In this episode we talk with Ryan Jacobson of Element Optics and Utah Airguns about some of the products that they offer. One of the products that caught our eye was the Helix 1500 rangefinder.  It quickly and accurately delivers MOA information. We also get to hear the story of Justin Carter’s Colorado Mule deer hunt.

Disclaimer: this text was produced through an automated transcription service and likely contains errors. Please listen to the original audio for exact content.

You’re listening to the Epic Outdoors Podcast, brought to you by the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo in Utah. Life Elevated. This is an event we don’t miss. So come and see the whole Epic Outdoors crew. February 13th through 16th 2025 in Salt Lake City, Utah. For more details, go to hunt

Hey everybody, Jason Carter, Adam Bronson, Joshua Pollock. And of course, Logan. Logan Marshall. He’s at the keyboard. I don’t know. It’s a tiny little keyboard. Robin, do you know how to run that keyboard? I think so. I’m learning every day. Kind of funny when people say, oh, we at the Keys. Yeah, the thing’s like 12 inches across. But anyway, here we are. Another podcast this week, Bronson second podcast. In two days, I think we’re working overtime. I’d like a little break.

Got a lot of feedback on the last one already. We haven’t had as much

Positive feedback, huh? Well, yeah,

Some, yeah, exactly. Feedback. We were a little amped. Wow. We were like, we were like caged animals. Let loose all out there Belling at the same time. We realized that. But hey,

Talking over each other. But that’s what we do. You can tell the, we got the, the excitement is, what do they call it? I’m like, palpable Here at the office.

Well, we just got a magazine to the printer. Carter then Fluided up. Did you have an IV of Monster that day? Well, because it was a little something

Different. I’m not gonna give him any, any free press, but it may or may not have been a monster mixed with the eight

Mixed with a no dose.

Well, and I’m taking some chems and there was some concoctions there, some city on vitamin B. Vitamin B makes you feel good. You’re supposed to have it. And so in this, the monsters, and I’m not touting Monster, I mean, but it does have a lot of vitamin Bs of all sorts and varieties.

You had some synergistic effects going on. The one plus one definitely equaled about eight. I’m

Good now. That day something I slept good. We’re good. I’ve actually felt like, Bronson, you said you had covid the other day and I, I felt a little

Coy. That was clear back at like Thanksgiving time. Yeah. I just, I had the day after Thanksgiving, when you wake up and cook bacon. Yeah. Now Bacon has the most distinct, strong flavor of ma is naming something stronger. I mean, that’s, that’s not disgusting.

I mean, it’s like when, when we couldn’t smell a skunk one day. Yeah. I knew I had covid,

But when you eat bacon and it tastes just like cardboard. Yeah. Something you had Yeah. Probably had something like that. Yeah. I mean, you love bacon. You, you eat bacon for what? The taste. That’s, that’s all you eat bacon pure.

Oh, I thought, I was thinking, I was thinking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Well,

Yes, but that, but you eat it because it tastes amazing.

It does. And

So I

It But your clothes stink. Your house stinks. Every time we cook it, I get so sick of it. But

It’s one of those things that like, it makes the whole world better.

But then when you had covid and you taste bacon, it’s just rubber. Just like, how’s, how’d you like that little rubber?

And it happened a couple of days right there after. And anyway, I avoided everybody and nobody else said they got it. So that’s, that’s

A crazy thing. I’ve had covid, I dunno, 45 times, who knows exactly the last three or four years. But I’ve never lost my taste once. Really?

Ever. Oh, it’s a terrible thing. Yeah. It changed Diet Coke for me. It changed all kinds of stuff. Yeah.

Can we talk about that? She doesn’t drink Mountain Dew anymore, Jason. Well,

So yeah. Well, I mean, she can’t drink it. It was kind, it was kind of edgy.

Sounded a edgy for her.

Jason and I was just like, live on. Really? And she, yeah, it changed it day. It’s like ate to her now, huh? Day. It was a sad day. Nasty. But anyway, so I felt a little bit coy, probably got it from Logan. Logan, you, you, you are out and about and bringing home all kinds of germs. And that’s what I

Do. Yeah. The stray dog.

The stray dog effect to getting us all sick. That’s right. But anyway, it keeps us all strong. We are having a good time, though. This is gonna be a good year. That’s the one thing we’ve decided. Absolutely. This is gonna be a good year. We’re starting off on the right foot with Trump. He’s our man. And that’s gonna trickle down through the hunting industry. Of course. Big deer gonna abound everywhere. Right? Jump in the back. Your pickup. Oh yeah. Hooves up at forking horns, right? Yeah. I mean, ’cause if, I mean, if they got the genetics for two 30, they’re two 30, whether they’re fores or not.

Exactly Right.

We’re not gonna let ’em succumb to a winner loss or potential lion kill or anything. They’re going to straight up going in the back of truck. So we’re excited. There’s a lot of good things actually to be looking forward to. Bookings are doing well. People are excited. Bronson like, I mean, I don’t know. It’s not like there’s abundance of money out there, but people are willing to spend it. A little thinking the next four years are gonna be a good, good

For Yeah. I think that’s mainly what it, you’re the uncertainty of, oh geez. Are we gonna have to deal with four more years of holding your breath? That’s over.

So, right.

I, I think that’s where we’re at. Right.

Or wearing a mask and breathing your own breath or whatever, you know, things like that. All right. Well let’s talk about the expo. Another place you can get sick on Everybody goes there. Everybody gets sick. That’s just part of it. We’re shaking hands and kissing babies over there. I, you know,

I don’t think


Year, I don’t think any of us did last year.

Well, why we started popping. We, we were emergency emergency and, and maybe

The Z-Pak that you get behind the counter once

In a while, dev Devon, all the Sam Muci mucus stuff that he Yeah. Throws out. I mean, we, we took it religiously and it had to

Help. It was good. It helped. Yeah. It helped. By the way, we do wash our hands on a regular basis. We do come by. It’s just, we want you to come by the booth. You

Yeah. You can’t, you just walk the hall and you pick up something. Yeah. ’cause there’s, you know, it’s that Saturday there. Yeah. Can’t

Help it. It’s like Logan walking campus. So anyway, February 13th to the 16th, 2025 in Salt Lake City, the Hunt Expo course, you’re applying for a ton of tags there. Doesn’t have anything to do with your points. Doesn’t have anything to do with bag limits, things like that. These are extra tags well worth doing. Plus, when you’re there, you learn a ton of stuff, man. You get to rub shoulders with the best hunters out there. Thousands of people.

Tons of boost. Lots tons of boost

Of boost. Everything. Western big game. Canada, Alaska, Mexico, maybe even New Zealand and other places. There’s all kinds of stuff. Some

Africa stuff in the room. I mean, it’s good healthy mix.

You’re amongst friends there at the expo. That’s the one thing I like is, is people are there to have a good time. They’re there to kind of see the trophies that were killed in the 2025 season. Of course, there’s a few that, you know, emerge from the depths of way back. And it’s just a good time. So anyway, make sure you, you [email protected], get registered, get your motels booked. There’s some motels, they’re close hotels, motels, whatever they’re called. Hostels host. Yeah. Anyway,

Isn’t there a homeless shelter just down the road?

Logie Bear will be dragging it. Bring

Your camper, bring your, I don’t need to drag the homeless shelter. Bring, bring your camper. Shell throw out whatever, throw cutter in the back canvas

Cutter, you know, you know, people are gonna be doing that just to say they did it, which, whatever. But anyway, hunt Again, lots of friends. Everybody’s there. Don’t miss it. I think it’d be well worth your time going. If you’ve never been, you should absolutely go. That’s what I have to say about that. All right, let’s move along. Bronson. What are we, what are we gonna talk about today?

Well, I think we’re gonna talk about some range finders or range finder company Optic optics and stuff. Optics

A a good thing. Yeah. We, we do have those. There. Going to have those, there another, all of our optics are gonna have ’em, we’re gonna have ’em there at the expo. So if you are wanting to get into some binos, a spotting scope, riflescope, whatever you need, we’re gonna have everything there. So save some money, bring it with you there and you can get it on the spot. Take it home with you.

That’s the one thing about us here at Epic Outdoors. We sell all of this stuff. We sell a lot of optics. We sell guns, we sell muzzle orders. And we’re just kind of slowly doing some things as demand dictates. There was some things like the tripods that we came out with tripods and the heads, there was a demand there. ’cause Bronson, you and I, and of course Paula Logan, not so much. He’s using dad’s hand me down still. But anyway, you grab the pair of legs, but then you always match it with a head that’s not even of the same brand because you like a certain, you know, head combination. Yeah. The head and a certain set of legs or whatever. And so you’re mix and match and we’re like, wow, this is dumb. You know? And so there was a little, just a little natural thing to go out and do something like that.

Yeah. We made an awesome tripod or two. And some accessories. We’ve, they’ve been selling like crazy.

Yeah. We’ve got the what? The gun? The gun holder, which is basically a, a clamp clamp. A vinyl clamp. That actually was surprisingly popular, where it’ll, it’s universal. Hold any binocular on and mounted on a tripod. So anyway, some of that we phone holder, we started doing trail cameras too, and all of these things. So anyway, that’s gonna continue with the optics. We’re also talking electronic optics. There’ll be some thermal stuff. It’s heavily used in Texas and other places. And, and anyway, whether it be rifle scoped thermals or wr handheld binoculars, binoculars, all of that. As well as range finders. These electronic range finders that are next level. And that kind of brings us to what we’re gonna talk about today. And so anyway, just a little bit of a plug. If you’re looking for anything, definitely want you to reach out to us, call us, see if we offer it. There’s some things coming out, you know, there’s some muzz, little restrictions and whatnot. We are right on the heels of that. If you’re needing to, we’re no works.

Exactly. We’re not gonna, we don’t wanna create demand. Yes. We don’t wanna create, create supply chain shortages until we get what we want.

Okay. So

Is that kind of what we’re saying?

