Member Experience Submission

Welcome to the Epic Member Experience Program. As a member, after you draw a tag, you will have free access to other Epic Outdoors members who have previous experience in that area and are willing to talk to members who obtain a tag in that unit. This program is all about members helping members and has the potential to really impact your hunts.

To join this program fill out the table below. Make a separate entry for any units you feel comfortable discussing with other members EVEN if you haven’t personally had a tag in the unit. (By using this form you are giving us permission to use your information.)


  • Personal Information Section

  • Hunt Information Section

  • Optional Photo Upload Section

    This is optional. If you don't submit a photo you can still be in the system.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.