photo. Ooh, one. I dare. Yeah, let’s, let’s have cash do scroll through that phone, see what’s in there. Ah, cash. Send me a pitch. Let’s, you don’t want w it’s in my picks.

00:15:51:01 –> 00:16:57:21
No, let’s look at an elk having casted onto this TV here. I don’t, let’s talk secretively. You gotta put different numbers on an elk. W has the deer numbers, but you probably have to figure it out for an elk. What number you’d use. So let’s just say, let’s just, I got a picture of Adam right here. So we see how wide his head is. Whoa. Okay. Do it with Josh. Well you kinda have to have a reference. Yeah. Yeah. You have to have a con. So you’re going to a photo, get that constant, then you’re gonna go up to your editing deal up there. Where at? Hit it top right corner. And then what? And then the top right corner, the pan, it says markup. Okay. And usually I take this nice circle thing, then it gives you a ruler right there. The ruler. Oh geez. Rule. Then you straighten it. Straighten it. Sometimes it’s difficult. Wow. For crap’s sakes. Let’s see. Okay, got it. Then you put on your glasses and you put on your glasses. You gotta use those little lines and line it up. Then you line up the lines using its eyeballs. Okay. Using the eyeballs for this is for a mule? For Yeah, for a mule deer. Okay. And kind of an average is what we’ve kind five and three quarters. Yeah, five, five and three quarters talking. The very eyeball, eyeball set. Very, very kind of outside.

00:16:57:29 –> 00:18:00:16
Outside the edge of eyeball to edge of eyeball. Which I mean, we know some people. People we’re gonna be called out on this left and right. We don’t, well we know some people that have eyes dang near on the side of their head. Yeah. And then people like me that have really narrow eyes, that’s why I’m hesitant here is ’cause we’re gonna get called out on it. Somebody’s gonna kill a 24. You gotta, you gotta strip six looking like this. That’s why I’m saying Joe goals the smallest ear I could. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. And then you got Southern Nevada out of Vegas. That’s dainty mean. You gotta eat better judgment here. Whether it’s got a small head or a big head. Then you go five and a quarter to To six to six. Yeah, probably. I’ve had, we remember you and I did this on some bighead bucks. You’re like, hey, that’s a six. That’s a six and a quarter. That’s Hans red bush right there. Big old, big old farmer. Yeah. You know. Alright, so you’re gonna line that up on its eyes and then basically you’re gonna count the, count the lines and do the, and then do the division. And then figure the same thing that Devin. Then you add up how many lines we’ve got for the outside and then off we go. And that has to be facing like straight at you, right?

00:18:00:17 –> 00:18:58:06
Yeah, it has to pretty much, it’s pretty much a head on photo for it to, I think the paperclip thing is a genius idea I thought. And it probably works very similar. Yeah, similar. I’ve done that too. Like not a paper clip, but like stuff like measure stuff. Not me. A piece of paper. I can see the edge scale scale me. So I’ll rip a piece of paper and then use the straight edge you wanted to get serious. You’d probably hang a big tape measure behind the background of where you’re gonna put your trail cameras. There you go. The background. So you have a reference. I had a buck do that came in little yard stick, stuck yard tree back there taped to a branch. You’d be pretty accurate wouldn’t you Joe? Oh, well it just depends on depth. I mean how far behind in front of it or behind it. Yeah, I guess that’s probably true. I had a buck. We just, just hang it it from a tree. Have one hanging right over your trophy rock. That’s right. Just probably hits it just right over the tr for rock. We’re doing that next year was defecated on. Okay. So that leads us into some etiquette. The scouting etiquette that you all have witnessed. Well it seems like there’s been a lot of problems this year with cameras being stolen and ripped off.

00:18:58:06 –> 00:20:07:13
And I don’t know if it’s just because so much less guys are running cameras because of the season. They’re just taking what they see. Well, it’s really easy I think for opportunists. I think poachers and thieves truck camera thieves go hand in hand. I, I really feel that way. Oh yeah. Yeah. There’s, there’s no lower form of life than someone will destroy property. And I feel like, I feel like, I feel like, you know, there’s people we know that are, that are stealing cams and we know they’re edgy. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. And so just, I mean, I’m not saying somebody doesn’t have a weak moment and check somebody’s card or whatever. Like the, or somebody leaves things unlocked and they’re basically saying, check my card and put it back if you would or whatever. I’ve never done it, but I’m just saying. But anyway, so that’s happened. And then it, and with this truck camera season, it’s really easy. It’s hard. It’s hard to put up cameras 1st of July, take ’em down or service ’em mid July and take ’em down into July. Like there’s a lot of running. If you’re running a real trap line, it’s significant. You know what I mean? And so it’s really easy to just go collect some, collect some cards, you know, like out on my own. Did you guys feel that with the new change in the, basically this season there’s more or less cameras?

00:20:08:27 –> 00:21:06:10
I felt like there was more, less. I felt like there were more, you felt more I felt, you felt like I more too Well where I was running. I mean why you were and where we were out and about a lot less. Yeah. I seem less too, like even on the popular units when I’ve been over on limited entry units. But I felt like that Josh, but you’re out in the bush, you’re out. Who knows? You’re some wallows, but there’s so much water in the places you’ve run. Sometimes you’re, you’re on trails and stuff. So I don’t know. Do you have a good feel? I feel like it, it’s, I don’t know that, I don’t know, I don’t, I can’t say if it’s more or less, but I’ve found more in random places, I guess you could could say. Yeah. People are getting creative. Yeah. Yeah. May And it’s maybe because I generally try and put mine in random places too. I don’t, you know, I just, instead of on a water or something like that, I try and put ’em on a saddle that they might be using to get to that water or to that feeding or something. Just so that I don’t get it. My stuff messed with.

00:21:06:17 –> 00:22:13:29
’cause I, I didn’t this year and I had, this was the first time I didn’t have, ’cause I had some cameras this year from stealth cam that couldn’t go in boxes and I didn’t lock ’em up. I didn’t, I just slapped them on a tree with a little gray strap that comes with them. And you know what I think we should do? Bid them fa Well, so you know what? I wonder if we, we should do a contest to see who can catch a trochem thief. Ooh. Like where you’re going. The winner like 25 or 30 cameras. Yeah, I like it. And submit the proof and then we repost proof of conviction. Yeah. We re well or proof that like it’s on video mode. You’ve got ’em and then, and you sign your name to it. So like, it’s not like you lied about that, that was your camera or not. Like you sign your name to it and then we throw it up on the epic social media and we give the, the winner who has the best proof or whatever. Like 25 or 30 cameras. Yeah, that’d be fun. It’d be fun. We, we do something next year. Like I’m, it’s my goal to, to, it’s my goal to publicly shave someone. But I’m not, I can’t participate the photo pretty creative to hide. So it can be like, I caught this guy and it’s actually the guy’s buddy.