Well, what we’re saying is we need some open, what do you call it? It’s called it an open ignition. It’s basically what we gotta cut

That. I don’t know. No, it’s just, we’re ready to sell. We’re not getting, we’re not gonna be able to buy it. If we tell the whole world, they better go buy it. Well,

Trust me, we’ve already got orders in crossing. So anyway, if you need a muzzle order with a, with a, with a number 11 percussion cap or a musket cap, that’s open to the elements we’re gonna have. That’s different. Okay. That’s, is that, is

That, I didn’t know you were going to say

That. Yeah, so that’s a mess. So we’ll be selling that and, and kind of satisfying that demand. I, I just think with, with the Boulder Cash, beaver West, which is Logan’s favorite and some of these restrictions, you know, there’s gonna be guys looking for that kind of stuff. And we want the best. You don’t want just the first janky thing

That comes mind. You don’t wanna be looking for it in August ’cause you’re not gonna get it. We’ve learned that like last year with the One Power Scopes, whether it be Vortex or Loophole, they disappeared. And if you didn’t have ’em by August, you didn’t get

One. Speaking of which, if you do want one of those, of course we have Loop pulled in both of, by

The stacks, both of those in stock. I mean, yeah, you don’t need ’em, the Vortex cross there, but, but who knows how well that supply chain extends. You know, last year Washington changed, you know, liberalized their laws. You could use a one power scope instead of just open sight. So it kind of, they were thrown into the mix on top of Utah. They

Were on the other end. And we both landed at One Power.

And we, we order both of those aggressively.

Oh, hundreds

Aggressively. Yes. Hundreds. And, and it was still frustrating the amount of guys we couldn’t get stuff to. Yeah, partially a lot of it. ’cause they kind of waited, put stuff off and waited a little too long.

You were necessarily,

If you remember with Vortex, they only had so many at the warehouse and we were gonna buy ’em all and we bought maybe half of ’em and then we were like, we should, oh, we should have bought ’em all. But anyway, crosshairs with turrets or a red dot with Turrets, so That’s right. How can you go wrong with that?

We’ll go, we’ll go through some of that stuff. Maybe some of the slightly odd stuff right before the expo. What we’re gonna bring there in case you’re interested. Yeah.

Bring it by the pallet. All right. So that brings us to element optics. Josh, kick us off on this for a sec.

I was a new range finder. We actually, last year at the expo, Ryan came up and, and talked to us for the first time. And so he kinda wanted to throw this, this rangefinder out to us and we said, yeah, sure, we’ll try it. And he, he sent us one and tried it out and actually pretty impressed with

It. You tried it out up on pen, which lake? Yeah,

It was, it was perfect. It, the thing I loved about it the most, the first thing that I like about it, it’s the size of it. It’s extremely small, tiny. So I primarily use range finding binocular, but I always carry a backup when you have batteries and things like that. You just never know. And especially with lasers and things, stuff could go out or go wrong no matter what you, what you think you have in control, you don’t. So I always have one as a backup, but it was perfect. Especially for like a muzzle loader. Yeah. For that. I just had my muzzle loader stuff right in there. It’s a nice little handy piece that for a quick shot or whatever, you could quickly range without having to get a pair of vinyls in and outta a harness. It’s just on the side hooked to a lanyard. You could range really quick. And I was very impressed with how well it did there. And

You were so impressed that you ended up ordering Ale. Yeah, I coughed a little bit when they showed up. I forgot we probably gave you the all right. Yeah. You know, Bronson, Bronson and I looked at each other, we’re like, did you authorize this? No, you author. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But anyway, glad we did actually. Yeah.

Yeah. ’cause for what, what that range finder does for the price, it is pretty unbelievable.

So with that, my kids decided they, they needed to have, you know, well they are old enough to hunt alone now, which when you’re with them, they use dad’s there to arrange their stuff. And, and that’s true. And then, and, but they’re pretty independent souls. I don’t know where they get it. But anyway, they decided they need their own. And I’m thinking, yeah, you do. I’m sick of my sick hour going down the road or whatever else they could find. I have three like, ’cause I can’t ever find ranges. Who knows El Ranges. I know there’s a pair out there in the woods somewhere. Can’t find those. And so I’m just saying, so this element optics comes up and what do, what are we at price point? I mean we’re, well, well under $500, well, oh yeah, yeah. Let’s call it half roughly. Yeah,

Whatever. Yeah, you’re, you’re talking like a $400 range finder essentially. Yeah, it’s,

It’s amazing. And it

Does everything and it does your ballistic calculation, all that clear out to like 1500 yards. The, the laser is really fast. It, it’s nice because it’s really user friendly. You can have, there’s two buttons on it. There’s basically like a fire button and a mode button. Everything else you set up, it has its own app. There’s like four rifle profiles in there. So you go in there and you can add a couple different rifle profiles. So switching from just a prime example, I was in Alaska with a 300 rum. I had it saved in there for the same kind of thing, a quick range or whatever. I had it with me there and it stood up to lots of weather abuse conditions. We’ve heard it there

And boating. Yeah.

But I have like that, that was built in there for my 300 rum. I also have a six five PRC in there. And I went from like Alaska with that. And then I had a, my muzzle loader, actually two muzzle loaders. So I had two different muzzle loaders built in there because I had two just as a backup or backup backup. I had my both CVAs, but they’re both completely different loads and shoot different and everything. Dope. So I had four guns loaded up in there that I used in a 30 day period. And they were all loaded up,

Ready to go. And you used them with this Yes element

Ranch fund and it, and it was a matter of, I’m going hunting with this gun today, hurry and swap it out. Go. So I went from Alaska to Utah to New Mexico, back to Utah.

We we’re doing, we’re doing the same thing with some of our, you know, more traditional range finders, Bronson that we’re using. Yeah. Like say the six hours, the eight Ks, the 24, the old 2,400 I’ll never get rid of, even though it’s not that user friendly compared to the eight K. But you kind of, you’re raised with it and you trust it and you never want it to die. Right. Yeah. And then, and then this, you know, I had Sean, my son Sean, he’s like, ah, I think I want a rangefinder. And I’m thinking, yeah, I think I want you to have your own rangefinder. Yeah. And so we sold, he was like our first customer. He was then Ashley that night decided she needed one. Yeah. So then we drove back down to the office, got her one I think

Then we sold one to Justin.

I think there were three transactions. I was like, and I’m thinking dad won here. Okay. So then they

Can all hunt on their own while you’re doing your thing,

You need to. Yes. So then we’re driving down the road and Ashley’s got the light on. She’s like, what do you think? I think I probably ought to get used to that. Using that app, open it up, get after it, put the app, sync them, yada yada. And so anyway, next level. Awesome. Kids have accurate readouts. I mean we’re comparing ’em to the, to everything else that are just the same Accurate

Readout math. Like Jason always says math’s,

Math. It’s just math.

Right. So I think we should probably give Ryan just a quick call. Ryan, he’s here in Utah. And the thing I like about it too is it’s nice, you know, there’s always different, all different kinds of optics, different price ranges. You know how far they’ll range. Just different. Yeah. A lot

Of different, well dude, you were ranging semis driving 65 to 75 mile an hour and it was coming back.

Yes. A thousand yards. And it was reading them. Yep. Giving you a ballistic. So it’s nice to have different options for guys, because not everybody can afford one thing or another. Everybody’s a different point in their life or whatever. And I just like to be able to have something for kind of everybody that we can provide and help him be successful when they’re hunting. So I think we should give Ryan a call. He’s up there with,

He’s probably just gonna wanna talk about air guns, which I kind of want one for this new law here in Utah on the open site thing. What if, what if we shot a 230 inch buck with an air gun? What’s DIY

Fss? I have something to

Say. Air guns.

You chewed me out today. Go for wanting to be some king of the creed mows, which I’m not. And now you’re gonna go to an air gun and not get abused. I’ll, I gonna be all of you

For that. If I kill a deer with a air gun before you kill a deer with a creed more, or let’s call it a need more. Okay. 30 caliber air gun. They say they’re no joke guy.

Let’s, let’s hear it strong.

The horse’s mouth. Let’s keep, alright,

So the day you leave, just like I wrote in my soapbox this year in the, OR in the January magazine, I heard a lot of ideas thrown around out there. And I took

A personal, I was No, you said, left me shaking my head Exactly.

Just like this. You’re, you, you and I both know you’re never gonna go hunting big deer with the air again. So

You, I want to though it doesn’t take a fact away the fact that I want to. Okay,

But did you want that seven PRC or 300 with you?

Plus, you know, is it doomsday or whatever? It’s good to have it for food storage. I mean, air’s air, all

Those things are good. All those things are great. It’s just Jesus blow.

Don’t have to have powder, don’t have to have nothing. Okay.

All believe it when I see it. Hello?


Hey Ryan, how are you?

Yeah, I’m good. How are you? Good.

This is Josh and Jason and Adam and Logan here.

Hey guy. The


Hey, how you doing?

Yeah, I’m good. How are you guys?

Good. I’m good.

Good, good.

Expon. So when I think about air guns, I can just picture myself over there counting 20 pumps. But do

You remember, do you remember the, that when we, when I was a kid roughly, but when you started killing birds in your grandma’s fruit cheese for 25 cents a piece to two, three years later, they came out, those, those days that you only had to pump once and it was good. Yes. And you thought that I have the world by the tail. I can the mow up down. Yes. One pump and shoot, it was like Amer it was like speed 10 year olds. Like this is, this is the long, long range rifle of the 2025.

Yeah. Yeah.

Wow. Well we better go check ’em out. We just got done talking about, we’ll be at the expo. We better, I don’t know,

626 yards. I mean, what kind of energy does it have out? You know what I mean? It’s

A prairie dog, Jason, so it

Doesn’t take much. Yeah,

It’s not much. The range of adjustment on the scope. You’d have to dial down.

I dial. So yeah, I was shooting the first focal plane scope. I dialed up all the way and still had to hold, I had to shoot it on like six power. So I had enough redle to hold. Yeah.


And then, and then your dad holds the record. And, and is this the family record or is this an industry record?

Is this like a list?

I think it’s industry record. Okay. I’ll give him that.

What is it? I’ll, what is his yardage?

It’s 7 59.

Geez. I’m gonna break some record. Really?


The office record.


Well, well, and so what kind of, are we talking, so they normally say a thousand foot pounds of energy for, you know, as good, like killing power for an elk. Like what kind of energy can you get out of a 30 cow?

