Jason Carter was raised in Southern Utah in a very one-dimensional world where hunting was all that he and his family actively pursued. From the time he was five years old, he accompanied his father (who was a game warden for 20 years) in the field, while he worked, doing various tasks including: big game counts and studies, law enforcement duties, fisheries, and big game transplants. As he grew older, he and his dad hunted as nonresidents in neighboring states during seasons that didn’t conflict with their seasons in Utah and his dad’s job. Applying in many of the states across the West became part of their regular yearly pre-hunt preparation and routine. Crossing state boundaries and driving hundreds of miles to hunt was just a part of life.
He was also involved over the years in different family ventures such as Garth Carter’s Wildlife Calls, Inc., in which they made all kinds of big game calls, such as electronic buck grunt calls for whitetail hunters, elk diaphragm’s, rattling bags, predatory calls, and instructional cassette tapes to name a few. To say he was submersed in a 100% hunting environment would be an accurate statement!
Throughout Jason’s college career, he continued to apply himself and build points in key states where it made sense. Funds were tight; well, pretty much non-existent and so in states where he could apply using a personal check, like Arizona and Colorado, he would use credit card checks to keep building points.
After graduating college in 1997 with a Bachelor’s in Finance, Jason went to work at the new family business which had been started by his father. As the business was getting started, Jason would proofread articles and data and participate as much as his college classes would allow. The first publication was a newsletter with a staple in the corner that had various Western big game hunting information and consisted of about 20 pages per month. From August of 1997 to February 2012, what was once titled newsletter morphed into The Huntin’ Fool magazine and service. Jason began working full time and some of his responsibilities while there included: authoring many of the state breakdown information sections, booking hunts, applying clients in the draw, and purchasing and selling landowner tags.

His new career at Epic Outdoors is a natural progression of his life. This is exactly what he’s been doing for years. He has proven to be a leader in the Western big game industry and is here to stay!
Jason is very active on Instagram and Twitter. You can follow him on Instagram d on Twitter at @jason_muley_carter.

How does all of this experience and knowledge benefit you?
If you join Epic Outdoors you not only get our monthly magazine during the application season, but you have access to Jason and all of our hunting consultants who will take the time to personally answer any specific hunting questions you might have. From helping you develop your personal application strategy to helping you decide which unit you should apply for in a specific state to helping you find a guided hunt within your budget to helping you find a landowner tag—our consultants are here to personally help you.
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