00:22:14:02 –> 00:23:16:29
It’s gonna be an actual No. Oh yeah. You’re not lamb based. Him. I don’t know. I think we should do it. It just, it’s weird to me. It feels like more people. I don’t know whether there’s more or less cameras, but more people are getting cameras messed with now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it doesn’t matter. You put ’em in boxes, you put ’em behind a lock. People are finding ways to mess. But I think people are pretty smart. And I think you would take some extra time. There’re a little contest involved. But also I think there’s, people are amped up wanting, it’s almost like hunting people. It kind of swaps switches around a little bit. I’ve wanted to put, I’ve got a bunch of cameras that don’t work and I save them and just throw ’em up, like make ’em think they’re stealing something that works. You know what I mean? That’s a good also. But also you’re, you’re also, I’m coding them. So they’re, you can’t be used. Like you can’t uncode ’em. Like we deal in stealth, we give talk’s code. What, what could they do with that camera? You can’t even, even, they can, they can take your card. All you can do is take the batteries in the card and, and, and eliminate your competition. Which that’s happened. Especially on high profile areas. You know, the strip and things like that.

00:23:16:29 –> 00:24:25:15
There’s guys that’ll, you know, you’re, you’re slowing down your competition ’cause they don’t have the knowledge. You know what I mean? Yeah. But I don’t know if that’s happening out here as much. But I feel like some of these places we’re running, it’s a few dudes. Not everybody. I think it’s a few guys that are getting really creative and aggressive and just cleaning ’em out. I had a theory with that once I put my name on my cameras, a batch of them. Because I thought if I ever run into the person who’s been stealing ’em, they were getting stolen. I look ’em in the eye and just, I don’t know. They look into their soul, ripped me off. Look into their soul like that. Al looked into your soul in oh five one and well that was a good vibe. It comforted me. I don’t know. It was weird. But, and then funny story, this lady comes up to me at the expo. She says, Hey, are you Devon? I’m like, yeah. And she had my camera, she found it in her kid’s bedroom. Oh. Oh. Gave it back to me. Wow. Wow. You know, he got some trouble. He skipped the, you know, he got some trouble. Skipped the part that she found him on Twitter first. And I was like, okay, that’s or not Twitter on Tinder. Tinder. I was like, that’s heaven. Back in, back in the dms.

00:24:25:24 –> 00:25:31:15
If you went back to your dms, maybe you guys dated once. I don’t know. No, she gave me a camera. I know. I, which is really nice of her. But anyways, yeah. I don’t know if that was, was interesting. I, I have a picture here. I need you to decipher for me. Let me find it. Oh boy. I need to know if this is good or bad. I, I, I got this picture and I need to know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Whoa. Oh, you showed me this. That’s, that’s cool. I don’t think that’s a good thing. Let see. Oh, that’s not good. That’s the look right before something sees before it gets ripped in half. Wow. That’s pretty much. Or you lose an eye. Oh my. That owl is not kind. Thing’s coming from blood. Had it straight up trail camp. Pick of an al. We gotta give, give that coming straight at your camera. Wow. Give that to Logan for the podcast post. Yeah, but I thought, I thought, I thought the owl c us in Nevada was the good thing. Well it did, it like spoke to us. You were there. Well, I feel like this is, this thing’s not doing that. This is speaking to me. That’s, that’s gotta look. This thing’s taking your soul. Because that’s the only picture I ever got of it. It was just coming at my camera. I think.

00:25:31:18 –> 00:26:36:27
I feel like it’s telling me everything’s gonna be okay. Well see it. Well it does give you a little soothing feeling. Yeah. That a, you weren’t there, you know, owls are meat eaters. They’re mean dude. That’s true. Don’t mess with an al No. Or a red tail hawk. Maybe we’ll have to do an Instagram poll or something Logan and say ask people if it’s a good sign or a bad sign. If you get a picture of an owl staring into your trail camera. Alright, so, so what would be some techniques of catching somebody? You, we don’t want cameras. Yeah, we don’t wanna say too much because Oh, okay. We’ll keep it, keep it. But I do think it’s important. It’s really nice to have dead end road roads and then cameras getting plates coming in and out. Yeah. You know what I mean? But then the actual act. And if you had cell cam photo or transmitters, that would help. I talked to Aaron the other day and he said there was a spot that it was kind of loaded with cameras. It’s kind of a spot that’s stoned to have cameras and people just put ’em there. That’s what you do. And there’s always a like a big bull there and everybody just gets the same picture of the same bull or whatever. And he went up there to get ’em and he said it was cleaned out. Okay. Every camera was gone.

00:26:37:01 –> 00:28:21:18
So I think there’s Is this Aaron? Bronson? Yeah. I think we should call Aaron. I think we should too. Because he, he wanted this, there’s a story or two. He wanted us to, he actually said we need to talk about this. So yeah, let’s call him. I think we should, let’s call the full story. Like when he says there’s a lot, is there three or four? Like 10, five? It sounded like 10. Wow. Like a pretty popular spot and has been on this particular unit for 20 years. And then, and then we need to go, I guess we need to flesh out a little bit more on what we’ve all experienced during this and maybe even the ethics of hunting and scouting and setting up trailers. Yeah. All of that in general. Like John, you know, sitting next to each other on glassing knobs. Yeah. Devin, you like to sit really close to people. Visit with them. Check on their families. Shake their hand. Go to the Spartan race with them. Social butterfly. Get social butterfly. You are, you guys see it much? Alright, hold on. Let’s call Aaron for a minute, see if he answers. Hmm. Why is calling him again? Must be researching some tires. I was gonna say for Adam. Yeah. This is Aaron. Sorry. Winches. Adam’s our research or Aaron’s our research guy. He’s gonna be like, really? Jason? Hello? You’re not busy, are you? I’m always busy.

00:28:22:22 –> 00:29:46:16
Well, you’re on the podcast. I’m just gonna warn you up front. Yeah. You got a hot mic? Hot mic warning. Got it. Are you talking into the phone? I can’t tell. I didn’t throw and run. I, I can’t hear you. Very good. Are you on? Are you on? Are you talking into the mic? Yeah, there we go. Alright. I mean, I don’t have a fancy headset or anything. I’m just talking on my phone. Is it on speaker? It does feel a little bit, it does seem. Hope you call him back. We should call him back. Yeah. Have I got yet an okay time to talk for about five minutes? Yeah, you’re Oh yeah, you’re good. You’re not researching someone in the office. You’re not researching tires or winches for Adam or light bars? No, he’s good. No, he’s good. Maybe find someone in the office with an Android and call me back. Okay. Alright. Talk to you in a sec. That’s what it is. He’s got an Android. His, his techs are green. I forget that they’re green, but here he goes. Hey. Yeah. Yeah. That’s a little better. Talk again. Testing. Yeah. There you go. Did it click in? Yeah, I’m in. I can hear you guys fine. Okay. Alright. Hey, so we’re just talking about, of course, we’re coming at the end of our scouting season in relation to trail cams. Oh boy, I’d, I’d heard that’s not a hot topic.