Out of a 30 cow? I mean, you’re, you’re getting like a hundred. The 30 cals are, there’s the difference between the small bore and big bore. So like the big bores are classified as a 3 0 8, which you, you know, a lot bigger slugs in a 30 cal Okay. Air gun around. So. Okay.

All right. Well we can kind of dive into some of that here in a bit. Josh. Josh is Josh. We’ve been using, I just wanted to key up Josh, because he is used these more than we have. But we, we want, we were talking range finders, affordable optics, but yet high quality reliability is kind of on everybody’s mind. People are willing to Yeah. Wanna save a few bucks, but also they don’t want to lose the buck of a lifetime. Right. And so we were talking about some of these range finders and I’ll let you and teach the world about what you’ve got available and, and then can dive into a little bit of what we found out too.

Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, I mean it’s, yeah, Josh has been using the Helix 1500. That’s what we’re talking about today. So the Helix 1500, I mean, what we really wanted to accomplish with this unit is affordability and capability. So, you know, we call it the 1500 because it ranges out to 1500 meters. That’s what we advertise. We want to keep it conservative when we’re advertising. But it can go much further than that. It’s just a matter of reflection. Just ’cause people aren’t, you know, ranging mirrors Right. When they’re hunting. So like I, I’ve taken it out to 2200.

So it, it does go much further than 1500. That’s just what we want advertise, which is 1,640 yards. Okay. 1500 meters. Okay. But that’s, that’s what we want to accomplish is, like I said, the affordability and capability. And with that capability you got three separate modes. You got the line of sight, HCD, and then what we really wanted to come in at with our price point is the ballistics. And it has ballistics built in, uses our chip. And for that price point, there’s not a lot of competitors. And that’s, that’s where we want to come in strong is our ballistic chip. So

On the ballistics, you know, our ballistics, ballistics meaning, I know there’s different programs, like maybe Vortex uses something different in sro. Right. But I mean, it it, but, but we’ve always teased that math is math. Yeah. You guys build your own program or are you using a universal program out there? I mean, what’s the industry?

Yeah, that’s, that’s our own program. It’s our, it’s our chip. Okay. That we, yeah, we spreadsheets and spreadsheets and spreadsheets and bullets. And

As far as environmental stuff, I think we, is this the web website? Oh no, that didn’t have it Logan. I was just saying what environmental data does it capture in

Incorporate It captures it. So Yeah, once you Bluetooth it to the app Yeah. Which is our app, you can pull from any local airport and have that weather. It’s gonna take that into account once it Bluetooth.


So once, once your profiles uploaded, it’s taking all that into account as far as environmentals. Okay. So that’s, you know, that’s wind, that’s barometric pressure. Altitude, a temperature, yeah. Yeah, altitude, all

That. Then I think you can adjust in the app. And of course you’ve used it Josh more than me, but you can adjust the app on the wind and the direction and Yeah. And all of that, right?

Yeah. Just like you can, and just so you set it at a 10 mile an hour whatever, 20 or

Whatever you want. So like if you’re Yeah. If you’re you, you know, you’re out there and it feels like a 12 mile mile per hour wind all day. You can adjust that and Yeah. You, you know, you can make it an average and, and you can manually switch the direction. It’s really fast. Yeah. That’s, that’s the nice thing about it.

I think Josh was saying it, it holds four, four bullet profiles in there. Gun profiles at a time.

Yeah. Yeah. At a time. Yeah. So we are currently in the process of rebooting the whole app. ’cause we want more profiles. We also want it to connect Bluetooth to the kestrels, if you guys are familiar with those weather

Meters. So then you got the weather and wind, you’re not, you’re not guessing angle and Yeah.

Mp. Yeah. And it’s, you know, it’s at your location. It’s not at

Airport. Yeah,

Yeah, yeah.

It’s user. The one thing I loved about the app too, extremely user friendly. One, one of the easiest that way. So it doesn’t take, you know, an average guy who’s like, ah, I don’t know, I’m not good with my phone or technology or whatever. It’s pretty simple. Like self-explanatory. And then you guys al also have a lot of bullet profiles already loaded into it. And you can either select one from a manufacturer that you guys have loaded in the, in the app or you can manually do your own if you reload your own or need to adjust. ’cause sometimes a bullet manufacturer tells you, your gun’s gonna be shooting at 29 38 and it’s actually at 31 something. And you can adjust that and put it in there. Yeah,

Yeah, yeah. Exactly.

I like that there’s a, there’s a lot of guys, older guys even that are a little bit nervous about electronics, smart phones, whatever. Right. And so it’s just, they haven’t upgraded to, to a smart range finder, let’s call it. And, but, but, but quite frankly, I mean we’re selling, we’re selling cell cell cams to, to guys that are having their grandkids, you know, work it for ’em. And pretty soon they got photos on their phone and they don’t know how it happened. But they’re ecstatic. I think if you can


Bite the bullet, get, get one of these, you’re gonna be fine. You’re gonna have a family member grandkid, whatever, be able to help you out. And once you get it loaded, there’s nothing like really you’re not going

Back and they’re, yeah, they’re not that it may be intimidating that first time for people that haven’t done it, but in, in an hour it that it’s all alleviated by just what you see entered in. And then when you start spitting it out and your gun starts tracking the way your range finders telling you it should go and pretty, pretty easy to trust.

We’re not the most computer savvy. I mean, regardless of what Logan thinks, he thinks we genius is on the computer and all that. I do. Yep. That’s what I say all the time. But Yeah. But regardless of what he thinks, you know, Brons and you and I are challenged as anybody and we’ve, we can make these things sing. I mean, anyway, it’s pretty, pretty awesome. Yeah. So yeah, this element, the element 1500 is what, a six power optic?

Yeah, yeah. Six power magnification

Basically out to a mile depending on the brown body. Dark green trees are hard to reflect.

I’ve easily hit deer, elk, that kinda stuff to a thousand. No problem. No problem.

Yeah, it’s no problem.

Yeah, no problem.

And that’s the beauty of it is like, something that we’re super proud of is how fast it is. It

Is really fast

Using a regular battery of CR two, which is common. Most all range finders it feels like.

Yeah. Yeah. And that’s, that battery life is, you know, 3000 ranges. So 3000 button pushes on max brightness, you can go further, but yeah, it’s on max brightness, that’s what we rate it at. So

I do that in one hunt sometimes. I like having a range finder. You’re always kind of interested. Yeah. But yeah, anyway, that is super compact and just, just an awesome, awesome optic

And awesome piece. There is, you know, sometimes there’s some confusion when I’m talking to guys on the, on the phone selling these or any range finder in general with the ballistic stuff is once you build the app and have your profile made and Bluetooth it over to that range finder, you can essentially put your phone away. You don’t at that point, you don’t need to, don’t need your phone anymore. Don’t self service.

You don’t need

All that stuff. It’s all in the, in the range finder and you push the button and it tells you what MO eight to dial two or,

So what, give us maybe a little bit of a history on element optics. Maybe just a little bit of background so you know, of why it started, how it started, or maybe some of the other product lines just brief.

Yeah, absolutely. I, I’d love to talk about that. So we started back in 2020, started in Europe. It’s based in Sweden. It’s actually the sister company, two FX ADUs, which we can talk more about. But, and we started in 2020 and you know, obviously it’s been really big in the, a gun market, being a sister company. And you know, we took over distribution of it and importation of it last year. And, you know, we really want to bridge that gap. ’cause these optics they can transfer over no problem. That’s what they’re built for. And that’s, that’s kind of what we’re trying to do here is make products for everyone. So that’s, that’s our bridge. This is the bridge we’re trying to gap and like I said, been in business since 2020. So very new in the optics world. Yep. That’s pretty young for an optics company. Yep. So we’re just trying to make a splash and, and that’s why we’re excited about this product. And some of our other rifle scopes, we got scopes made in Japan, which have very unique features to them. And that again, like we’re trying to stand out because it’s, it’s very hard to stand out in this market. There’s so many optic companies Yeah. Some that you don’t even know exists that are just companies that, well,

You go to the basement, a shot show, there’s all kinds swapping.

Yeah. Yeah. Just go walk around a shot show and you’ll be amazed. But yeah, that’s what we’re trying to do. So we got scopes for everyone. We got optics for everyone. That’s what we’re trying to accomplish here is, is making a splash with something unique.

You even got rechargeable range finders like this. I don’t know if it was a Titan.

Yeah. The Titan three K. Yeah. Yeah. So kinda like the big brother to this thing that he was 1500.

Yeah. Kind of crazy. There’s just a lot of different options. We kind of chose this option to talk about today specifically, but are and you’re we’re able to sell all the different options of within the Element brand.

Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

What, I don’t know, I was just wondering, you know, how did you get involved with them? How did, how did you start out with them?

We started out by selling them. I just as the retail side at Utah. Okay. And then, you know, they, they trusted us to do the distribution for the United States. So now we sell to all the dealers and there you go. Yeah. I, that’s, that’s the realm I wanted to jump both feet into is optics, because that is the opportunity of a lifetime is to get into the industry I already love, which is shooting. Yeah. And that’s, that’s anything shooting anything. But to be able to do the arrogance thing, which is just near and dear to my heart, but also branch out to something else that’s near and dear to my heart, which is, you know, rifles, pistols, range finders, optics, optics. I’ve always been intrigued by Yeah. Ever since, you know, start selling them.

Yep. Well, awesome. Yeah. I guess, do you want to, I mean, Utah air Gun’s best air gun company in the world. I mean, do we want talk about that a little bit or

We can, yeah, yeah. I’d love to. I’d, yeah, don’t gimme going down the air gun rabbit hole because

We might, we here while is what you saying we go Oh, okay. Yeah. We,

We charge by the minute. Yeah. Let’s, let’s start talking about it. Yeah,

Yeah, absolutely. It’s kinda like a taxi. We, yeah, it’s, yeah. It’s kind of funny how we got our start. You know, my dad, he’s the, he’s the owner. He’s, he’s the founder. He, he had a gas station convenience store for 16 years. Okay. He started selling out there and then, you know, they, they were like, Hey, we need you to get a brick and mortar that the companies that he was selling. He’s like, okay. And then, you know, one thing led to another, sold his gas station. Now we’re, now we’re here.