00:29:47:14 –> 00:31:09:05
Can I just, just a wondering how your season went b maybe the ethics of trail cams and some of the interesting things you’ve experienced and witnessed. Well, this will be good ’cause Yeah. We needed to educate the hunting population on, on trail cam etiquette. Yeah, because I’m getting a little sick of it. Yeah, we are too. Yeah. So what do you got? Well, just lots of problems with trail cameras. None that I’m doing on my own. But basically, yeah, all the above. We’ve had locks cut, cards taken and if they couldn’t cut the lock, we’ve had trees cut down come Oh my God. The whole, yeah, they cut the whole tree down and no sign of the tree or the camera. Wow. That’s crazy. So that’s pretty aggressive. Yeah, pretty aggressive. So what do they take? I mean, is this a significant tree and did they just lop out the center of it where the camera was attached? Or what was We couldn’t find the tree. Probably 12 inch diameter pine. Yeah. We can’t find the tree or the camera. Wow. And the area around there, they just cut, they cut all the, they cut all the locks, left the cameras, but took all the SD cards and then left the cameras off and then just left everything but didn’t get any cards. So that was one incident. And then the other one setting them up this year.

00:31:10:26 –> 00:32:21:25
Sometimes you leave your boxes ’cause hey, I sat here every year, I’m just gonna leave my box. I take my lock and my camera and take it. Right. Right. Show up. And the whole lock, the whole box is just smashed against the tree. Geez. Like they just took a, a log or a rock and just smashed it against the tree so you can’t reuse it. So was this up by where you, or is this up by where you live or some of these elk units that you’re running? No, these are down south. Down south where the stakes are high. Yeah. Right. So I mean, and the awareness I just want to get out there is, I mean, the people that keep doing it is, I mean, you can’t complain or take it to anyone if you do the division. I mean, eventually the division’s just gonna be like, forget it. No more trail cameras. Yeah. Like Arizona. Arizona got tired of it. Yeah. Yeah. Because people are just calling in, Hey, my camera got stolen and, and no one cares and no one is gonna catch the guy or, or tried to. It’s just, I just see the, the issue gonna be that the state’s gonna be fed up with complaints and just say, oh, you fine. We’ll just do no curl cameras. Yeah. So what, that’s what I see and that’s what I want to get out there is just like, come on.

00:32:22:04 –> 00:33:34:06
So etiquette is, I just leave, leave the cameras alone. I mean, it’s pretty easy. Yeah. Wow. That’s crazy. You guys having any trouble? Did oh, did you guys get all your cameras? Did the 360 get off the mountain in one piece? Yeah. People are scared of the, the weird cameras. Yeah. Maybe that’s what I need to get is a few of those cellulars. So, and have it immediately take, put to your phone. You know what I mean? Yeah. A cellular 360 that no one can sneak up on. Yeah. Because then you have a picture of the guy at least. Yeah. Well I think it’s, I think it’s the ladies gotta be hunters. I think it’s the ladies that are taking the cameras. Guys wouldn’t do it. I’m not sure what they benefit from it, but I don’t know who’s taking them. Yeah. Or who’s messing with them. So Yeah. So instantly you think, oh, there must be a big bull there. They got a picture of it. They don’t want anyone else getting a picture. I don’t, I I just don’t, I try to think what would the situation with warrant stuff theft and neglect. But I can’t come up with a good solution. Do you guys? No. Maybe catch ’em. We’re thinking about having a little contest and people that catch catch ’em red handed. We post up the proof and then Yes.

00:33:34:18 –> 00:34:43:09
Give like the winner that has the best proof, like 25 or 30 cameras. Oh, that’s a good idea. To replenish what they’ve lost over the last year. Public shaming iss the way to go. And that’s all you can do. And, and yeah. I hope to get a picture of the Yeah. And then you just Yeah. Light ’em up on, but Aaron, you’re, you’re pretty sneaky. Like, how can you not catch one of these guys? I think you’re gonna catch ’em next year. I don’t know. So the, we Yeah. The one, the one way to catch ’em was to put a, put a big, we put a big lock. Like the other locks are pretty substantial. But the other one, this one was big. Well that kind of the back door camera. Well that’s the one that they cut the tree down. Oh, they cut the tree down. The lock was significant. That’s the Yeah, it was a big be she lock. And that’s what we assumed they, whatever they had to cut, we, we couldn’t tell if it was like a grinder or what, what they used. But whatever they had, they couldn’t cut down the beach. Sure. Lock. So they just locked the tree down. Wow. Pretty frustrating. What’s that? Pretty frustrating. I mean, I, I feel like I, like if I see a camera, you guys are probably the same way. I just go outta my way not to even get a picture.

00:34:43:19 –> 00:36:04:23
I just, I don’t wanna be anywhere near him. So. Yeah. But other people see it and just, I guess wanna have it and use the, use the data on it. Where they cut this tree down. Was it near a road or any trail or four wheeler? Trail, side by side, anything like that? It’s a mile, it’s a mile packed to saw. Not, not close, but not far. Just right. That buffer zone. And then, and they lock the tree down and you can’t find the tree a mile or the camera? No, I, I mean, no like drug the tree out to their truck or something. Yeah. Maybe Christmas tree. I don’t know. Early. Maybe they drug it with an electric bike. A ro con two wheel drive little, I, I don’t know. That’s a, that one’s, that one’s a mystery that has in my head the most. And so do you have a feeling of who, who it is? No. Uhuh. I, I wouldn’t even know where to start. Wow. Because there’s not, I mean there was other cameras in there in this particular spot. There’s other cameras in there. Yeah. But they’re all pulled, you know, they have a, they’re all playing fair that way, so. Huh. So did you end up We we just went into pull ’em this week and that’s what we found. Did you, did you find a big bull? Not on those cameras? Well, we don’t know.

00:36:06:01 –> 00:37:25:13
We dunno the answer all Well. Okay. Well, yeah, I don’t know. So etiquette wise, I mean, you got any advice for people that you never check anybody? I never check anybody’s car. No. There’s no lock on it. Whatever. Right. It’s not your No work Uhuh. I don’t, even if it’s not lock, I ran across one of those and you know, just walk right on by. Like, I, I, I don’t know. It’s pretty simple etiquette, but apparently it’s not common knowledge across the hunting community because I’m not the only one having the, the problem. I feel like trail camera thieves are very likely poachers too. I feel like that one goes with the other probably. Yep. Or or maybe, and poachers is a harsh word, but just a guy that lives in the gray, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. He’s not afraid to, I mean, I just, yeah. I don’t know. And as many cameras as, I just have a hard, you just think you’re gonna get pictures on someone’s camera. Probably. There was one year. You can’t avoid ’em all. There was one year in Nevada there was, people were getting cleaned out of cameras and you would naturally think it’s another competitor, another hunting competitor. It was actually a meth addict. They ended up catching them. It was like a meth addict. He was selling them. He needed the money. What was he doing? Selling?