That’s awesome.

And you’re gonna have booths for both these things at the expo. We assume people wanna stop by, see you.

Yes sir. Yeah. Yeah. We have a booth at the expo.


Well I think we’re right around the, are you guys in the same spots last year?

We’re, we’re not ever leaving that spot. Yeah. Yeah.

I don’t blame you. We’re right around the corner from you.

Pinch point.

Yeah, it is. It’s a pinch point. So, all right. So guys that want to come visit us Sure can. At the Hunt Expo, again, February 13 to 16. Hunt and Element optics, of course, we’re dealing ’em and we’re buying ’em, we’re using ’em, our families are using ’em. It’s just awesome. Great piece of of gear. Great product. Yeah. Oh yeah. I’ve got three or four kids, women and children using ’em like crazy. Right. Bouncing.

Yeah. They’re just so user friendly. It’s hard not to, I mean, like, I, like Josh said, it’s so user friendly. A kid could really use it. It’s so easy. Oh yeah. So,

Well my kids, I was like, especially

We go

Into the app, I put it to the test, I’m like, you know, they were like, well, what do we do? I’m like, well they’re, they use a thing called an app. Do you know what that is? Oh

Yeah, Deb,


Got 250 of ’em on my phone. Only

Thing they wanted to know is if it charged them, you know? I don’t know. I’m just teasing. Yeah. But anyway, no, good stuff. Good stuff. Very user friendly. They’re using them. Actually used ’em this year on their hunt. So anyway, it’s great.


You got anything else, Pollock?

No, I don’t think so. I, I appreciate you taking the call from us and stuff and teach us a little bit and helping us out there.

Oh, no, thank you guys. Yeah, I really appreciate it. So yeah, thanks for, thanks for having your trust in us. I appreciate

It. All right. You bet. We’ll talk soon.

Okay. Sounds good. We’ll see you later all You

Bet. Thanks Ryan.

Yeah, thank you. Bye.

Speaking of on Hunts, did, did Justin has his, for his elk hunt and the deer hunt? Or do you remember? Yeah,

I don’t

Remember. I mean, the deer hunt for sure because

Was that was deer a couple weeks ago. Deer. Yeah, deer hunt for sure. But okay, so full disclosure, that

Wasn’t a, that wasn’t,

If dad’s, if dad’s on the hunt, you might be using dad’s gun. ’cause I know that thing’s cherry well and I’m not tracking anything. Okay.

Which has 3 38 Lao. What’s

He got? Yeah. 3 38 round.


Yeah. Dude.

Wow. You see

The size of that deer though? It took a

3, 3 8

Round down. Well it was a nice buck for sure. And it’s one of those. So let’s

Back up. Let’s

Back. We’re diving into that. Let’s, yeah,

We are. Yeah, let’s talk. We haven’t talked about,

Where do we want to go with this? Let’s see. Call full disclosure. Partial disclosure.

What do you mean? We’re just hunting deer in Colorado. I don’t know. I don’t know. Didn’t know. It’s a mul there,

There’s a lot of ways to tell a story. Well

Just said you and your son hunting deer. There we, and here we go. You, you’re going. You wanna hunt

1400 miles later in a truck. Okay.


No, it was good. Yeah, we had a great time. It was one of those like, like what Josh was saying one day he’s like, man, I got to where I could care, care less about hunting Colorado or just wondering if we really need to be there every single year. Bronson, you and I, since the day we were born felt like we always needed to be in Colorado. It was 20

Years. Yes. 2004 I think was my first year.

And then you do start questioning like some years I take off now we haven’t had a good hunt in Colorado for how long?

And then you go one year, boom. Shoot, like a couple years ago I shot a big deer and, and then you dream Vigo rid I’ll never leaving again.

Never leaving it again. Always should be doing it forevermore. And then you have 3 1 2 years in a

Two years in a row, dry. Haven’t seen a deer. We’re putting a bullet in the chain.

Pollock, this comes on the hills of Pollock’s brother on a hunt that they’re on smashing a freaky giant. If it would’ve been put together 2 0 5. Typical. Yeah, he was broke.

Right. But I don’t remember if he got his on a turn back. Turnback guy was probably, it was, I mean it’s not even, not even burning points. No, it’s not a hype. Even if he had burn points, it was like a two, three point unit.

And 10 months later, Josh is like, I’m not even sure I need to go even worth it. I have a real short memory. Josh has a real short memory. Well

The last podcast, we, we lined up his schedule from about August 28th through about October 16th. And he was, he, he had a leash on him at the end of that. I think I was tired.

Well, but no, it’s funny ’cause I remember what, four years ago, five years ago we were talking about Colorado and it was the buzz then was the hunt. The dates were late and everybody was waiting for the late dates and the epic storm to bring all the deer. Like at one of these years, well it wasn’t this year. Next year’s gonna be that year. Well, it wasn’t this year

Or six years. What we realized, the deer aren’t there deer.

Everybody’s wondering if the deer is are still in the forest.


They’re not in the forest. No,

We, because we’ve had, we’ve had three or four years. Last year was one of those, some big snow, not, not statewide in every unit, but there’s been several units where there’s been that, that last year in that unit where we were at, there was a significant storm. And those first couple days, it was second season. We didn’t hardly see a deer for the first couple days, but there was a big storm. We actually ran into the, the game warden there and he said, you know, it’s either

I ran into that guy a

Three footer. A three footer. Sure

You did. It’s not so nice. Sometimes

They check everybody either a three foot snow. Snow storm. Yeah. Or like November 5th, the deer won’t be down here where the at. So like you guys are a little early. But the big snow storm there was three feet and he was right. It was like three days after flooded

Floods of deer.

And so, you know, deer were down and, and there were a few, few big deer killed here and there. But it’s not like everybody is going home with a big deer because snow storm,

There’s a attacks.

There’s been a lot of late ru hunts. Oh yeah. With a lot of snow pushed down and nobody’s had

That second hunts getting later, second

Birds and fourths, you know,

Five years. Everything later even. And, and, and we knew it was gonna be a a, you know, a a

Get it while you can is

What we, it’s gonna be a, a slaughter is what it felt like. But

So having said all that, what made you want to go yourself and then with Justin?

I dunno, I just, there no, no brainer. That’s the answer. That’s answer. Well

Because now I am now reinvigorated but

Part of this, part of this ready to burn points beforehand part Paul, between us all, we love to hunt nearly every unit in the state. Yeah. Right. Like there’s something about just keeping going and going and going. And this smart thing to do to kill big deer is to hunt the same place over and over and know it intimately. But we’re just suckers for grabbing something that’s somewhat new or just what’s a available,

A mystique of something that’s not been to the allure of it instead of our general season unit that we’re disgusted about in

Utah Times. Oh, I know, but and I even hop those a little bit. Yeah, exactly. Kids are hunting local ones and I’m hunting a further away, but you know, we’ll hop around a little bit even on those. But,

Well here’s the thing too. And, and I think Utahns are especially, you know, where’s

The newest latest greatest.

Yes. And then when you do, you go, then your grandpa

Goes, then your mom goes, we bring 14,000 layers of relatives for

Five years. Utahns crush a unit and it’s

Time to look


Somewhere else. Two states, Wyoming, g and h and Colorado. There’s more Utah plates in those states than all the other states combined because you

Get on,

It’s true. And you see some Texans in Colorado, like you’ll see you’ll, but that’s generally around, that’s regional huddle around cow elk tech.

It’s regional. Pennsylvanians are the cow elk. Yeah.

Pennsylvania on ts they’ll

Drive 2000 miles.

Californians are generally deer guys. Utah are always deer guys with the, they’ll they’ll, they’ll smash some out. We’ll smash ’em on a opportunity basis.

Well it’s just funny, you get on any forum and everybody’s just like too many Utahans, there’s too many non-residents in this state, blah blah. But we’re not afraid to go to your state, smash your here,

You know, keep up. You want us to come to Oregon? Let us know. Yeah.


Actually anyway, actually, so

Okay, save. I mean come on,


I’m just, you’re not even believable anymore.


Stuff that you’re threatening. Hey,

Seen some things. Take

An air. Okay, first off, take an air gun to Oregon and kill it. 200. I mean do that before you die. Hey,

Now that they’ll let me pump my own gas, I might go, I’m just saying, hey, you and I have been there. We like it. We’re fond of that state. That’s alright. Well they gave you a sheet to I I do think there’s validity in going to places that aren’t necessarily on the map with teams that are killers.

Yeah, exactly.

You need and we’re always looking for the older age class. So like where’s the average age? Where are they getting old in, in spite of game and fish management practices or whatever. Right. Whatever it is.

Right. Or tag numbers or whatever is which Yeah. Yep. As a, as the game and fish or you know, some units

Or somebody they thought there was a winner kill and so they slash tag tags when in reality it wasn’t as bad as they thought and all of a sudden you got a little, a few more for three

Years you carried some over.

Yes. It feels like we’re fighting that. We’re trying to find that.

Okay. Did you find that this year in your mind? Well, I

Mean I felt like

You went somewhere new I

Guess is what, somewhere new, two

Different units. This somewhere

New. Yeah. Learned, yeah, a couple different units actually and just was, you know, and that’s stress. Actually three units do between the elk and two there.

We didn’t talk about that on

The watch. No, we don’t need to either. ’cause I’m going back.

You are? Yeah. Whoa. Yeah. I don’t think you and I have even talked about that.

Nope, nope. Haven’t haven’t disclosed everything. Mr. Brownson, you

Have disclosed anything. Well


Don’t even even know if

You saw it apparent. We’re just getting into our early mornings and this’ll all come out apparent.

Apparently you saw a bull.


I mean I know you saw a bull, actually no, a year or two prior to that you saw a bull in a different party of Colorado that got you pretty wound

Up and it did. And I, what I say drove

You drove straight to town.

6 3 90 plus maybe 400. Okay. And you drove


To town O tc, straight to town. Bought

A attack.

Yeah. Went straightway, what do they call straightway? Straight

Way to Safeway.

Straight straight way to what? Yeah, to some janky place and they couldn’t fit print it out. Right. And I had to show up on a Monday and this and that and finally got got it with game and Fish. Of course the bull was

Longer. Why it

Was a waste. Such

A waste $700.

But go ask why it was officially scored.

What do you mean bull?

Three nineties or

Something? From that general area?

Net. From that area. From that area. Yeah. Think

It was the bull.

How could there be two? No, no there’s not two the

Same year.

Yeah, no. The next year. Yeah. Go. We’ll when we’re done here we’ll go look. So everybody go look at Boone and Crockett. Wow. The gunna scenario. The stuff you learned from the gunner scenario. Go

Look from your own coworkers and friends on a podcast. Well Big Elk or killed Big Elk Christine. Nobody knows about,

You know about that one.

No, not about whatever the one, possibly this year.

Not much to say but But you go back, there’s an inkling. So anyway, some of this stuff, one thing leads to another and we’re always looking for that older, just a little bit older deer. And if you get enough of the older deer, one has the right genetics and there you are. Yeah. And so anyway, Justin we had hunted second, we hunted elk deer, we hunted or third Devon and I and whoever else you, what season

Were you on? Everybody was on third.

You were on third Justin. Yeah. And then Justin had fourth and you know, kind of excited. But also five day season, new unit, you kind of, you know how you get that feeling? You learn the unit after you’re done five days wish you would’ve started with what you ended with five

Days like that

Too. It’s so fast. And it was warm and wonderful, beautiful weather that was terrible right. For hunting. And so anyway, just started grinding and out and seeing, actually seeing Deere, but, but grinding it. And it’s a unit. The game warden met him. Nice guy. Of course you, you know what to expect and I mean it was, it was everything. And we fully vetted out and and had good chat with Justin and all, you know, fleshed him out on his rifle and making sure everything was in order, everything’s in order. And visited with him and, and he was just like, yeah it’s just, we do have a few older deer but this is a unit known for low densities. Yeah. And it didn’t feel like it was that low densities. I can take you to some places that have some pretty low densities. Yeah. So we were seeing, you know, I would say like seven to 20 bucks a day and which we were feeling pretty good about it, but it was all day grinds all day. And anyway, just seeing a little bit older age class, I sent you guys a video clip.

Two different, I think that was like opening day or second day. Yeah. Like you almost smashed one within

The first and was like, what do you think dad? What do you think? What do you think? And I’m like, it’s a

Pretty hard tag not to shoot for.

His goal was 1 90 18 Justin year. Justin 19-year-old kid. He’s like, geez, I want a one 90 because

On the heels of anything else, on the heels of some of the reports that I’d heard. And so I was not there.

I’m like, hey, join the club buddy. But

Buddy, I was kind like, I was kinda like, man, they probably ought to

Be shooting that but you Yeah, that’ll be shit. It slapped it up and that deer will be a next level deer this next

Year. It was, it was. It’s those are hard deer to see. Well yeah, for 18 kid too. Perfect. You know? Oh perfect. Buck

Rutten bucks and he was rutten and pretty soon the dough, they were kind of over it, us being there and pretty soon up and off they go. And anyway, that was fine. Then went and saw another deer. It was kind of taller than he was white. Just, I didn’t like that look, but a lot of guys liked that look, you know. Anyway, I was, I was like, ah. And Justin’s like dad and I’m like, ah, I don’t know. I mean, you said what you wanted. I said, you can kill anything you want to kill. That’s, you know, legal, obviously you can, I mean you get to, you get to choose, you know. And he’s like, no, let’s keep going. And so third day into it, went to some new country, talked, talked to the gay morden a little bit and he goes, you know, I just feel like the deer are higher. He says, and it was kind of interesting, his theory is every, we, not every well Eastern plains know, but you, these units have some migration within the units like that migrant.

Yeah. Even non high like

Josh was talking about. Yeah, you, something causes them, whether it’s date on the calendar, storms, whatever. And he says, you know, we have not had the mass migrations yet. We were seeing deer on the low, low, low. And so I didn’t, I thought maybe they had migrated. And he says, I’m just now starting to see the road kills during the migration low. I did the migration corridors across roads, you know, paved roads or whatever. And he’s like, so I’m starting to see the road kills just two days ago. He says, so it’s happening right now. We’re like during the fourth. And he goes, I just feel like some of these older bucks,

You know, haven’t moved I

Yet, they’re up high. And I’m thinking, well there’s loads of do down low, like, and it’s for season. I don’t

Know if that’s cover the number right is

Cover the, the numbers. Right. But, but I don’t know if he’s totally right, but whatever. What do we have to lose? Let’s go up high, higher. And so we did and it was pretty awesome. But it took us a minute to get into him and there was some leapfrogging going along with, with other trucks. Turned out there all hunters,

Elk, Connors,

Probably. Yeah, cow. I mean fourth season cow you’re dealing with hardly any, any deer tags. So anyway, they’re just, and they’ve got backpacks in the back and I’m like, oh yeah, those are cow elk hunters. So Jeeps and chains and everything, you know, winches and

Open cab willies.

Yeah. You know, I mean, just a little everything. So we’re leapfrogging and whatnot. And anyway, we start getting into the deer and I was like, geez, you know, there full on rut, lip curling, I mean multiples. And I was like, man, this is pretty awesome. Came down, came down around a corner. And anyway, I, we both, we both looked up on the hill Hill simultaneously pretty much like, and I was like, that’s a box bar. Yeah, that’s

A box. White face. Yeah. Just naked eye.

Yeah, pretty much. I mean, I mean pretty much, you know, it was close 350 yards or whatever, three 80. And with those, I mean those with those, and you could tell like there was other little bucks just just kind of like a swarm of bees just working on a d on a dough. You could tell she was in heat, right? It was in the air. Yeah, it was in the air. And big bodied sucker anyway. Geez. His body was giant. It was, it was healthy collar, just yes. Tank. Yeah, we’ve always talked about that. The healthy deer there are big over there. But anyway. And am I seeing what I’m seeing? And Justin, I’m like, Justin, I think that’s a freaking deer. I think that’s 190 inch or plus and j And Justin’s looking at me, he goes, that’s our deer dad. And I’m like, all right. Alright. So the 3 38 loaded, 2 25 nozzles. Anyway, got down and you’re shooting through some brushes. I remember seeing the kill scene pretty thick. Jungle Oaks and PJs. I mean, a lot of people are gonna scream, you know, but any dude, it wasn’t

That far though,

Dude. Oh, and this thing’s going 32 50 on a 2 25 grainer when

It looks like somebody was throwing an NFL football. The side gear,

The chem trail that it leaves. Anyway, Justin, not just a vapor. Justin was super trying, trying to get the dead rest and make it happen. One shot, of course he’s got me in his ear quietly, Hey, make sure it’s right. Yeah, it’s quiet as exact heavy. You miss, you’re dead. Yeah, you wound him. You’re dead. So anyway, I was just, Hey, take your time. Make it count. We like, you gotta take your time on this one. And he was, if you can picture uphill and when you’re down, you’re crouched down on this set of shooting sticks, you know, you can’t, and you, and you don’t have a back rest or, or a rest for the rifle on the butt of your rifle. You’re just not perfectly dead still ad still going. Yeah. You, you’ve got that going on and you’re crouched. You know, it’s hard to look through a scope when it’s uphill.

And so anyway, he’s like, dad, lean up against me and I’ve slapped this phone scope on, got it rolling. And he’s like, lean up against me. Put your foot against me. Well, you remember when people ask you like, oh hey, let my rifle off your shoulder. Okay, how much of a dead rest is that? I’m thinking of that the whole time. I’ve got, you’re like this, I’m gonna make a moves. I’m shaking. Yeah, you’re, when your kid’s gonna shoot something, you’re shaking as much as they are worse. You’re looking for vinyls. I’m trying to wedge your leg against this. And I’m trying to make sure the, you know, the phone scopes get getting the right footage. ’cause a when they drop or they run off or whatever, you wanna see what you did to him and, and see if he’s gonna die or whatever. How good the shot was or wasn’t.

And so anyway, 14 minutes later it felt like, which it wasn’t. He, he squeezes the trigger and the thing just, I mean, just hammers unfolds. Yeah. And it did hit him kind of front sho front of the shoulder in the, in the neck and just done, you know, and it was, he was just, he did the best he could under the circumstances. Felt good about it. John or Justin’s super calm. Just got a great personality for making that happen. Anyway, long story short, he, he clams up there and I’ve got a guide him in thicker, thicker than crap oak guide him into it. And he calls me and I’m like, what are you thinking? He goes, dude,

What? He

Is freaking a good,

Is that what he said?

Yeah. He’s like, I don’t know what to think He is. Got a breathless, get

Up here. Yeah.

Get up here. You know, and of course I’m trying to figure out the closest route and on and on. ’cause you gotta pack ’em out. But it was kind of fun. We just had, it was just one of those moments, like I don’t, it, I could, I would give up shooting a 2 0 5, 2 10 buck for him shooting that book. Like it was just Oh, absolutely. As a dad, I mean, geez. Yeah, they’re awesome. And he just had that kind of a year. Justin’s just had a great year. Luckily he had the right deer tag. None of the other kids could go. They, you know, whether it’s school, mostly school work, school work. You know, Sean was working heavy. He had limited time this year. And so Justin, he had just the right schedule. He had 11% draw on his elk, ended up lucking out and getting that tag, which was somewhat of a shoe in from the year before. But then there’s this onslaught of applicants for some reason, an onslaught could be 10 new applicants with the right point levels. And it just edges him out. I thought he would’ve been edged out. He, he wasn’t killed an archery bullet 62 yards spot and stalked him. Just another huge proud dad moment there. And so anyway, and, and it just reminded you there are big mature, blocky bodied deer on the landscape here and there. Even, even as tough as it is compared to what we used to have.

Now I’m all back in, got there every year,

Got, and 10 months from now, Paul could be like, I don’t even know if I need to be in Colorado.

They just turned 15 more wve of us in that state.

Right. So, yeah. Well

That’s awesome story. Yeah. I, I love those moments. Like, doesn’t matter if it’s a 1 94, whatever the buck was, or just a shooter animal when you’re with your kids. Oh, especially as we’ve seen ’em progress from 10, 12 year olds up to, you know, teenagers. Now, you know, Josh, you’ve


Mid-age teenagers. Ours are Yeah. Jason and i’s a little bit older or twenties. It’s, there’s excitement. So I can picture Jason’s cab in his truck. It was not calm there for,

It was not calm. And, and, and as far as gear

Coming out quickly, we,

We won the Super Bowl and didn’t come off that high for a solid week.