00:37:26:00 –> 00:38:34:15
Yeah, like if you go up to water hole, some of these, there was one water hole. I had 40 cameras. Oh. Get 10 cameras, they pop. Oh. You know, and a lot of people don’t coat ’em. Put on a code so they’re sellable. You know what I mean? Yep. If they’re not coated, it’s easier than copper. Then you sell the box for weight, melt it down. You got a few locks. You got metal and locks. Yeah. It probably adds up. Tank of gas. So what are you gonna do different next year? I don’t know. I, I mean, you always think about strategies. Like, okay, I’m gonna put a camera low and I’m gonna put one high and I’m gonna put one. I’m gonna catch the guy. But I’ve never come up with a good plan to do it. My kids got a, my kids got a good taste of it. I told ’em, I said, you leave that one particular camera. I said, you leave it out like we’re gonna do it, you’re gonna lose it. Went up, went out there, cleaned off, gone, you know, gone. And it was a beautiful, it was video mode. It was gonna be cherry of all the best stuff. Yeah. Buck the buck they liked. I mean just anyway. Yeah, you can double up on like, yeah, you can do a 360 or you can do things in each other.

00:38:34:16 –> 00:39:50:00
But I know they gotta do is, I don’t know. Yeah. When they clean the whole pocket out and they’re willing to cut the tree down for one. I don’t know what, there’s not much you can do. Was it a significant tree? No. Like 12, probably 12 inch. Yeah. That’s, I mean, not a hand saw. I mean it be a long hand saw. Still a good size tree. Yeah. I would say a saw all probably did that one a mile you you saw could done it. Yeah, you can. Yeah, exactly. And I don’t know why they didn’t use it to cut the lock off. You know, that’s, I don’t know. Huh? It was a beefier lock, but Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So just yeah, in hunting community, just truck hammer etiquette or we’re gonna lose truck cameras. I mean it’s just simple as that. Yeah. All right. Well, okay. You got anything else for us? I guess your brother smashed a Hey. He’s great round. He got around just today. Yeah. So we guys are flying without him today I guess. Yeah. I haven’t heard of any measurements. I hate to bug him too mu too much, but no. Nope. I haven’t heard anything. So Yeah. Onto caribou now, so. Yep. Onto something else with Yep. Four legs. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah, that’ll be good to hear his story and good report. So that’ll be awesome. All right. Have you got anything else for it?

00:39:50:00 –> 00:41:09:24
What are the best tires to buy? What are you finding out there? I need a set. You need a set. Wyatt needs a set. He had me nervous the other day. Yeah, I’m getting close on two trucks. Well he was down to like a third, half to a third. Made it just fine. Tread on unknown names. I mean, I didn’t even recognize the tread. What’s not fine. Oh are they? Yeah. Little Hank cooks. Yeah. They’ll be all right. Don’t you think Aaron? Yeah, probably C rated. I need to go look. No, that’s Devin. Devin got C rated. That was one time. Hey, it’s better than P. Hey. Yeah, no, there’s, luckily there’s a lot of good ones out there right now. I think if you get a good old play tire you’ll, you’ll know. Yeah. You know when, you know I’ve been running the same ones for a long time. So those Nittos been good for me. Mickey, the Mickey Thompsons, the Nittos, the Niles one, Adam and I, that’s what I run. Adam and I are running a Mickey, which is kind of a, oh those are really good. Inexpensive version of a, of a max SD max or something. Aaron, which nito the ridge grappler. Yeah, that’s what John, that’s what I run. Yeah. I’ve been running the trail grapplers. Same, huh? Yeah, they’re, they’re good. BP’s got a new, new one amount. That should be really good.

00:41:09:26 –> 00:42:26:13
The KL three, I believe they’re up to a three now. I don’t know. I havent had that. I didn’t have that. Good luck. So I have a hard time trying ’em again. But maybe with a new pattern and who knows, rubber compounds change pretty regular. Yeah. And they, and they do change a lot. And that’s what you gotta watch out for. So. But these ones supposedly are good because they’re all the complaints they’ve got. But I haven’t ran any, I haven’t ran a set, so, but it’s that time. You have some good shoes on right now. Yeah. Well at least you got a truck. You’re good. You got truck. You got a four wheel drive truck. Hey. Yeah. I say things are good. Life’s good. Yeah. That’s why I thought you were calling for it. I was like a two and a half year old apology I was waiting for. Whoa. Because it wasn’t right after I got my truck and got public shame that you guys had a little hard time getting your own. Oh yeah. We didn’t hear anything about it. No, I didn’t hear. Just been waiting for two and a half hours for a public apology. I appreciate all. Well, it ain’t happening, but hey. Alright guy. Kay. Is there any big bucks around? None that I have seen. Did you get any bucks on those cameras over there? I’d be interested in that for sure. Yeah.

00:42:26:14 –> 00:43:47:12
But nothing you’d be interested in. Oh, all right. Two and a half, three and a half. Two and a half. Three and a half year olds. Yeah. I mean there’s a couple of queen shank ones that Josh would probably look at, but that just, it blows me away. ’cause that’s like the most productive and best unit in Utah. And I just can’t believe, well, on paper there’s nothing that beats it. Yeah, she’s crazy. Yeah, it’s crazy. Best general, but nothing good. Yeah, but nothing good. No. All right. Well let’s, the camera that got stolen had it on it. Who knows. Yeah. Who knows? Probably had a good one. Somebody does. All right, well let’s catch one. You guys keep going after it, huh? Yeah, let’s catch, let’s catch a guy this next year. Okay. Probably putting about a 12 inch nail behind the tree behind my camera. Probably didn’t do a number. Yeah. Drive a nail behind there. Booby track. I know. Show up. There’d be a dead guy there might chainsaw bounce back and hey, clip Eular Natural. These are accidents. Yeah. That’s pretty bad. That’s kind of the feeling you get. I mean, if I’m opening somebody’s box, I mean, you could have it trapped. Ooh. Yeah. If, you know, there’s certain places that get ripped off all the time. Have to look on Amazon for those money packet things they put in the like ink or, oh, that would be fine. Anthrax.

00:43:48:00 –> 00:45:08:24
Throw some anthrax, some little white powder in there. I’m telling you, you gets the dang mad. You wanna put a little note that says little, little 22 shorts. A little tiny little pop. Yeah. You want him to get away a little ways. You wanna have to trail them. Yeah. Get him a good delivery shot. Blood trailing dogs up. Met up for the night. I’m not to that level yet, but that’s a little harsh. It sends, sends you through the roof, sends empty message. Just a die packet and yeah, throw it in there. But no, you guys have been scouting, I guess. You do? Yeah. Yeah. Cash has got some stuff. He’s hiding the background from us a little bit, but, oh, okay. You didn’t give him Mike today? No, he’s here. Oh yeah, I’m here. He’s here. Alright. I don’t have anything Aaron. Don’t worry, worry. We just, we just love to tease him a little. Yeah, that’s good. He’s he’s, he’s doing good. Cash is killing it. He’s ruining trucks like it’s his job. Oh, new suspension systems. He didn’t even consult you. Oh wow. Little offensive. I went, right. I didn’t even know, I didn’t know you. Gu These, these young kids don’t know that there’s, we’ve been through it. That’s why it broke the first day. Remember? Good point. It did day one. It it did too. Yeah. Good point. Well it wasn’t su, the suspension had break just the top mount.

00:45:08:24 –> 00:46:15:00
The Of course not. What? Of course it didn’t break. The old mount just broke. Did he buy the truck from Wyatt? Nobody wants to buy truck. Nobody buys now everybody buy my making sure. Holy god. There’s a few people I wouldn’t buy a truck from. Wyatt doesn’t want. Jason is another. John’s got my trucks. Jason sell, John’s bought two or three of my trucks best trucks you’ve ever owned. Business partner. I, I know which trucks to buy. Well and I tell him, buy this one, don’t buy this one. Don’t buy this one. I’ve actually want, wish I didn’t sell that Power wagon. Yeah. Yeah. It’s not for sale. It’s been awesome. John’s truck, double the miles been a good one. Huh? Chris bought a truck from you too and he put a couple hundred thousand. I sold it to him for like one 30. Thought it was wore out. He had like 300. He said put another, remember when he rolled it into the dealership, because it didn’t have even rotors rode metal on metal wouldn’t stop. He couldn’t even get it into the dealer on its own power. And then he slept in the back. Remember he slept in the back and that was before the canvas cutter days. And then they, and then the dealership opened and he made it and then he trade. Yeah, he traded and they gave him like five grand trade in that old tundra. He did okay on that.

00:46:15:03 –> 00:47:19:03
Yeah, he did really good. Like I sold it to him for 55 or something. Oh wow. Yeah. Anyway. You guys got, you still selling optics? Yeah. We’re selling slow people. Slowing down a little. No, we’re, well it was slow a little bit, but now that the seasons are coming up, August is usually Yeah, people are, it’s not slow at all. We sold a bunch of SRO today and other things. Just even the one fifteens and Oh, the NLS twelves are still selling, huh? Josh? Yeah. They are one power mu scopes are still a high hot eye. Can keep those in. We had several, there’s a, I got a serious question when you’re done. We had several. Okay. Whatever. We had several one power loopholes come in or several dozen of ’em and they’re gone. Oh yeah, they’re gone. Geez. What do your, what’s your, does it have to do with hunting or no? Yeah. Optics. What’s your, are you guys gonna run the two posts on your swirl, the fourteens? Or have you liked the Bing system for the vinyls On the fourteens? Yeah, so far we’ve, we’ve liked their mounting system. It’s, it’s different to get used to, you know, you’re used to just sliding it onto a post.

00:47:19:08 –> 00:48:18:27
So every time I go to do it, I can’t remember if I’ve gotta put it in and go up or put it in and go down to get it up or down or whatever to undo it. But it kind of just does itself. It kind of works out. And at some point it’s attached. Yeah, exactly. Point at some point. You haven’t lost a pair off a tripod yet? No, not yet. No. Good. Yeah. We are waiting for the Bronx and Stud. I know. I gotta get my hands on a pair of Josh. Can I get yours? There’s a, there’s a pair in your brothers office. I’ll send them up to you. There’s a pair in your brother’s office. Oh, he’s, he’s in. He’s not gonna need them. Oh, he’s not gonna need them. Well he, when he left there was, when I come down, when he left, there were some instructions. Yeah. If there’s not a pair in my office time I get back. So somebody’s head’s gonna roll. Same reason my last night, I didn’t pick up his camera until 1159. It was like New Year’s Eve. I counted down the seconds, turned it off one second before. ’cause I didn’t wanna be responsible for missing a second. He didn’t, he didn’t say whether or not a silk could be broken. They can, they’ll still be on his desk, but the package will be opened.

00:48:20:14 –> 00:49:41:23
Well, we can definitely send ’em to you as he, he could as he flying in and swinging by coming into Salt Lake or Vegas. Do you remember Salt Lake? I think we could send ’em to you and then just, yeah, just tell him to stop and meet you. Yep. Okay. Done. Yeah, let’s do that. Let’s send this pair off. Okay. Okay. Alright guy, welcome. Okay, well thanks. Get the word out. There’s, spread the word. Okay. We’re gonna spread. Eradicate please people. Alright, sounds good, Aaron. Okay. Talk to you later. Bye. I’m glad that that was recorded that two thirds majority agreed to send Adam’s binoculars outta his office. Yeah. Okay. I abstain. I I didn’t vote on it. Geez. I mean, we had permission from blood, you know. Yeah. I abstain from voting, but I think we should send him, I think we should too. He went without on the first shipment. And, and of course several of us did. I wasn’t about to, I’m like, they’re, they’re a big deal, Josh, you went, you grabbed one on the first shipment. Yep. Kind of don’t have choices. Need to have people, we need to be able to endorse ’em Exactly. And use them. Exactly. All right, Josh, well, let’s move to your brother’s story. Oh, oh, man. Well, so this weekend we’ve kind of started using some cell cams and I’ve, I’ve really liked that actually. It’s really handy with a short season. Yeah.

00:49:42:15 –> 00:50:41:15
But one of the things I have noticed that make it really worth it is you have to put a solar panel with them, honestly, because it’s nice, especially if you’re gonna set it to wanting to get a transmission every time it takes a picture or you know, a group of pitchers, something like that. It’ll suck some battery. You have to have an external and source of some kind. And this solar, the solar battery is a battery pack in and of itself, as well as the solar. And then there’s batteries in the camera. Yeah. So we have questions with it. You can just put regular, you don’t have to have rechargeable batteries in the camera. They’re, they’re completely independent of each other. You just put regular aas in your camera and then when, when you plug the solar panel into it, it notices the solar panel and runs specifically off the solar panel. Then if the solar panel dies, then it’ll start to run off the trail camera batteries. And the trail camera batteries are never, they’re not rechargeable, so it’s gonna deplete those a little bit. If you had cloudy days, rainy days, you’d be, and you’d be lucky, like even if you did one or two transmissions a day, you, if you’re getting anything like 3, 4, 5, 600 pitchers like you, I mean, pretty standard, you’re gonna maybe last a week on a set of batteries.

00:50:41:17 –> 00:51:45:10
Just the regular standard alkaline, the, you know, lithium ones, maybe a week and a half, maybe two weeks out of ’em. But they, it’ll eat ’em fast. So a solar panel’s good. So the solar panel just basically turns tender itself. It just tends the, the battery pack. Yeah. That’s underneath it. So I would suggest doing that. Anyway, last weekend I was with my brother and we noticed that his solar panel, it just kind of turned black. ’cause on the app it’ll monitor, you can see how much battery is in your app, in your solar panel and all that stuff. It just kind of turned black and quit working. So yesterday he went up to go pick it up and he got up to it and someone had unplugged the solar panel, you know, snuck up from behind it or whatever, unplugged it from his camera, but then not just did that, but they took a rock or something sharp and smashed the cord of the solar panel. So can’t use the did it. Yeah. But now the solar panel’s broken, so it’s, it’s that. So then he gets his camera goes and collects it all up and walks over. He had just a trophy rock sitting out there and walks over there to get it. And it’s covered in human excrement and toilet paper feces. Oh my gosh. Human feces and toilet paper. Yeah. What is wrong with people? That’s like, I don’t know.