Yeah, exactly.

You know, after this kill and after the elk kill. Yeah, exactly.

So hook set deep on Justin. He’s, I mean it just, when you have those, and I think it goes back to having those world class experiences. You gotta have one once in a while. Yeah. You can’t hunt forked horns your whole life. Like you, like you said, if, or, and you know, we’ve talked about in the past is if, if all you have is just, if you’re not seeing bucks, you take kids out there, how many days in a row can you take a kid hunting and not see two points, even a small four point or a three by four, whatever. If you’re not seeing that, when, when are they at some point gonna be like, eh, I don’t have to go today. I

Really don’t believe the contention of just giving ’em a tag is enough to get ’em hooked on hunting. No,

It’s really not.

It’s not.

That’s case. Don’t case have to have a pongo experience. You’ve, we’re not talking about that. You’ve

Just, you’ve got cow tags for that. You’ve got, you can get, I mean you got all that opportunity in the world, you know, for stuff like that. So we’re talking about have a little bit of that rush of adrenaline excitement. Not that you don’t get that on your first buck or fork it horns or stuff like that. There’s nothing against that for young hunters doing that. Or old hunters, I don’t really care. But some point you’d like to know that, that all of the getting up in the, you know, freezing your butt off, getting up early morning after morning, you know, things like that. Follow on your dad just over this next band, you know, the next ridge. I mean, you’d like to know there’s something maybe, you know, little bit, little bit special, but Yeah. Well,

And it’s, there’s, we’ve all, we’ve all walked upon some special animals and whether it was us that killed him or we with somebody or whatever, but there’s nothing like walking up on a special animal. And I know, like when I killed my bull years ago, just, I dunno, it was just some weird feelings that I thought I wish everybody in the world could have this same feeling of walking up on. And I guess that’s, that’s why, you know, we’re obviously here, we’re fairly trophy minded and it’s not because I need to kill something big. I need to have something for the grammar, whatever. But just the feelings of a couple defining moments in my life when walking up on a giant deer my dad killed. Well, I killed or whatever. I was just like, man, I wish everybody that hunts

Could feel that, feel

That feeling of walking up and just seeing a giant mature,

Whatever it is, your honey mature, whatever. Oh, antelope. I don’t care what it’s

An yes. Doesn’t exactly. It doesn’t matter. Yep. Just that special shock and awe. And we all, we eat ’em all. Look, we’re feeding families. Yes. We’ve raised on this, we’re talking about this meat era. We went through, what, five years ago? I mean, gag me. We, we’ve ate some mini freaking beer and elk and it was, it was actually a lifestyle. It wasn’t something you talked about. It’s

All we did all you

To worry about. Didn’t compare,

Didn’t buy beef memory kid. We ate everything we

Shot. Yeah. You didn’t need to talk about it. That’s it’s, you were given, raised on it. It was a given. Yeah. Yeah. Don’t need to say, I mean, this wasnt a new thing. And, and the, the whole industry was acting like eating meat and pure meat and organic meat and all this stuff was a new thing. Yeah. It wasn’t even a new thing. So, so it wasn’t that we didn’t appreciate it. We just, it was just what you did. Yeah. You know what I mean? And so anyway, but those experiences are, are what keep us hooked. Family experiences, things like that. Let’s just talk to Justin. Let’s, let’s, let’s, I’m just thinking, let’s just now, now side

Why don’t you mute Jason’s, Mike and I are gonna to

Justin let him tell the story.

Okay. I don’t mind. I’ll be muted. But I I reserve the right for final interview, so I will, I’m gonna shut, I’m gonna shut my mouth. I just wanna know, just, just ask him. Say, I just want bow You feel a little spoiled. What other 19 year olds killed up? I just want a 1 94 inch typical, or a three 70 bull with a bow. Just, I, I want him to understand the gravity, how cool that is. Oh. And see if he does understand.

We’ll, we’ll mute you after you ask him that. You know,

Is he gonna know who’s calling?

Yeah. Okay. I think so. I think he’s got your number saved. Yeah. Hopefully he answers. Yeah. I don’t

Remember. Him. And Sean saved you one day when you were with Turkey hunting with some girl or,

Oh, hey, hey. Good point. Josh just brought up the Turkey hunt on Lo with Logan having a girl out in the hills.


When you was,

Is that when you had to rescue him? Justin Logan That

I, I got out by myself. They just showed up at poor time.

But what wasn’t the story? You and Sean were coming down the, the hill. You stopped to listen for a gobble and you heard he’s getting nervous. What you thought was a female crying


You actually

Rounded the band and it was Logan crying in the road and the girl was out digging his date was digging and Logan

Was in the right.

I love it. Is that what the story was? Right?

That’s about what it yeah, that’s about what it was. Oh,


The real story’s embarrassing enough as it is. You don’t have to lie about it.

No, we just got done talking Justin about the heck of a year. You had that elk, but most, most detailed. We talked about your buck in Colorado. So couple things. Your dad.

Wait, Justin?

Doing well, I told you he couldn’t do it. He can’t stay quiet. Okay. I’m gonna be quiet. Your dad said he was gonna mute his mic and let you tell the story, but he had final edit

Belt on. Justin, you gotta shut the door.

Put your seatbelt on. So

Put your seatbelt on, son.

Oh, Colton getting in the car. Okay.


Right. Well, we just wanted,

I am gonna mute my mic. Go ahead boys. Take

Care. Well, we’re just, Jay, your dad thought it would be fun to call you. We just got done. He was telling the story. We hadn’t done it yet on the podcast about your, your, your awesome buck in Colorado and, you know, we just talking about that moment, I think it was day three or four, and you finally went a little bit higher, rounded a bend and boom, it’s a no brainer. If you gotta shoot something, take us to that moment. What was that moment like?

Took some videos of the buck before we actually got on him, and then we definitely decided that he was the one. And so we grabbed the gun and we hiked up the hill off the road. And so we get up on the hill and it was in a whole bunch of oak brush. And so we’re trying to shoot through all this brush, the buck’s moving around. We, he disappears, he comes back out, he disappears, comes back out, and finally we get him, he stopped and we’re shooting through all this oak brush and stuff, but we get a good, good shot on him. And I lay down and I’m breathing hard from getting outta the truck and hiking up the hill, so I have to calm myself down and wait a couple, a couple minutes. And he is just being really chill about it and just kind of sitting there and waiting for me to shoot. But, but it turned out good. So after a couple minutes I finally calmed down and made a really good shot on him and he just tumbled over, didn’t go nowhere. It was awesome. That’s

Awesome. And then he said his version of the story I might add, he said you walked up to him by yourself and what did you, what did you say when, what was that? Walking up to him all by yourself? Your dad was back there kind of giving you instructions where he is gonna be or whatever. What was that like? Yeah. Walking up on him. Yeah. So

Through the, through the oak brush, you couldn’t, couldn’t tell exactly where he was if we were both gonna walk up to him. So I had to walk up to him and my dad had me on the phone, instructed me where to go. But yeah, I walked up to him and we’d guessed that he was right around one 90 and I wasn’t disappointed when I walked up to him. I knew there was, we, we guessed probably right. And we, we hit it on the money he scored 1 93. We taped him out right when we got, we got to him, so.


It was awesome.

Really hard. Really hard to keep quiet. Well, that’s pretty much just what you said.

Exactly. Yeah. What did he do wrong? No, nothing.

1 93 and change.

Oh geez.

31 inch. I’m,

I’m, I’m

Definitely jealous, Justin. That’s the stuff. Deer. Yeah. 31 and a halfer. No, I mean, Justin just, Justin killed it. Just, Justin’s just got a great, a great demeanor about him when it comes to killing stuff. Just calm and collected.

Yeah, I don’t have that. I get wound up.

Took a minute. Took a minute. Remember Justin just took a minute when, I mean, it was probably three minutes of him standing there before we could get you, you just didn’t have a good rest. You had to me lean up against you on your, on

Your back. Yeah. I was shooting uphill and I was kind of kneeled down. I wasn’t really good. I had to get a little above the brush, so I was kind of kneeled down and I was shooting uphill, so I was shaking from trying to hold myself on uphill slant. So my dad had to get behind me and it was like, used him as a back rest kind of. It was good, but it took, it did take a minute.

Did it. Well that’s awesome. Well, yeah.

And then you feel a little spoiled. I just, you know, I mean, what kind of ni he’s not even 20 years old. Smashes a three 70 bull with a bow. How many out there listening to this has killed a three 70 bull with a bow? I mean, on a draw tack. Yeah. How many of us in this room? Yeah, exactly. I mean, it’s just, you know. Anyway, you’ve had a heck of a year, Justin.

Oh yeah. I’ve been definitely spoiled. Definitely spoiled. I cannot argue with that at all.

But, but he earned, like, you know, he spent a lot of time hunting on the elk. Scouted. You you ran cameras now we I

Ran cameras for a month. Yeah. I ran cameras all the way through July. Yeah. Summer. And,

Good answer. Your dad likes, your dad likes that answer. It’s true. July, July 31st it

Came down out. We have new rules and I’m like, Justin, you better not forget a camera. You know how stressful it is as a dad. You’re, you, you, you own Epic Outdoors or part owner of Epic Outdoors. You got kids putting cameras up in random places at midnight, better get ’em all running

On Mountain Dew and you know, red Bull fumes. You know what I mean? That’s right. Who knows where you, if you put a pin in your phone or Onyx.

Oh, I got ’em on. I said, no. Have you got ’em all?

Counting them?

I had, I had two separate lists. I had my, all the cameras on Onyx and I also made a notes list of all the cameras. I checked them both off.

Well that was probably because I, I can’t imagine somebody wouldn’t make you check your list twice. But that probably sounds serious. That’s right. That’s

Right. I’m, I was still nervous. We’d drive up to water holes and I’m like, where was your camera on this one?