00:51:45:17 –> 00:52:52:15
I I didn’t know people. No, I won’t go there. Nevermind. But yeah, it, you didn’t know what people, what people from Beaver County ran cameras on the fish lake, but apparently they do. Oh my God. I knew it. It’d been 50 minutes. I knew we could have, make it a second longer. I just don’t, I don’t see how people have the gut to do stuff like that. That’s crazy. Where anytime you’re in the woods, you could be being filmed. I could see Josh doing it to his buddy. No, I’m not that foul. I’m, I mean, that’s, that’s over the line. That’s a foul thing. Sorry, I just, I bedr. No, no. I mean that’s foul and like, what’s, so did they take, they didn’t take anything, didn’t do anything to the camera. They just broke it. They covered it up and took the crap. They must have covered the lens. Yeah. There’s obviously no pictures. No proof. No. Was it another place? Was there other cameras there? No, no, it was just one. Just his, yeah. Yep. Just his camera. It was just in a kind of a, in a metal. Might be somebody that knows him in a meadow. Yeah. I don’t, I wouldn’t think so. Yeah. Like I, no, not over there. I would doubt it. Yeah. Not over there. Good point. It’s just a completely random meadow. And anyway, it is weird thing.

00:52:52:15 –> 00:54:05:11
And the funny thing about it was, was they were hurting absolutely zero because the camera never really got anything, hardly any pictures of it was garbage. Anything on it? Garbage. It was, yeah. It was just, it would be interesting. It was a learning spot. You, you like, why? Okay. You missed your calling in life. You were gonna go out into investigating and criminal justice DNA analysis. Tell me, it would be very fun to take DNA from the feces. The collection may not be as fun, but, and nail the guy. Yeah. Could you imagine? Well, I’ve seen, I’ve seen coyotes or foxes do that. Yeah. I dunno if you’ve seen it before. I’ve seen him go up there and this, like, I’ve had a fox that’ll come by and do it quite often. And you’re like, the crap, this guy needs a bullet. Yeah. But when there’s toilet paper on top foot, little Yeah. Yeah. Sleeves or a sock. Oh man. Geez. You guys are, and and, and who can just do that on command? I can’t. That’s what, when you first mentioned it, I said, I cannot crap on command. Hey, I want you to go in there and take a dude. It’s not happening. He held it for four hours. Geez. And it’s a hike to get up there. I mean, you don’t think it would’ve made it. Oh, you guys were talking about booby trapping cameras a little bit earlier.

00:54:05:11 –> 00:55:17:06
Have you seen that guy that does, like he catches the, the porch pirates builds like the fart spray packages. Oh. And glitter bombs, all that kind of stuff. I wonder if he could build us up a this trail camera too. Do it. I’d pay him. Yeah. Awesome. Several thousand dollars. That would be funny. I’m, then we get another camera catching that to happen. Oh yeah. Geez. Really? What? Let’s do this YouTube hits. Send him a dm. Just slide. We got a problem out here in Utah. Loie Bear slide into his dms. Epic, epic account will be hitting him up shortly. That’s awesome. Hopefully he’s a hunter. We help projects. We got projects. All right. So let’s see. John, how’d scouting go for you? Good. I’m tired. Get to rest. Yeah. Pretty exciting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s what like the, the, the seasons are different just because of that. Like, it puts it, so Yeah. I mean, collecting on a certain specific day puts you out all night. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta get some work done early. Yeah. It feels like. Yeah. Well if you get it going early and you get started on a rotation, I think Josh, you were some, some of the earliest, which, which got gets you going. Like, I feel like you feel mentally you’re on top of the game.

00:55:17:08 –> 00:56:14:06
It’s kinda like when I used to talk about being the first, at the top of the hill, there’s just this mental thing in it. And if you’re second, even though it’s dark and nobody can see anything, there’s just something about not being there first. You know what I mean? And once you get on your a game and you’re scouting early and it just, then all that synergy, there’s a, there’s a energy building as, as the months roll by or a month and a half or whatever weeks, dayss, whatever, roll by. Josh, your scouting went good. Yeah, I learned some stuff. Even just from some cameras putting them out early that, you know, I’m like, I’m never gonna have to put a camera here again. Yeah. It was, it was good stuff though. You had movement from animals is they’re chi like moving actually to summer range. Yeah. You know, you get ’em up in June and, and you get some pitch. I was pretty excited about a couple of the cameras. Like, oh, this is gonna be my best camera. And it ended up being my worst camera because everything moved through that area. I’m telling you, you remember what I mentioned it My worst cash, I think you said. Yeah. This is a janky setup. And I said the Jans setup up produce biggest bucks the best. Yep.

00:56:14:25 –> 00:57:19:10
I mean, I’ll be some janky little camera, you know, is gonna get knocked off and sure enough it doesn’t. And then you’ve got something big standing there and you’re like, come on. But it takes time. You kinda have to get going on it early because it takes time to get stuff out. Yeah. And then it takes time to clean stuff up. And then you run into a problem where you blow a belt on a side by side or you’re completely out. Oh yeah. You know, I had to call the office help to come help you. Yeah. Yeah. So you run into problems and then you, Michelle, you come in and pulling you, pulling you around the unit. Yeah. Getting off. It’s the last thing I needed running into those people again. So what’s your scouting after all the scouting? What’s your opinion on the antler growth and quality out in the hills? Oh, I feel like elk look really good. Yeah. I think they look really good deer. The the thing, there’s just a lot of young deer. Young deer, just a lot of, I mean it’s awesome. There’s, there’s a lot of bucks, so that’s great. If you want to just go out and see bucks, it’s two by threes, three by fours. It’s whatever. It’s, yeah. I mean I literally, I literally saw 30 bucks in a medal the other night when I, it was the last night I was grabbing a couple cameras.

00:57:19:12 –> 00:58:21:26
Yeah. And it was pretty awesome. And I, when I started glassing, I was like, you gotta be kidding me. ’cause I figured it was just a bunch of doughs and fond a little break in the droughts helping. Yeah. You look at it and it’s like, holy cow, those are all bucks. But they were all three year olds and less, you know, I don’t, there wasn’t a single four point out of 30 of ’em. Wow. So it’s good to see, but it’s also a little bit frustrating to think, gosh, you know, there’s not anything more mature than that. I’m sure there’s a few out there, but it’s very, very, very, very slim. Yeah. Devin, what’s your feeling about the quality out there after stage one of the scouting process? Slots of young deer. Yeah. I learned some stuff that’ll carry over. That’s what I like. I feel like, I feel like, feel like I found new stuff that I’m excited about. Yeah. But I feel like the same. I feel like I’m learning stuff for the next five years. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. And I like have done that for the last five years. I’m really getting tired of it. The 10 year plan, I’m really getting tired of it. My is, I’ve been unit hopping. I know it. And, and then, and the guys that are getting it done are consistent.

00:58:21:26 –> 00:59:18:18
They’ll take a unit and they’ll take the good and the bad, the bad good, you know, a good year, bad, bad, bad, good year. And they’re there for all the, all of it. Whereas I’m like, well, I’ll try this one. Oh, now I’ll go hop to this one now I’ll go hop to this one. And I like learning a bunch of new stuff. But really, I think you’re best off to stick with a unit and stick it through thick and thin. You know, if you can, if it’s a, if it’s a tag you can get on a regular basis. Wyatt, what’s your opinion? I think it’s gonna be an overall, you know, good year. Yeah. Yeah. Not stellar. I, I don’t know, like, it’s hard to say right now too. You know, the elk guys are fortunate that they’re finished, elk are finished. Mule deer guys, I mean, shoot, they bucks can still blow up right now. Yeah. I mean, it’s hard to Nevada bucks. There’s bucks that are still gonna put on 40 inches. One thing I ran into last year, I ran all those cameras and then went back, you know, first to August and Bucks were completely different. They, they changed between, you know, August one and the, and the hunt. Yeah. And the hunt. Yeah.

00:59:19:21 –> 01:00:29:18
I remember, you know, some of the archery bucks that I killed like in August 20 ish, mid twenties, August mid twenties still were Bali at the top. You know what I mean? So there’s, and that was in Utah, that wasn’t even like Nevada. It feels like Nevada, there’s a lot of bucks that have either they’re getting close to done a, a chunk of them, but a good percentage put on a lot more inches still. So anyway, it’ll be interesting. But it seems somewhat average to me. It, it feels like there’s a lot of really nice bulls from everything I’ve seen and a few, few of the units that we’re looking at. And then, you know, so I think Elk’s gonna be good. Doesn’t feel like overall good. Like you were saying. Well, I don’t know if it’s like exceptional, like the very, very top end bulls, but may, but, but, but maybe, well it’s, it’s weird though, and I think a lot of it comes back to it. You think about like nutrition and years and growth and some of that and you’ll see it. And I feel like this is one of those years that there’s a, there’s a bunch of bulls that have been living that were born, you’re talking twenty sixteen, seventeen fifteen when we would, when we had those good wet years, a lot of these bulls were born during those times. And so now those bulls have all matured.

01:00:29:23 –> 01:01:35:12
They’re living in unlimited entry units, obviously there’s not a lot of tags. And so now those bulls have actually all hit a mature age. And so they’re overall the size of bulls that are in this certain category, it’s pretty mind blowing compared to even last year. Yeah. Yep. I was talking the other day last year, like on a specific unit I saw tons and tons and tons of just three 50 bulls. Yeah. You know, give or take five, 10 inches now it seems like there’s just a ton of 360 Tys just like another step up. Wow. This year just seems like it’s just bumped up a little bit. Yeah. Even better. A little bit better. So it seems a little bit better as far as the quality of the quantity. Yeah. You know? Yeah. The average is bumped. Yeah. The average is bumped up. Yeah. Maybe not the very top end, but the average. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. That’s kinda what you’re saying, right? It’s funny. Yep. And it’s funny too, like how Devon’s talking, we were talking about hunting a certain unit or something. We have from when running some trail cameras when John had his tag a few years ago and, and then you start recognizing certain bulls or things, you’re like, holy cow, you know, there’s, there’s a bull and you know, okay, here, that’s where he was in the summer and then John saw him during his hunt.

01:01:35:16 –> 01:02:40:28
And it, it helps you put, you know, multiple things together to where you can actually be successful in future years. Like Devin said, literally like a 10 year plan, you don’t really, something, a pitcher of a buck or a bull or something you got in 2021 could potentially be helping you in 2024. Yeah. You just, you just don’t know. But you’ve got to hunt that unit multiple year. Yeah. Or, or friends or whatever have a, like, this is my unit use information, or these are my units, you know, if you’re looking at elk and deer or, or whatever and you keep tabs on those knowing friends and family Yeah. Have points to draw or whatever. Yeah. And I don’t know, I can’t remember what she says sometimes. I, she’s claims she tells me things, but I can’t remember what my wife says like that I didn’t take out the trash or something like that. But I definitely, for some reason I can remember that that bull had a little three years ago, two inch, two and a half inch devil time. I can’t remember, man, I can’t believe he lost his left devil time this year. Yeah. Because those things are important to me. I mean, kids buy have that Janis wears. I’m the same way. And I can remember specific bucks and I, I actually, there’s things, a lot of things I’ve forgotten, you know what I mean? Yeah.

01:02:41:03 –> 01:03:50:19
I’m like kind of disappointed in myself. Kids are like, Hey, what about this bucket? I’m like, huh. Oh yeah. I wonder if he, I wonder if he is alive, but, all right. So I want, we should dive into the next subject that’s related to all this next podcast. We’re already in this sucker an hour. Geez. Hmm. Be hunting etiquette, you know, things like that. What do you guys think? Yeah, I, so I think it’s good. I think just to wrap this one up, it’s like, just leave people’s stuff alone. Yeah. And the other thing is too, it’s just rule. The, the other thing is too, we, it’s funny cash and I have had some cameras and stuff on similar places and close to and whatever, and you’re getting an accidental, like completely accidentally. You guys have, I didn’t know this. Well, neither you guys have, neither did we. But what, how did you find out? It’s just like, just talking, you know? And, but it’s funny, you’re running cameras a couple very, you never know. Jeez. But it’s just like you talk to somebody, you see something. The thing is, you’re not the only dude that’s got a picture of that bull. Right. Yeah. You know, he’s not your bull. He’s not your buck. Even though you want him to be, what if I name wanna kill him? Whatever. Yeah. What if I watched him too bad, dude. Yeah. Sorry. He’s, he’s not yours.

01:03:50:29 –> 01:04:53:15
Somebody else has a picture of him. Somebody else has seen him In this day and age, people are going so hard that if you mess with somebody’s camera, you’re, you’re probably not putting ’em out very much ’cause they’ve already got him on another camera or they’ve already seen him, or they’ve already glassed him up. Like, people are going so hard these days that just leave people’s stuff alone. Yeah. Or they’ve got something better elsewhere. Like, you’re not hindering people that bad. Yeah. Yeah. Especially with the season, it’s just inconvenient because it’s loss of property, loss of time, loss of all that kind of stuff. A lot of times for as far as the scouting goes, you’re not, I don’t know that it’s hurting or it’s not, you’re not helping yourself as bad as it’s hurting them by any means. I just don’t feel like it. And I don’t like getting my picture on other people’s trail cameras. You know, walking along this year, a couple all of a sudden, next thing you know, I’m like, ah, I’m stepping over a trophy rock. And I look over and there’s a camera on the tree and I like, you can look and you can legally do that. Now there’s gonna bes squatters up there wondering what’s going on. Yeah. There’s a yet up here, bad guy. What is that thing? Heavy. But I, you know, I just wave at the camera and keep on going.