Oh, oh yeah, dad, it’s, I forgot it’s in that brush right

Now. Yeah. I forgot it’s set up. Let’s go look at it, dad. No, none of that happened. Not just, it’s good. Well, no, just solid lot of, lot of effort on your part. It was, it was proud, proud moments here this year. It was awesome. It

Was good. It was, it was awesome.

Are you hooked for life?

Am I hooked for life?

Yeah. You gonna hunt for life?

It probably was even before. Oh

Yeah, the hooks. Oh

Yeah. Really? The hook’s deep with both barbs buried? Yeah.

No, no, that’s right. Three 80 and two hundreds next. Oh

Wow. Okay. Good luck, Jason.


Now it sounds like logie bear here.

Hey, you’re looking at your deer pitch. You got that GoTo, you still got that thing for a day or two more?

Oh yeah. Oh yeah. God,

Sorry. I don’t mean to rain on the parade. It looks pretty good in that kill pick,

So appreciate

It. Yeah. All right. Well anything else Dad does? Is he

Oh, just awesome storytelling. Just awesome getting him mounted. Of course. Mom.

What doesn’t think,

Well, I mean, he run outta room. You got a bull mount. So we settled in on a euro on that deer also. But then the deer small. The deer, yeah. You know, they

Fit in places. Elk are hard.

Oh mom, she’s good. You get a,

You get

A, she’s like, are we mounting the deer? Come on.

Yeah. Got questions.

Get industry

You amount of elk or that early in your life and wherever you’re gonna live throughout your life. Justin College, like, like there’s only a couple places in, in most houses that an elk would even fit. I know. And so if you claim that spot as a 19-year-old, you pretty much aren’t mounting many other Elks.

No. Oh

Yeah. So anyway. I know, but deer Yeah, you can fit

Well. It’s like Ty Ty’s killed some good bucks. I mean, you, you know, you’re,

Yeah, I’ve got one mounted, but Yeah. Yeah, the elk are just, there’s your old, but yeah. But anyway. Well, thanks Justin. Are you still there?

Yep. Yep. Okay.

Okay. All right. Well

Thanks for clearing the air on a few things. Good

Times. Good times.

Of course. Okay, we’ll see you guys. Talk to you

Later. Bye.


Anyway, good stuff.

I’d say the two step authentication was about 95%. All I say something, don’t think there was much different, but Maddy just couldn’t stay on mute. Logan couldn’t do it. Wait, what we need. Do we need to go through the text log beforehand and say, okay, do say this?

Don’t say that. No, it was none of that. ’cause he didn’t even know. We didn’t even, I didn’t even know we were talking about that. Yeah, he called

Him from Logan’s phone.

But it doesn’t matter. You’re trying to, you’ve got, I’ve got a Harris Bipod, old janky stuff. I can’t get away from the old classics. Right. Spring, you know, and sure enough, anyway, you’re, you’re up above some of the brush in front, right in front of you. But I don’t know. It was awesome. So then another reason you just, you do all we’re doing, all we do. We’re out experiencing this stuff and trying to find the next best thing, which of course all this passes on to Epic members. Yeah.

It’s the time of year. It’s the time of year for you’re not a member, you’re a listener. It, it’s the time of year to join you. You get all the magazines, it’s January magazines at the printer, the e mags live and you know, this day and age, you know, just good information, timely information, you know, it’s worth the worth, the price. But not to mention all the other benefits, you know, like optics discounts and member experience lists and outfit recommendations, anything like that. Once you do get a tag, so

The member experience list helps. We talked about this five day season. Wish you knew at the beginning of the hunt what you knew after. I think that member experience list helps that

Oh yeah. You, yeah. It’s, it doesn’t completely give you five days in a unit, but you can really save two or three days on a unit. But yeah, we’re not wasting time on something. You thought ve scouting looked really good and everybody says no, that’s way too way, way, way too high on the season you’re going there for Yeah. Or whatever. Yeah. Vice versa. Yeah. So anyway,

That kind of thing. So anyway, well, this will throw a little shout out to Thompson long range. Mark Thompson, Scotty Thompson, two of the coolest dudes in the world. Really have a great relationship with those guys. And they were kind of the first, and I’ve talked about it before. First introduction to long range shooting clear back in 2000. I wanna say four or five. I mean, it was not little. It, it may have been just a little bit later than that. But I just remember I shot my first, you know, two, 2003 was a big year for me. Shot a great buck. But then 2000 and I didn’t have this setup seven, then 2000 had that setup chief I shot chief with their gun. So anyway, they specialize in having weatherby rifles and just the best considered to be the best out of the box guns there are. And then they mount a scope with you. You’re watching, you’re assembling your gun right before your eyes. You, you basically shoot it, do a load, a close range in indoors, and then you go out to the hills and shoot their course the next day. And you’re shooting a thousand yards with this rifle and you walk away with it. Also, if you’re just a, if you’re just to order a gun and get things squared away, they’re, they’re touting rifles will ship within two weeks. Yep. And you’re shooting a thousand yards. Yep.

Awesome. Very simple

Set up. So they

Got one of their setups. Fact, maybe I need to use that kinda again. Yeah. I’m saying that about a lot of guns that I have that I that okay. I just wanna shoot some of

Everything. I love this subject. I’m so glad you brought this up.

Pollock. I, I’m gonna use,

We’re we’re gonna vet this one out. What

Can you use, what can, what’s there? I’m

A little nervous for what 2020 fives gonna look like for him. ’cause there’s a lot of guns and promises, a lot of death wished upon all kinds of


Oh, I mean, I’m gonna kill some stuff.

We love, we talk about hunting predators with thermal scopes on rifles sells. That system basically then gets into that system within days.

I did get into that system.

I went all but did all but did. No.

Wyatt. Wyatt, Wyatt is the one that’s on that ben bat. Wyatt has been participating in that with friends,

Which got you going.

And it just kind of gets you excited for a minute. It’s

Contagious in the office. Well

You, at this time of year, you’re back. You get new toys. We talked about these element range finders. You talk about a new scope that Zes is coming out with. We talked about a week or two ago. So I got two

Of, I got six hour in the stabilized 18. Yeah. Who doesn’t need a pair



I’m buying one. Exactly. Josh is doing a thing, something for the gram today on those. And you watch it and you’re like, who doesn’t need that?

Everyone needs, needs

It, everybody. So it’s like you’re just,

When are you not in a truck and you just wanna throw ’em up and have ’em be stabilized and chill and see what you’re looking at

And want something a little more than 10 power. But don’t wanna put a spotting scope on a window, man.

There you go. And you’re in a blind, a white tail blind, Josh. Now we know you’re getting one. Yeah,

Yeah. Anyway, probably get one. That’s a lot of what this is Jason. They’re not threats of, of I’m not making threats to kill, I don’t think the gun 200 issue with

The n gun. Okay. That’s a threat. I’m

Glad, I’m glad that permits are gonna be increased in Utah so he can

Always have in in his pocket. Yes. He can indulge tag in his pocket. Hey, hey. Unless you have a tag. There’s no hope.

Boss. I got one of those in Utah for life.

You’re one of those, those guys try

Trying for my cold dead hands. Enemy.

Enemy of children. Wish you guys would just die.

Trust me, I’m over halfway there

Every year there’s less of ’em. Yeah, that’s right. Oh, we’re just teasing inside stuff. Lifetime license is kind of contentious topic here in Utah, but nevertheless, moving right along Thompson long range. Give ’em a holler. Just incredible. Thompson long 4, 3, 5, 7 1 3, 4, 2, 4, 8, 4, 3, 5, 7. 1, 3, 4, 2, 4 8. And Mark, he’s, he’s a killer. But Scotty, I don’t know, he’s raised a deer killing crazy kid, man that that kid’s killed some big deer. And he’s done it in multiple states. He’s hunting Colorado heavy Wyoming and Utah. Utah, yeah. Idaho. So anyway, just got a lot of knowledge right there. Great guys, friends in the industry definitely should be supporting them and, and you can affordably get into an incredible rifle if you’re looking for an excuse to get one, which we all are always looking for another rifle. It’s like food storage. You can’t have enough of it. Alright.

You know, I had a guy the other day call me trying to make a plan for his Utah Elk points this year and it’s never too hard. You

Guy would call you in November.

Did you steer him to your backyard? He,

He gave me some options and I, my response is what flavor of ice cream do you want? I don’t, you’re, I mean you’re, you’re touting a couple of the best units in the state, so I don’t know, take, just go

Hunt, flip a coin. One of, they’re

Both awesome. Just go hunt. But one of his, one of his big things is he’s from extremely far northern part of Utah and we’re down here in the units he was talking about are extremely, you know, opposite end of the state. Yeah. So northeast and southwest. And one of the things he was talking about was cell cams and how for him, you know, he, he was talking about how well they have better self service maybe. Yeah. That was one of the things he was talking about was how good the cell service is in some of these guys. You don’t think that that would be kind of maybe something you think about off the

Top of head about until you have a satellite phone.

But, you know, we were talking about it and, and I I told him yeah, if you get x amount of trail cameras and set ’em up because basically he has a two month season now. Yeah. So you have two months. Even if you put up enough cameras and paid $200 to have these cell cams out there, that’s less money than what it would be for him to have to drive down here, check them Oh one, one trip in

One trip trip, one trip and

Gas, you know, and

It’s a no brainer.

So, so yeah, very much so. We call

It a grand. Yeah, you’re saving money.

Yeah. And so he’s gonna try and come down to do some, some glassing and scouting that way. But he wants to use some trail cameras to be able to see what’s on out there. The bulls and antler growth and some of that kind of stuff.

And these cameras, you know, cellular cams you would think are the, are way expensive way more than a regular camera. They’re just as cheap, cheaper than a regular camera. Yeah,

Yeah, yeah. The camera itself is really not any different. You, you obviously, depending on how many cameras you get, you know, when you’re app and all that, that your monthly service

Changes days, change your fees together. Exactly. Like

I tell my wife, yes, this one costs $20 to be set up un unlimited and everyone


After is fine. But after that they actually get reduced in, in price. So it’s actually cheaper for me to run more. So

I’m, I’m wondering the more the merrier. Yes, yes. So like, I actually saved money by

Having more like state princip principle.

No wonder the bundle ruki, I can see where your, you and your wife’s problems

Arise. Wow. Yeah. Don’t pick those fights. I would pick them, but

For that reason, I’m out

For definitely for scouting season coming up, we’re going to get in a whole bunch of trail cameras, cell cams. The new cell cams are awesome. Any model that stealth cam’s coming out with now for their cellular cameras both have like an at and t and Verizon chip in ’em. So you don’t have to worry about Verizon or at and t anymore. You just go slap a camera up. And I, I’ve noticed, I feel like last year with those cameras, I feel like I get better service. I think it’s just strictly because the camera’s picking which service is best to send to me. So

Logan’s shaking your head over there. You you were running those last year? We had. I did. Yeah. We tried to put you on the, you know,

We challenged Beaver County to find his camera. Yeah, they did. They did.


Wasn’t even a fair fight though.

That wasn’t,

I mean, beaver County, even the people that don’t even care about it in Beaver County have

Enough. They watched him set it up. They’re cell count. They

Have enough skills they can find

It with, with 200 people in the town, they can watch me leave my parents’ house to where I hang the camera and come back with relative ease. But no, I put, I put both those cameras in places that I, I never got service with other cell cameras. Really?

The dual, the dual can switch.

Yep. Picked up service just like that. Really? Yep.

That’s a, that’s a nice thing. I don’t know if

That was Oh man, for that reason.

You think that that would, would make a difference? I, yeah. Josh, you said the same thing. Maybe just you’re flirting with a bar to two bars just to try to make a, a pitcher and ascend work, you know, and

It’s, it’s like the old, you guys remember the old phones that you folded the,

The little

Keyboard thing down and then you pulled up the antenna to extend

The, what do you mean? You know, Jason and I, we used those for 15 years. Yeah.

But they, you know, these cameras, they have an external antenna and I think that helps with getting a little better service than, than your old iPhone. And

You couldn’t beat the service those phones got. No, no. Now we’re janking around.

I was

A p buying boosters.

Josh, did you ever use the bricks, the state in your, in your phone? No, I missed, I did five watt bricks cell phones in your, in your truck felt were

Awesome. It felt cool. They were awesome. They,

They were strong.

They were three wat five watts. And they’d sit right there. I’d put it right in the center down the

Floorboard five where you were, you shifted into four wheel drive

On the I big deal. Yeah. I was, I had 30 minutes a month. I mean, geez. And no texting.

That’s a license to go get, get lost. I get

Out of any pinch. Yeah. No.

Nah. Anyway, but, well anyway. Yeah, keep, keep us in mind. I guess we’ve got some in stock now, but we’re getting obviously every year we stock up in the spring of the year too.

And that’s kinda what we do. Just so you know, we’ve said it before, we kind of just do a big stock now with a lot of these seasons and such that there are, we do a great big stock up in the spring and, and sell all those cameras over the course of the spring and summer. So don’t hesitate then if you, you get a tag or anticipate you’re getting a tag when we get those, you know, give us a call and get ’em, get as many as you need and, and they’re, they are affordable, you know. Yeah.

They’re, let’s call it a hundred bucks, a hundred a quarter, whatever you end up being depending on the model. Yeah. You know, I don’t know. You could spend more than that depending on where you get ’em, obviously. And the model you get and if it’s the brand new version and 14 other layers of whatever. But generally speaking, Josh, we’ve you’re, you’re kind of the camera king the way I see it. And that you love all the gimmicks and gadgets and, and the, they’ve got new solar panels that are next level. Yeah.

Yeah. Those are for some those remote places that you, that you don’t have to go put batteries in. ’cause some of these are three hours one way. Jason, I think, you know, a few of those types of

Yes. One

Way drive to put batteries in Yeah. And cell cameras. They can take, they can go through batteries faster depending on your, how many photos you’re taking and transmitting and all that. So. Yep. Anyway, if, if

You’ve had that too, Bronson out there in the desert. Oh yeah, exactly. On this last year. Exactly. You were making trips just to check on a couple of cameras on one guzzler. You know, if you,

If you labeled Josh as the king of gadgets, Josh Logan, what would we label Jason the

King as? Okay. And this is gonna go to Bronson too, so go

Ahead. I’m just, just kind of, it was a fun little game I thought

We could play. By the way, final edits are mine. There’s one more editor after you.

The king of trucks.


Oh God. Oh my God. He’s, he’s for all of you that

Just got ninja done.

We didn’t we didn’t talk about

That. No, we did. But Justin

And Sean trucks is gonna be used by

The old

Man Carter.

So we talked about Justin doing his own truck hammer work and all of his own scouting. Right. In a particular 98 Tacoma Right in the middle of nowhere out screwing around, who knows. And ended up blowing the motor. Right. And so anyway, just kept running it. If

You lose service for three hours and you lose your snap streak, what, what do you kids call it?

That’s bad news. Yeah, exactly.

You lost the street. Use

A snap

You every single day at the certain time

Have to do a Snapchat.

Yeah. Streak. You have to check


Day in a row.

Kids what was streaking when we were kids?

Well that meant, that meant these

Kids are, these kids are just texting each other. That’s a snap. Really. That’s,

That’s a streak. So it’s kind of like the loyalty point in Arizona went for five straight years. You have to streak every day. That’s right. And Snapchat for people to know you’re even alive. Yep.


Really. That’s the thing. These

Sitting, these kids like people to know where they’re at. You and I are trying to hide.

I was sitting there the other day watching, watching the Wow. Sadie and Judson keep their snap streak going. And I’m like, you just took a picture of the floor and sent it. Yeah. Like send snap a


It’s usually they’ll just take a picture of the ceiling. Usually nothing. Yeah. Just, just to say you did, but

Do you have to have your locations on? Because I think Snapchat has that, but you


Yeah. Kids that are out finding sheds are like leaving their locations on snapping a pic. Here’s a big show. I mean,

It’s kind of like that Tim Mcgras song. You know, back when a hoe was a hoe and crack was know what, what you’re doing. This thing’s going south. You were cracking jokes. Okay. Yeah. When you streak it was just somebody ran on a football field, it was on quad and

I’m streaking. Yeah. It’s, that’s

All you did. It’s not, it wasn’t this, you know, taking a picture of a floor and saying, Hey, I’m alive. Yeah,

No, I’m alive again. How are you today? You know? Yeah. I’m in service. Geez. Come find me. I’m finding big sheds. My locations are on. It just drives me crazy. Do you say anyway,


My kids are careful with that. They don’t. Do

You take a picture of the floor and say, guess where I’m at? Do you even do, is

It just blank picture?

No. And on the girls leave their what locations on so everybody knows like, right. Yeah.



Mean, what is that? So come find me, come hunt me down. No,

This is where I’m at. No, just

This. That’s kind of, is that an invitation? Logan? You’re

That’s part, it’s not part of the

Dating Dating it’s part. No. Heck no. Really.

You don’t just go, you can’t just go track down people. And really

You’re a creeper if you do. Yeah.

I would say, well why, why? That’s gotta be a multigenerational.

I’m just, no, I’m just asking this question. Have you ever been


Creeper Logan?

No. Why? I’m not the best Snapchat user.

Why else would you put your locations on a tile floor picture? There’s only one.

Well, it’s on, your locations are just on,

You could turn off. It’s like find my iPhone. You could turn it

Off. It’s a setting.

Yeah. Yeah.

But why? Okay. Yeah, I guess you do it. ’cause that I’ve seen that little map and it’s got little emojis heads all over the world. Look at


My friends are.

Yeah. Friends. Yeah. So anyway, they, they, they crank the truck, which I’m not blaming ’em, you know, you know. Anyway, pretty soon it’s

Running like a

Diesel. They’re engulfed in smoke. Like they take a video clip and anyway, and then they’re,

Then they’re done.

Well, so anyway, now that

Truck’s running

Per No, well, well, you know, it’s, I had to work, work, work the magic from a blind in the middle of nowhere on a white toe blind and get an engine coming and 14 layers later. I’ve got a truck pull that’s running out in the parking lot. Is it for sale? No.

Gotta get some boots outta it after the, that’s gonna be a little truck camera. Truck. A little. That’s your Ja Jason’s truck of the year. You’re not gonna know who’s driving it. So

What’s weird is you’ve got a janky o truck that I don’t want anybody driving. I’d rather have him drive my brand new truck because you, ’cause I want to keep that truck, that clutch cherry, the

1998 cherry,

Cherry clutch cherry. I don’t want the clutch to be abused. I mean, geez. Are we weird or what? I, it’s the funny, the things that you’re raised with on, I’m gonna be looking for taking care of a clutch. You, you know, letting it out properly, not riding it. All of the things.

I’m gonna be looking for a truck here

Pretty soon. Logan, have you been, do you know how to drive a clutch?

I learned how to drive on a stick.

Did you? Yeah. Yeah. Little Were you taught all of those? A little Suzuki. You taught all of those things.

Yes. Loudly. But yes.

Your dad was pretty work working you over about, well

That thing was a little tiny four banger and way too big of a body so you didn’t do it right and it died every

Time. Killed time. Yeah.

Every time. No matter what speed, no matter what gear, you could kill that thing by just breathing wrong

And you still

Figured out which, what RPM every gear you could get it in without hitting the clock.


Those were fun. I had, I had vehicles like that when I was a kid. Yeah, you just knew you hit that. You just shove it from second to third right there. It’s just kind of fun.

Yeah, it is. So anyway. And all new fluids and all the gearbox. Anyway, now I’m now I’m attached now. Now I’m partial to

It. He’s so attached to it. He’ll never let

It go And nothing needs a carpet kit. He needs new seats. I mean that’s hammered. Hey job you’re gonna write online it on the outside. Hey, I might even go wash it tonight.

I dunno. Alright.

Fun stuff. Whatever the joys of,

I think we’re done Christmas, so let’s wish everybody Merry Christmas and

Merry Christmas. Every even

Happy New Year. I don’t know if we’ll do another re one of these before then We might next week. Maybe

Depend on Monday or Thursday. Depends

On how

Joyous, how next week goes.

We feel we’ll, we’ll be joyous. Yeah. Just depends on if we got something else better. We’re

Set up for a good year. We’re gonna have a good time.


Tags for everybody.

Oh, oh, oh.

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