01:04:53:19 –> 01:05:54:28
And now I know, hey, there’s a camera over there. But I did the same thing the other day. I had one surprise me, I walked right by. I hate that. And whoever that guy was, he, he, he had to have seen mine. It was in the best place. But I turned around, I’m like, oh, hello. You know, like snuck up on me, but I hate, I hate surprises. I was walking, I was walking into some cameras the other day and I was walking on a trail and all of a sudden I kinda look over in a tree and there’s this black thing hanging. I was was like, what is that? So I walk over, it’s a solar panel that’s like wound through the tree and just hanging there. So I look and there’s a cell cam and there’s a cell cam there. And I was like, oh geez, I don’t want to walk through this. So I walked clear, I walked clear up in the hill, clear out and around nothing. Never, probably never got me, but I was like, how many have I walked? I’ve, it was like three miles. It’s like, how many have I walked by already today? Like, and not even knowing it. Well, the way I, in my mind, I’m kind of superstitious, maybe too much baseball. But if you’re that guy, the mountain will get you back. You’re gonna have bad luck. Yeah. You’re gonna blow tires in the desert.

01:05:55:10 –> 01:06:57:12
I don’t know. Yep. Karma. It, although it feels like karma doesn’t catch a lot of this. I know. That’s the thing. But in my mind, that’s what thing. Whatcha are looking at me for Wyatt blowing tires in the desert. Well, we all blow tires. Well, I hate that. I’m just saying like, I did blow a tire, but it wasn’t karma. It wasn’t quite the desert. It was a parking lot while, and so then we had to take Wyatt’s truck and I hate that. Couldn’t even take it to lunch the other day. I mean, you guys, seriously, let’s just vote. I mean, if, if we’re taking a truck to the desert and your life depends on its wellbeing. Wellbeing still are you going? Those lus you got in your wheels are, are you going, going with me or are you going with Wyatt? Just go look. Just go look at his lug nuts. I mean, you’d be surpris, surpris, DARS made it home from a lot of places. It’s on’s. One and a half twists is all those lug nuts are on those. Those thread are not big held up. We’re here, aren’t we? I have one just like, it lasted me 13 years, so I don’t know. So you’d go, I’d go with dw. Yeah. It’s a comfortable ride. I wouldn’t, I do have to choose. It was nice to be driven. Did you refer to him as driver? I should have.

01:06:57:15 –> 01:08:08:29
So chauffeur, I was like, man, this is nice. I think I dozed once or twice. Yeah. Ha. Hang a left. That’s what I did. I just kept going like this, pointing. Well, we were ying and I was like, like why? It does, yeah, we we had a good time. Tires had 80 pounds in him. Yeah. A lot of truck time, windshield time I guess. Yeah, it was good. Well, it was good. Made me trust his equipment a little more. All that’s, that’s enough. I guess it feels like an average year for Deere or less than average I would say. Does it feel like that for you? Well, yeah. I think just ’cause of the age. Yeah. I think that’s it. I think that a lot of it, that’s it. Because you think even unlimited entry units, there’s age classes of deer missing. Yeah. They’re really in Nevada. In, in anywhere in the west. There’s age classes, there’s absolutely years of of deer missing. Missing. Yep. That’s what it feels like. But anyway, we’re excited. We’re excited. If you can’t tell, we’re excited for the seasons to start. We got a lot of, we got a lot of plans, lot multiple states. We’ll be hitting nearly every Western state. And anyway, I love seeing like Logan and Cash and your age group, like my kids.

01:08:09:19 –> 01:09:16:05
I mean they ran a lot of cameras by themselves and I, I got Justin started, you know, just like, Hey, we gotta get going, but then man, you couldn’t stop him. And it’s just awesome to see that. Logan, I know you got probably bucks that you’re gonna show me their outline and silhouette of at some point. No, not even that. I love to tease cash a little bit, but I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t tell me anything either. Of course. I’m gonna do that from now on. Look at this one. I already tested it. Yeah, he was showing me a minute ago. He was like, I am not gonna ever chase that slick shank. Show me the background. I mean, if it doesn’t have three or four eye guards, don’t even, don’t even cut it out. They got cut off somehow. You have nothing to worry about. Yeah, it cut those off. I mean, that thing doesn’t even have a frame. It’s nothing but a shame. Doesn’t even have a mom. Mother doesn’t even wanna have anything to do with it anymore. That’s worse than a cactus B. All right, so anyway, we don’t have any advertising to talk about today. Don’t we get to choose? Well, Logan said on this podcast, I want it clean. Basically, if you need optics, just come to Epic. We got the best prices out there and it doesn’t matter what it is.

01:09:16:12 –> 01:10:33:22
Even try us on different brands, maybe less popular brands, whatever. If there’s something you’re looking for, then at least give us a holler. It might be worth your call and we’d love to visit with you Monday through Thursday. We’re scouting and hunting on Fridays and even scouting and hunting on some of the midweek days, but somebody will be here and we wanna visit with you. So anyway, appreciate your support out there of Epic Outdoors and wish you all the best. If you need any help outfitter wise or maybe even just, just some starting points, give us a holler. We definitely share actually more than we probably should, but want people to be successful, especially members of Epic Outdoors. You guys got any parting thoughts? Yeah, not, not that this is an advertisement, but now having spent significant time behind our tripod, the, the big Epic Ultra, it’s no joke. It is no joke. And it’s I’m, anyway, best value out there, 466 bucks for the member price. Smooth as butter. Yeah. And that includes the head and tripod and a plate. So anyway, we got tons of ’em in stock. Good. I like it. We all have one if not two actually, we have the light and the heavy and the heavies still under four pounds total. So 3.8 pounds and hey, it it, it’s good for a 600 or six foot four guy, right? Yeah. Yeah, it works. Yeah, it works. Yeah.

01:10:33:22 –> 01:11:59:09
The new shipment maybe just, we just did ever so slightly on each leg and it’s awesome. Had a, had a guy that was six three complaining, so we had to go up a little. Yeah. You’re six four, aren’t you Josh? Yeah. How does it work for you? Great. Good. All right. All right. Good luck everybody. Let’s face it. If your goal is to kill big stuff, you need to draw quality tags. Quality tags are typically hard to draw. To increase your odds of drawing good tags you need to apply in multiple states. That’s where an Epic Outdoors membership can help. For only 150 bucks a year, you get access to our consultants, our online tools, and to Epic approved outfitters and members only optics discounts. With unlimited access to our team of consultants and access to the Epic Outdoors magazines. Applying in multiple states is easy. No more worrying if you’re applying for the best areas. No more applying for a unit where there has been a die-off and no more missing opportunities where you could be in the field and not sitting at home. Go [email protected] or call us today at (435) 263-0777 to find out how you can become a member today. KU U is the most uncompromising camo on the market. Their new guide Pro series is the toughest, most comfortable camo you will ever own. Check out their new additions and shop men and women’s camo [email protected]. That’s ku

01:11:59:17 –> 01:13:23:25
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01:16:10:09 –> 01:17:38:11
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01:17:38:13 –> 01:17:51:27
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